Sunny to partly cloudy off and on all day with temperatures in the low 80’s. Chance of storms this afternoon and evening.
I went to the gym then back home. Otherwise, just hanging out today with not much going on.
Sunny to partly cloudy off and on all day with temperatures in the low 80’s. Chance of storms this afternoon and evening.
I went to the gym then back home. Otherwise, just hanging out today with not much going on.
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Hi Barbara,
Wish we got some rain, everything is starting to brown up, even in town. Out at my BOL the fire risk is at “Extremely High”.
Saw that you are having some plumbing problems. I can sure relate to that. I think I’m going to have to get up in the attic to address mine, and that is going to be Not Fun ™.
Sounds like you are moving normally though, and that is a very good thing.
Thanks. Just one darn thing after another but surviving.