A year ago yesterday I had my total knee replacement. Several months ago IĀ receivedĀ a card from the doctor with my year follow up appointment. I kept the appointment until a week or so before then called them to cancel. There was not reason to go since I was not having any problems. The knee is doing great overall. I would say it’s about 95% good all the time and when I am tired or worked it overly hard that 5% it gives me a few problems.
I ironed this morning and did the weekly house cleaning. I hauled the boxes up I brought home yesterday from the house to sort out, balanced both check books, and paid a couple of bills. This afternoon I will work on kit stuff for Bob.
It has finally turned cooler weather with rain this morning and temperatures in the low 50’s. They came yesterday to plug and seed the yard so the rain last night and today is good. Of course, until the plugs wash back into the ground and the seed starts coming up I now have both mud and leaves being tracked in the house.