Mostly sunny today with temperatures in the low 80’s and a bit humid.
George came this morning before I left for the bookstore to measure the wall downstairs to replace the wallboard from the leaks. He came back after I left to install the wall board and fix the hole behind the foyer toilet. The first coat of mud is on. He will be back next week to put on another coat and then paint.
I worked a full shift at the bookstore today by myself. My Friday co-worker was out sick and the afternoon person had something come up. We were busy off and on all day bringing in well over $100.00. Around 3:30 we had another one of those micro bursts of a down pour but it did not make it to my house.
JoAnne stopped in to visit me at the store this afternoon. She hung around until it was time to close up then we went to the Pizzeria for an early dinner.