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Barbara Fritchman Thompson Diary

Week of 9 December 2000 (Week 50)






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Christmas 2000 at the Thompson house!

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Saturday, 9 December 2000

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Bob's brother came over yesterday afternoon for a visit. There is always a lot of excitement for the dogs when he is here. Of course, they think he comes to see them! I grilled steaks last night with boiled red potatoes. 

Not much going on here today. I may work some but plan to have a quiet day and rest with this sinusitis. I have plenty of little "sit and do" type projects that I can work on.

Maybe more tomorrow. 







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Sunday, 10 December 2000

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Quiet day yesterday. I rested most of the day and read although I did do a couple of things here and there. 

Last night for dinner I was going to fix chicken. Now Bob is not a big fan of any fowl but he will eat chicken fried. When I took out a couple of pieces to thaw I also thawed one of the pork loins for another meal. I decided last night that I would go ahead and pan fry a couple of slices of the pork loin for Bob instead of making him eat the chicken. I fixed peas for him and apples for me and Lenore and some zucchini for me.

As we started eating I asked Bob how his dinner was and he said, "this is the best chicken I've ever eaten". I told him he wasn't eating chicken he was eating pork loin. Hum! I will leave it at that. In fairness, I did roll the pork loin in some of the bread crumbs like I did the chicken, but even so..! 

Clean house this morning. I will see what I feel like doing this afternoon. Bob is doing the laundry for us and we need to do a load for Lenore. I need to drag the wrapping paper and boxes down from the attic and do some wrapping. I have a few odds and ends to pick up for gifts that I am going to do tomorrow.







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Monday, 11 December 2000

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I am writing this on Sunday night. I usually write my post first thing in the morning. I may not have time to write it in the morning. I have to pick up my parents at 8:15 to take them to meet the tour bus for a three day trip. 

Since the bus is leaving from the mall, I can also get some odds and ends shopping done when the stores open and run some other errands while on that side of town. 

The afternoon agenda remains up in the air at this point.

Sunday was a quiet day. I did managed to get a basic house cleaning done and then spent most of the afternoon resting and napping with this sinus infection. I guess it helped because I started feeling better at dinner time and into the evening. 

Not much else is going on right now.  





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Tuesday, 12 December 2000

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Well guys, look at the week count on the top of my diary page. Week 50. That means there are only 2 weeks left in the year. Seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the new millennium. I started my diary the first of the year and am very glad to have come on board with the Netwidows  group. 

I haven't posted what I have been reading as of late because it was really not worth mentioning. I am reading some stuff off my "to be read shelf" that I enjoyed but not very significant. Sometimes I grab a book when I sort gift books for the library and add it to the shelf. I read those when I am looking for quick, light reading.

Now I am reading one of the books I bought on this last Canada trip Rare Ambition: The Crosbies of Newfoundland by Michael Harris. Rather than being just a biography of a family, Michael has actually chronicled the history of Newfoundland while recounting the four generations of Crosbies and the part they played in the process. A very interesting book and well done so far. I am caught in a non-fiction, history mood for right now for some reason. I will post a full review on my favorites page later this week.

My processor came yesterday while I was out running errands. But, we did not work on the computer yesterday. Bob had some stuff to do and I was still feeling pretty lousy.

Okay, brief rant on health. I never talk much about my health because it is always good. I am a very healthy person and am hardly ever sick and there are hundreds of people out there with very serious health problems. I feel very fortunate. I have had allergies all my life and have learned to live with them deciding they would not rule my life. These sinus infections are a pain in the butt and usually constitute the few days of the year I am not feeling well. I make a horrible patient, I can't stand to be down and not be able to do what I want, and worse than that I can't go to the gym and work out because of this damn cough. Growing up, I only missed four days of school in twelve years. When I left my job I had almost a year of sick leave I had not used. Ha, now that I got that out of my system maybe the cough will go with it.

I am off to the drugstore this morning to pick up some heavy duty cough medicine and some other things. It is supposed to turn very cold today with the temperatures falling from this mornings low/high of 50 degrees to 20 degrees tonight and 20 to 40 mph winds. They have again changed a forecast for tomorrow and Thursday from sleet and freezing rain to Thursday morning showers. They now say Saturday. Instead of putting of a five day forecast, why don't they just say we don't know, your guess is a good as ours. 

Maybe we will work on building my computer this afternoon!





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Wednesday, 13 December 2000

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We did not get to start on my new computer yesterday. Bob lost all the work he had done in Front Page on Tuesday and had to spend most of yesterday recreating. So, I worked on the book for awhile and then got started on wrapping a few Christmas presents. I 

This morning I am off to the gym. The weather Gods are again predicting frozen stuff to fall maybe this afternoon and tonight/tomorrow. Who knows but hopefully I can get my weekly shopping in before the panic attack hits the stores and there is a mad rush to buy six loaves of bread and 4 gallons of milk. 

My parents are returning from their bus trip today, too. I am to pick them up this afternoon around 4:30. I guess we will grab a bite to eat and then I will take them home. 

Other than that, I am not sure what the day will bring. I will let you know tomorrow.




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Thursday, 14 December 2000

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Marcia I love the new background and border on your page and for posting the update on Leah, I heard rumors you will be back posting again real soon. We have missed you.

Events are conspiring against me. We were all set to start working on the computer yesterday right before lunch time. Bob took a couple of pictures of the processor and memory for the book before we installed them in the case. When he went back to transfer them to his PC to make sure they were good, his system locked up. Okay, so he then tried to put them on his main system. Ha, blank screen, hosed system. 

So, instead of working on mine, he had to pull out his test bed system and make it his main work station spending the remainder of the day installing software on it.

I worked on reorganizing some files in Front Page for the book and then took off early to run errands before picking up my parents from the mall. Bob needed books, so I made a library stop first. Then headed across town for a couple of quick stops before arriving at the mall to wait for their return. 

They got in around 5:15. After getting the car loaded with their things we took off to find some dinner. It had started to rain but it was not freezing at that point. I took them home and got back around 7:30. I checked my mail and got ready to settle down to watch my favorite show on television, West Wing. Not. Again, the political farce that has given the media something to talk about for three weeks again transpired to foil my evening of viewing pleasure. So, out went the dogs for their last time for the night and off I went to bed to read. Bah humbug.

We watch very little television and even less of network stuff. But I have four shows I really enjoy watching, Practice, Once and Again, West Wing, and ER. Tuesday night Once and Again was not shown in the United States because of the media spending an entire hour to say what they could tell us in five minutes. And of course last night was what I hope to be THE END. I got a mail message from one of Bob's readers who saw his post yesterday about missing Once and Again and he informed me I can see it rerun on Friday nights on another channel. I know, in the scheme of things, television viewing is not important. But, it is called entertainment, which is what I take time out from my schedule to do when I want to watch something. Not to watch those blathering news media idiots repeat the same things over and over again and say nothing.

Speaking of television. The majority of our television viewing has always been on CPT, our local public broadcasting station for PBS. We like Masterpiece, Mystery, and some of their other specials. But this year we have not watched any of those programs. They are either running things on Masterpiece that to us are not British or American classics or running reruns. Mystery has not run anything good in a long time. So, I don't know what is up with them.  

We have a little ice on the ground this morning. I am not sure what I will do today. I will not speculate on the chances of getting started on my computer. 





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Friday, 15 December 2000

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I have to take Malcolm to the vet this morning for his yearly shots this morning. Than bring him back home and head out to do some errands. The pet store, bank, and a couple of last minute Christmas things to do. 

I hope everyone has a good weekend. Nothing big planned here.


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