Barbara |
Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of
26 February
2000 (Week 9)
Saturday, 26 April 2003 08:52
reflections that recount the events of my life |
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26 February
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[Friday] [Next Week]
Well, I'm back from my trip to the great college town of Athens, GA, home
of the Georgia Bulldogs. Downtown Athens, around the edge of the campus is a
very nice college oriented city. Lots of shops, restaurants, and bars. It
was hot down there, high 70's. The campus is very pretty, modern and old
buildings combined. I found a nice outdoor running facility available to
everyone to take a morning run yesterday before my meeting. It was a very
clean and well landscaped campus.
I also found two real bookstores downtown. Both were the old fashion
stores with new books and used sold together. Wooden shelves, books
stacked in rows on the floor, etc. Whenever I travel or Bob and I travel we
always search out these old, small used book stores. They are very hard to
find. One of them in Athens sold hardback first editions and paperback first
editions nicely preserved in plastic bags.
The meeting went very well. I learned a lot of marketing tips and things
to do to attract clients. I met some new information professionals that had
not previously attended one of our meetings. All in all, it was a very
productive meeting.
The drive home was long and tedious. I-85 between Commerce, GA and Spartanburg,
SC was mostly a parking lot. It took me twice as long to get home as it did
to drive down there.
The household seems to have survived my absence. Malcolm ate several
things he stole off of tables, but seems none the worse for it. I have
quickly read my backlog of e-mail messages to see what needs my first
I can unpack this morning and get things back to some semblance of order.
I need to go over and help my dad with some yard work later this afternoon.
It is always good to be home.
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27 February
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[Friday] [Next Week]
Yesterday was positively hot for a February in Winston-Salem. I helped
my dad mow his lawn and then put out his weed and feed for him. Then we
went over to my sisters house and I helped her with some yard stuff. I do
not like 78 degree weather in February. Some of the trees have budded out
and a lot of the bulbs are up and bloomed. We may be in for a nasty March
and April when we have this mid-winter warm spell.
I am still playing catch up. I did my web pages updated yesterday for
myself and our Southern Searchers group from the meeting. After I clean
house this morning, I will watch the race this afternoon if it is not
rained out and catch up on my side table magazines and other reading
materials. Last night when I went to bed, Malcolm was doing his last play
time before bedtime routine when he started licking at the blanket. I
looked down and stuck in the blanket was one of his baby teeth and blood
everywhere. He lost one of his baby canine's. So, off goes the blanket for
washing this morning. Fortunately with this warm weather we did not need
it on the bed anyway. Sunday afternoon The Rockingham race is
over. It was a much better race at least competitively for the fans. The
cars were actually racing and the lead changed a lot. Bobby Labonte, who
is one of my favorite drivers, did dominate the last past of the race, but
there was good racing in the other top spots. We now have toilet paper
roll alarm installed to catch Malcolm trying to unroll and eat the toilet
tissue off the roll and prevent us from having to remember to close the
bathroom door behind us as we leave. It is a soft drink can with a couple
of pennies sitting atop the roll. If he pulls on the toilet paper, the
can falls to the floor and rattles, alerting us to his mischief. That
tactic worked quite well with Duncan for things he would not leave
alone. Looks like rain/storms are incoming. I need to go make the
bed and help Bob with some laundry chores before fixing some dinner.
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28 February
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[Friday] [Next Week]
Today is my mom's birthday. And like most people who are 70 plus years
old with very little in the way of hobbies, I could not find much to get
her. Instead, I always cook dinner for my folks and sister. They eat out a
lot, so she enjoys having someone else do the cooking.
Tonight we are having a simple meal. I am not a fancy cook, but what I
fix is usually pretty good most of the time. I will put a chicken, rice
and vegetable casserole in the oven. We are having a pear salad and wheat
rolls to go with it. I am going to do my weekly grocery shopping this
morning since I have to pick up a birthday cake and some ice cream. Our
nearby Harris Teeter makes the best birthday cakes you can buy. I often
buy them just for us to eat as dessert without getting any writing on
Off to the gym, the drugstore, and the grocery store. I need to brush
the dogs this afternoon. My parents will and sister will not get here
until at least 6:00 or after, so I have the afternoon to work on some
things from the meeting and do some CBCR stuff before I have to start
dinner preparations. I guess we will Leap to tomorrow. Hopefully there
will be no leap year Snafu's cropping up. Bob registered my Fritchman
domain names yesterday. We have a friend who is willing to host them. When
Bob gets time, we will make them "live". I have the Fritchman genealogy
pages up on my site and I guess we will just point to those. I am very
surprised someone in the family tree did not grab them by now.
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29 February 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Next Week]
Bob is on the final push with the completion of his nutshell book. An
event we are all waiting for. We had a nice dinner last night, but right
about the time we were to sit down and eat, Bob started experiencing
hardware problems. He worked on those while we ate and then joined us. He
finally got his PC shut down after some overheating problems. We
sat around the den and visited while Bob got back to work. After they left
we finished cleaning up the kitchen and Bob sat down to rest and relax a
little. I took the dogs back to bed about 9:50 to settle Malcolm and to
read in bed for awhile. Bob came back to get me and said he needed some
help. He was now having problems with the hub, which seemed to have died
suddenly. I finally convinced him to call it a night and to wait until
this morning to fix the problem. Fortunately it was the power supply and
nothing serious. I will try to be home as much as possible to help with
things so he can get finished. I need to run out to Lowe's Hardware and
pick up some things and run by the library to grab a fax. Bob has
tried on several occasions to get a fax line working for us to receive
incoming faxes. So far he has not been able to get it to answer. It is
really not a problem, except that on occasion I need to receive or send a
fax. This being the case yesterday, I called the library to see if they
would let me get it there in the office. I need to go by and pick that up
and take some books back anyway.
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1 March 2000
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[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Next Week]
No update until late this afternoon. Last night we had rather sick
puppy on our hands. I took Malcolm and Duncan for their after dinner
walks. On the way back Malcolm had a little bit of the soft, yucky poops,
but they were formed. Back in the house a few minutes later he had three
more accidents before I could get him outside. About an hour later I took
him out and he barfed about three times. I finally brought him back in and
he settled on the couch sleeping, not looking like he felt very well.
About 9:50 I took him and Duncan on back to bed and put the gate up. He
went right to sleep in his spot under the window. I read for a while and
then turned off the light. About 2:30 I heard the ominous noise a pet
owner knows that can only be one thing. Doggy diarrhea! I got it cleaned
up and got him outside to make sure he was finished. I got him out so fast
I did not bother with putting him on the leash. He proceed to run to the
yard across the street. Here I am chasing my puppy around in my PJ's at
3:00 am. James Herriot always said if you couldn't catch your patient he
must be okay. We finally got everyone back to bed and settled by
3:15. Needless to say, I was not ready to get up at 7:00 this morning, but
I was. Malcolm seemed to be feeling better and back to his old self. I was
supposed to play golf with my dad. I went ahead and left Bob to handle the
home front hoping he would be fine. No food or treats were given, so I
can't imagine he had much left to expel. I did not play very well
and I will not blame the entire lack of playing ability to my midnight
activities. But I was tired both mentally and physically and I do think it
affected my concentration which in turn does not make for a good round of
golf. I had lunch with dad and we picked up my sisters lawn mower and
delivered it to the shop for spring maintenance. It does not fit in her
car. When I got home Bob had fed Malcolm a little food and said he was
fine. He is sleeping right now. His favorite spot is under my other desk
in my office that is store bought. He likes to get over on his back in the
little space where the chair slides under. I will now man the home
front while Bob works. He is taking a nap right now. I may follow suit
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2 March 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Next Week]
Malcolm seems to be fully recovered. He was acting like his old self last
night. He had two days of stored up energy after not feeling well and tore
all over the house last night. I was actually glad to see him acting a
little wild after his sick spell.
I am finally getting caught up on things after being gone and then
Malcolm getting sick. While I was gone last week I had an email from one of
my "family tree". She found my website and had a question about
one of her "tree" members. I am going to work on that this morning
and put some more ancestors into the data base. I got some great
marketing ideas last week at the meeting. However, I think I will hold off
on launching them until I get back from the AIIP conference in
April. I am going to work on some of them and do some things to get
ready for the conference that I feel are important to my business image. I
also have to plan the agenda for the next meeting. I have the topic
decided but I need to get to work on organizing the meeting. I will wait
to go to the gym until after Augusta gets here to take care of Lenore. I
need to change my workout routine. The body gets lulled into not working
as hard if a person sticks to the same routine all the time. I am
trying to finish this page while the dogs are pestering me to play. Bob
wants to publish.