It has been a really, really long day. Up at 7 this morning first I thing was to catch up on my ironing then went outside to haul and dump four, count them four, yard carts loads of leaves down to the back natural area.
Yesterday we received a warning letter from the City of W-S citing us for our leaves being in the street. They had to be moved by October 29 or they would charge us 300.00 trash removal. HUH! Myself and the rest of my neighbors have been putting the leaves in the curb for the 25 years we have lived here. Yes, it’s against the law, they are supposed to be in the yard at the edge of the curb but nobody does that because they will kill the grass by the time the city comes around to collect them. Years ago we put them in large green yard waste bags until they outlawed those in favor of putting them loose on the curb. Needless to say I was furious.
Since I am leaving town this Thursday for four days I and knew I would be tied up all day today with the house and work the rest of the week I had to get that done first thing.
Once I finished hauling leaves I had just enough time to come in and take a shower before time to head over to the house to meet Al and Frances and the folks. We spent another long and hard day of work. While I worked on the shed and boxed kitchen stuff, Frances and folks sorted more stuff for Al to load in his truck to haul off to Goodwill. After a lunch break we loaded up his truck again with more stuff that goes to their storage unit and I went underneath the house and cleared out four trash bags of junk which has floor to head space of roughly 5 feet requiring me to remained bent over at the waist to work. It’s not much of a basement and dad had stopped storing his lawn mower and lawn tools down there when he had the shed built.
Around 4pm we had my truck loaded with stuff to bring home, Frances’ car loaded with stuff to go to the apartment, and Al with the storage stuff. Off to the storage unit then on to the apartment. I had some paperwork for dad to fill out then I took off for home around 5:30 stopping for some takeout for dinner.