Barbara |
Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of
23 December 2000 (Week 52)
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To respond or comment on something I have written email
me. I would love to hear from you. If you have problems reaching
me at the first address, I can also be reached at fritchman@triad.rr.com.
2000 at the Thompson house!
Read visit my WebCitings
page featuring reviews of interesting web sites.
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Recipe web site for recipes from myself and the other Netwidows
and the Daynotes Gang.
23 December 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday 12/30] [Sunday
12/31] [Next Week]
This week has 9 days. Rather than creating a two-day Week 53 page or
making a Week 53 page that included five days in 2001, I decided just to
make this final week's page for 2000 include the last two days of the
year. Starting next year, my diary page will run Monday through Sunday
rather than Saturday through Friday.
I've also decided to steal Bob's layout for my daily journal page...
The above message brought to you by my webmaster. Now for my news.
We had a rather quiet day around here yesterday up until late in the
day. After going to the gym and the store I spent most of the day in my
office working or playing with the dogs. It was very windy and cold so we
had to spend a lot of time playing indoors.
Late yesterday afternoon I was taking a break and reading. Malcolm was
beside me on the couch cleaning his paws. Except he kept licking the same
spot over and over. I took a closer look and lo and behold, he had halfway
torn his dew claw on the right leg. It was broken and not bleeding but was
obviously bothering him. When Duncan tore his, he tore it all the way and
it bled like heck.
I took Malcolm back to the bedroom where Bob was reading and had Bob
hold him while I took a look. I decided it needed vet attention as it was
broken back into the quick at the base of the nail. So, off we head to the
vets, which is right around the corner. They cut if off, cauterized and
bandaged it and we were back home in less than thirty minutes. It was
really bothering him and he kept trying to chew the bandage off. I finally
added some additional vet wrap and tape and he left it alone.
Two days until Christmas. Try hard as I may, I cannot help but get
excited about Christmas day. I love the day and enjoy giving all the neat
gifts I have found for people.
Today I will do some work in my office and maybe go ahead and bake my
muffins for Christmas day. I need to clean up my office and put all the
wrapping stuff away.
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24 December 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday 12/30] [Sunday
12/31] [Next Week]
I know everyone is busy with last minute
preparations but if you tried to read my page from yesterday, you
couldn't. Bob forgot to do my redirect and you could not see my page for
yesterday. So, if you are interested you can go back and read it too.
Sorry. I have really missed all the
Netwidow's postings with the busy holiday season. Welcome back Lynne
and Wendy.
I am now working on my new computer and
Christmas present from Bob, Sherlock. We did the swap out yesterday and reconfigured
all my software, mail, and Internet stuff. Now I have a really fast
computer. While Bob did some of the
stuff on my computer I did the vacuuming and dusting. This morning I will
clean the bathrooms and then spend the remainder of the day doing
Christmas preparation stuff. I need to get the living room set up for
tomorrow and do a little baking. Duncan
woke us up at 6:00 am this morning with one of his vomiting episodes.
Unfortunately when this happens Malcolm gets all excited and tries to
attack Duncan for some unknown reason. At any rate, we got all the dogs
out for an early morning constitutional while I cleaned up the floor.
After we brought them back in and gave Duncan his medicine, we headed back
to bed. I woke back up at 8:00 and got up, followed not long after by Bob. We
just took Malcolm's bandage off his leg. It looks rather nasty but will
heal up fine and he will grow another nail. After
reading Shelly's post
about her memories of Christmas stockings, I too would like to share fond
memories of many, many Christmas seasons. We were never allowed in the
living room Christmas morning until everyone was awake. I have vague
memories of Christmas mornings before my sister came along but plenty of
strong ones after that. We would wake up our parents and all go into the
living room together to see what Santa had brought. It was always so
neatly arranged and my sister and I shared with each other what we had
received. And of course, my folks were equally as surprised. Our stockings
were always hanging on the door until around the time I turned 14 or so. Then
they started hanging the stockings on our bed posts and we were allowed to
open them in the morning while my parents slept in. My mom still does
stockings for us and does one for Bob, too. Even when I was home from
college we still did not go into the living room on Christmas morning
until we were all awake. Being
part of such a wide network of friends with the Netwidows and reading
their Christmas stories has made me even more aware of what the true
spirit of the Christmas and Yule season is all about. I
am truly lucky to still have both my parents to share the holiday with and
do not ever take that for granted. I also, more than ever, realize that my
love and excitement of the season came from how special my parents made
Christmas for us. It carries over into our adult lives and although I do
not have children to share the holiday with I still get just as excited
about the season. Each year it brings back all those fond memories of the
various things we did to make the holiday special to us. Bob hates
Christmas and the big hoopla we make of it but has been very patient over
the years to at least attend and go along with it somewhat. It still means
a great deal to my folks that they continue to make it a special time even
though we are grown and have our own households to run. For
those who will be traveling to friends and relatives tomorrow, drive
safely. Merry Christmas or whatever custom or religion you like to
celebrate; enjoy the day. I hope Santa is good to all of you. And for
those of you following Grinch Bob's plans for Santa, the only thing going
up outside tonight are the luminaries along the street.
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25 December 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday 12/30] [Sunday
12/31] [Next Week]
had a quiet Christmas Eve reading and listening to Christmas music. Up at
7:00 this morning. No dead Santa or reindeer, just blown over luminary
bags. When I got up early this morning around 3:00am to go to the bathroom
they were still burning. Several of the houses right around us also put
them out making our part of the street very pretty. Bob
needs to clean up the kitchen and load the dish washer and I need to make
a pitcher of ice tea. The family should be arriving between 9:30 and
10:00. We will do brunch and began opening stockings followed by presents.
We take our time and make it an all day affair rather than rush through.
The luxury of not having kids I guess. Mom
is bringing home made cinnamon rolls, sausage balls, and the like for
brunch. I made muffins and have a cheese spread and a honey baked ham. At
some point we will get Lenore dressed so she can join us in the living
room for gift opening and dinner out with us instead of in her room. We
always eat Christmas dinner around 4:30 or 5:00 to end the day. I
will take some pictures with the digital to post on the Christmas page. If
you have not seen Wendy's
with their dog Daisy under the tree, take a look. You will not see
pictures of my three 50 pound plus dogs under the tree but they are
getting new toys to play with. Hope
everyone's day was splendid.
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26 December 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday 12/30] [Sunday
12/31] [Next Week]
We had a wonderful day yesterday. I put up a few of the pictures
I took with the digital camera and will add the ones from the 35mm later
in the week.
After the family arrived we laid out
the brunch food, which was enough to feed most of the neighborhood. Eating
was followed by stocking opening and the assault on the pile of presents.
We open our gifts very slowly, with each person taking a turn so it does
take awhile. The dogs had a good time too with all the people and
activity in the house.
We took a break to get drinks and snacks and rolled Lenore out to
partake of another round of gift swapping. The dogs also got their new
toys to play with and keep them occupied while we did the gift thing.
After finishing up I took Lenore back to her room and we cleaned up the
kitchen to prepare for dinner.
The standing rib roast went into the oven at 3:00 and around 4:00 we
began the other preparations making the rice, heating the green beans, and
waiting on the meat. It did not get done until a little after five, mom
made the gravy while the bread heated and the meat rested. It turned out
perfect. We rolled Lenore back out to have dinner with us in the kitchen. We had a nice meal and just as we were finishing up a friend of
my sisters called to say he was on the way. When he arrived, we warmed up
some of the food for him. Also, our friend from England that used to live
here in Winston and moved away called to wish us a happy holiday. It was
good to hear from her.
Everyone left by 8:30 and we read for awhile before turning in. I was
pretty tired and slept in this morning until 7:30. I am off to the gym and
then back home to finish cleaning up the remains of yesterday's
festivities in the living room.
It is very cold with a chance of snow flurries tonight. We will see. |
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27 December 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday 12/30] [Sunday
12/31] [Next Week]
As Bob
reported on his page yesterday the PC Hardware: Definitive Guide that
he and Jerry Pournelle were to publish as a companion to our PC
Hardware In A Nutshell, has been cancelled by O'Reilly. Bob and I are
instead to publish a 2nd edition of Nutshell. So, we will be working on
that in addition to our book as our firsts of the year projects. Today
is my boxing day, so to speak. I am going to pack up the wrapping stuff
and boxes and take them back up to the attic. Instead of working on the
living room yesterday, I did the kitchen. Last week I cooked a casserole
that boiled over in the oven. I waited to do the cleaning until after the
holiday cooking. It is a self cleaning oven but I take the racks out and
do them by hand. I also have to manually clean the oven door and window.
It takes about three hours and then has to cool. I cleaned out the
little toaster oven and got out Bob's new coffee grinder that he got for
Christmas and set that up. Today, I will gather up all the other Christmas
gifts for the kitchen and get them put away and gather up Lenore's stuff
and take it in her room. We did not get the promised bad weather and
they have now cancelled the snow for Friday. Guess that's all for
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28 December 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday 12/30] [Sunday
12/31] [Next Week]
Now that I know Lynne
knows about the Magic 8 ball that she was getting for Christmas, I can
tell this story. Bob
W. was having trouble finding one in England and e-mailed my Bob
asking us if we could find one over here and mail it to him. Bob came
strolling in the den that morning and asked me if I knew what a Magic 8
ball was. Of course I did. My sister and I had one when we were growing up
back in the 60's. They were originally made of heavy plastic by Tyco. Bob
had no clue as I tried to describe what they were.
Bingo, great gift for Bob for Christmas. In the mean time Bob W.
located one in the UK and I found one here to give Bob. I don't know about
the one's in the UK but the ones now made by Mattel are not as not as nice
but it served its purpose. I don't think Bob mentioned that he got lots of
tools for Christmas, which he loves. I found him two nut driver sets, one
in metric and one in U.S. And a leather took kit with an assortment of pliers
and wire cutter tools. He is usually the hardest for me to buy for but
this year was the easiest. I found him two books, one on Jack the Ripper
and one on forensics.
I am also very hard to buy for, so I am always appreciative of the
things my family comes up with for me. I got some very nice Border Collie
stuff from my sister including a mouse pad and some additions to my
figurine collection. And a very cute golfer wind chime that can be hung
indoors on the wall or outside. Lots of linen for the kitchen, some
additional silverware and dishes in my patterns and some very nice pj's.
Welcome back Leah.
We missed your posts and congratulations to Keri
on her beautiful new grandson.
Things are pretty quiet around here right now. We worked on adding some
additional software to my new machine yesterday. We still have a few
things to do one of which is add an audio cable and get the scanner up and
I put Christmas boxes and wrapping paper away yesterday and
straightened up the attic a bit.
Yesterday afternoon we went to the library and out to eat. A restaurant
has opened in the little shopping center across the street from the
library. The Rose and Thistle was on the other side of town for many
years. We ate there when we lived nearby. They had to close when they tore
down that area to reroute Interstate 40 through Winston-Salem. He
has now opened back up over here which is nice because we do not have many
eating places to choose from right around us. The menu is limited to
pizzas, subs and a few main dishes but is good.
Spinning tonight, so an early dinner. Guess that's all.
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29 December 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday 12/30] [Sunday
12/31] [Next Week]
For my regular readers a reminder that today is not the last day of my
journal for this week. I will be adding Saturday and Sunday to this week
and starting my new journal on Mondays beginning January 1st.
My apologies to Keri
for making her a grandmother before her time. The cute little fellow is
her Godson.
I am not sure what I will do today. I need to do a grocery store trip
this morning to pick up a few things. I don't know if Bob has any computer
projects we need to work on or not.
And, arriving in the mail yesterday is a new issue of English Home
to start reading. Speaking of reading. I am presently reading a book
I picked up in the library book sale Like Mother, Like Daughter by
Marcia Rose. Not the greatest book I have ever picked up but light
reading for the holidays. It is one of those generational plots starting
off with the mother in the early 1900's and progressing through the
great great granddaughter to present. I have read countless of these types
of stories and enjoy them from time to time. In checking Amazon.com
it is out of print in hardback and paperback. I looked at the summaries of some of her other
writings and it appears that she writes the same type book over and over
using a generation of women as a basis for a passage of time through
United States history. Like I said, it is light reading. When I
mention a book I am reading that contains some graphic language or
sexually explicit material I like to forewarn readers who may not enjoy
this type of book.
I hope everyone has a nice weekend.
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30 December 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday 12/30] [Sunday
12/31] [Next Week]
I have a new picture of Malcolm on the border
collie page playing with one of his toys.
I need some help from either the folks living in England or the cross
stitch pros. This is a pattern that Lenore did a long time ago. She thinks
the four symbols represent four different "counties" in England.
I cannot find the pattern book where it came from. I can go to the library
and find it in one of a thousand cross stitch books but if I can narrow
down what the pattern theme might be it would help in what type of pattern books
to look in.
She wants me to have it framed and put in on one of
those little picture stands. I would like to be able to identify it if
possible. Any clues?
Bob's brother came over yesterday afternoon so we did Chinese take out
for dinner last night.
I am mad because the whole world is getting snow except us. It is even
snowing in areas all around us but not here. Harrumph!
I will start taking down Christmas decorations this weekend in the den
and kitchen. I will leave the tree and living room until New Years Day. I
always use this time of year when the house is a mess with Christmas stuff
to do a deep clean of each room. I know it seems strange to do spring
cleaning in winter but it is the best time of the year for me.
I am too busy in the spring with outside work to do inside stuff. Now
that I work at home I can take a whole week to do it and it takes me that
long. I do a room or two a day starting in the back of the house where
there are no decorations and work to the rooms in the front of the house.
I normally take down blinds and wash curtains but I have just put up new
curtains recently and cleaned the blinds well at that time.
I always leave Bob's office for last. I do vacuum in there every week
as best I can, which means the middle of the floor and under his desk. To
really clean in there I need a bulldozer and dumpster just to make a
Guess that's all for today.
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31 December 2000
[Last Week] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday 12/30] [Sunday
12/31] [Next Week]
Another year comes to an end. And so does my first year keeping my
diary page as a member of the Netwidows.
Happy New Year's eve to everyone. We will be staying right here at
home. Too many nuts out one the roads. I am sorry to report that I am not
a champagne drinker. As a matter of fact, I am not a fizzy drink person
period. I don't even like soft drinks. And champagne gives me an instant
So, I will open my bottle of wine to drink while we try to stay awake
long enough to watch the ball drop from Times Square. Bob will be drinking
his vintage Coke and we will make popcorn. For some of you, it will
already be the new year by that time. Poor dogs. The kids in the
neighborhood will be shooting off fire crackers all evening, which scares
the hell out of them. It is hard to get them to stay out long enough for
their evening constitutional.
Yesterday was another routine day around here. I did a load of Lenore's
laundry, some computer stuff, and played with the dogs. We had cream dried
beef on noodles for dinner and spent the evening reading.
This morning I start my marathon house cleaning along with taking down
some of the Christmas decorations. The tree and dinning/living room are
tomorrow. I also have some computer stuff to do. Bob is doing the laundry.
We are having pork loin for dinner with the leftover rice from the Chinese
take out the other night and rolls.
Have a safe and happy New Years eve.
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[Friday] [Saturday 12/30] [Sunday
12/31] [Next Week]