We did a Costco and dinner run yesterday evening with Paul and Mary. The place is about twice as busy as it is on Sunday evenings when we usually go. Poor Bob, we ate at Brixx Pizza where we have eaten the last two Costco nights. After much scanning of the menu I noticed they had added a few dishes and “gasp” removed Bob’s usual. As you know he orders the same thing every time he eats at a restaurant. Bob mentioned this event on his post yesterday. A reader pointed out his usual choice was actually in italics.
House cleaning this morning then off to Home Depot to pick up five more bags of mulch. After I dumped and spread that Bob and I started on another downstairs project. He measured the big piece of wall board to to cut in half, on piece above the outlet boxes, one below. It was easier for Bob to cut out notches for them bottom piece then for us to try to cut them out of one big piece up on the wall.
At least with the wall board up and out the way I can get to my work bench and lawn and gardening stuff better. Still some major clean up to do down there.
I have bills to pay and my desk to clean off but otherwise I am about done for today except for cooking dinner. Stir fry kielbasa and Chinese veggies. Mary gave me two nice zucchini out of her garden. I stir fry that in a separate pan as a side for me tonight and leftovers for lunch tomorrow.