Another full day at the house. I picked the folks up at 9:30. We worked from time we arrived at the house until 11:45 then stopped to haul a load over to the apartment and take a lunch break. Back at the house we worked from about 1:15 until 5 then took them and another small load of stuff back to their apartment then Frances and I headed to our respective houses.
The living room is full of boxes and bags of stuff for Goodwill to haul off. We made a lot of progress today but are pretty much at a standstill until we get this load picked up. We fill the trash bin as to the max which Frances goes over and hauls to the curb along with the recycling bin on that pick up day.
Once we get this load of stuff hauled off we can start all over again with more stuff to accumulate for Goodwill. And, I hauled three boxes and other assorted large items home with me to be put to use here. I’ll sort it out tomorrow and save the boxes to take back over next week.