Saturday April 9, 2022

Cold and windy today. We had a light dusting of snow overnight but was all gone by 10 am. We may get some off and on snow showers this afternoon and tonight.

James came yesterday afternoon and mowed for the first time. The grass was pretty high in some places. He came in and visited for awhile after he finished.

I am flying solo this weekend. JoAnne came over around mid-morning to help with the laundry and to haul off my trash. I can do the laundry but getting the clothes from the bedroom to the laundry room and back would have been a hassle. I was glad to have her help.

Al has been taking the trash down to Winston. I get trash pickup on Monday but it has to go out the end of the driveway. Since I only have one bag each week I do not have an outside trash can to roll out. I have always put the bag out early that morning. I did not want someone to come by Sunday and put it out because animals would get into it overnight.

She just left. Nothing else to do today except fix dinner and load the dishwasher. I will be so happy to be able to walk again on my right leg and not have to hop around on a walker.


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