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Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of
12 February 2001
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12 February 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Yesterday After getting the house vacuumed
and dusted for the week I took a shower, fixed lunch, and headed to the
computer to catch up on web pages. At 2:00 I headed to the couch to watch
the race, which was mildly exciting but interesting to see how Fox would
do with their first broadcast. After the race I switched to the golf match
which proved to be much more exciting. Three players ended up tied for the
lead at the end of 18 holes thus requiring a playoff. It took several
holes and a wild finish with the double bogey winning the hole
before a winner was crowned. We watched most of this while eating dinner
of shrimp and fries. However, with the playoff holes, the tournament was
not over until 7:00 EST. By the time we walked the dogs and I worked on
some things on the computer it was late. The dogs got their last time and
we sat down to watch The Practice at 10:00 followed by bedtime.
Oh, I forgot to mention the thirty minute interruption to the afternoon
from 4:15 to 4:45 when Malcolm was at large in the neighborhood. He is
usually very good about not running away when he is loose outside.
Yesterday I guess he was trying to force a little independence. Instead of
coming right over to us when we offer him a treat and allowing us to put
him on the leash, he sauntered off in the opposite direction. Bob finally
had to go find him in the car where he was around the corner playing with
a group of children.
Oh, those weathermen. All day yesterday the stations were running a
winter storm warning. Sleet, freezing rain, cold, major icing through
today, etc. Well, we did get up to white ground. We got a little dusting
of snow instead of the freezing stuff. It did not get as cold and the
moisture stayed to the south of us. By this morning it is all over with
but it was nice to see a little white stuff anyway.
I am off to the gym this morning and a stop at the pet store for dog
food. I need to wash a load of towels and work on the usual projects.
Tonight is the Westminster
Dog show from New York. While I don't really like all the grooming and
stuff I do enjoy watching the dogs perform and seeing all the different
breeds. It runs three hours tonight and three tomorrow night on
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13 February 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Just a normal day. I worked at the computer all day on various projects
with breaks to walk the dogs or play hall ball. It was very wet and cold
to be outside for very long. I fixed beef
stroganoff for dinner last night and watched the first night of the
dog show from NY City until time for bed.
An at home day for me. Southern
Foods is bringing a food order this afternoon. And, I need to finish
up the laundry and work on my genealogy stuff for tomorrow's library
visit. The sun is sort of peeking out but more rain is expected by this
afternoon and tonight which is fine because we need the rain.
Tonight is three more hours of the dog show to watch. I will tape NYPD
Blue and we always tape Buffy/Angel anyway. Guess that's all for
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14 February 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Yesterday Not really much to report. I did
the load of towels, the food was delivered, and we worked all day in our
respective offices. I again watched the dog
show. The best
in show winner was a cute little Bichon Frises that I had watched on
television last year win several dog shows. Myself, I was pulling for the
little Pembroke Welsh Corgis.
It is a very dark and dreary day. We are getting some much needed
rainfall. I am off to the Main Library downtown this morning to do some
work on my family history. The research is very slow and tedious which
means I will most likely be gone a better part of the day. I would like to
get as much accomplished as possible to avoid another trip back for awhile
[Top] |
15 February 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Yesterday I spent most of the day at the
library doing research on the Callahan
family line. It has been well over twenty years since I have worked on
this line. I said yesterday that I wanted to make good use of my time to
avoid a trip back. Well, was I in for a surprise. There is a ton of new
books of indexes and records I did not even began to touch. Part of the
problem is with the new information I have I am working in another county.
That means looking at a whole new set of books and records. I made good
progress and did quit a bit of good information to get started on. I now
need to sit down and make notes on what I have and notes on what I need to
look for. The county where a lot of the records are kept is only about an
hour away, so I may try to make a trip to the Rowan County Public Library
and their courthouse and see what I can turn up.
Bob has not been feeling very well the last few days so we had soup and
sandwiches for dinner last night. After dinner I watched my NYPD Blue tape
and then went back to working on a column outline until time to watch West
Wing at 9 pm. At 10 o'clock we took the dogs out for the last time and I
headed off to bed to read for awhile.
Rain, gray skies, and warm temperatures. It is like April here instead
of February which means watch out for March. I am working at home this
morning until time for me to meet someone for lunch and then stop at the
library on the way home. I am going to the 6:30 spinning class tonight
which means an early dinner.
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16 February 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
I had a nice lunch with one of the Friends of the Library board members
and then stopped at the library to return some books. I had a quick
meeting with the branch supervisor about the gift books and then came
home. After an early dinner I went to the gym for spinning class and got
back home around 8:00. The dogs and I played some hall ball for awhile and
then I did some stuff at the computer until time to walk the dogs and get
ready to watch ER.
Still rainy and warm. I think it is supposed to clear up by tomorrow. I
am off to the grocery store this morning. Later I am going over to the
library to sort through some of the gift books to see which ones need
added to the library and which ones go into the book sale. I was spending
all my time sorting the good books from the junk and did not have the time
to actually look the good ones up in the catalog.
I may work this afternoon or watch a little of the Bob Hope Classic
Golf match, not sure.
I hope everyone has a nice weekend. Some of you will be getting that
extra day on Monday, if so, enjoy your three day vacation.
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17 February 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Yesterday I spent a couple of hours at the
library working on the gift books. Back home, I was not really in the mood
to work on anything so I watched the golf tournament until time to fix
dinner. During dinner we started watching our two hour episode of Bramwell,
the last one in the series. After a break to clean up the kitchen, feed
the dogs, and then walk the dogs, we watched the remainder of the tape.
Then I watched my tape of Once and Again from Wednesday night. We read
until time to take the dogs out and then off to bed to read for a little
while longer. A huge rainstorm was supposed to be coming in, so we took
the dogs a little earlier than usual. Good thing we did because soon after
we got back in the skies opened and it poured rain for most of the night.
Today is one of the beautiful days that occurs after a rain storm and
the temperatures drop. Clear blue skies and everything seems to be real
green and fresh from the last three days of rain and drizzle. It is very
windy and the temps are supposed to drop down to the 20's tonight. A
change from the 50's the night before.
I have a web site column to finish and another one to write annotations
for. I also want to do some work on the family history and I need to clean
up the office. The dogs need brushed both coats and teeth. I have a rather
ambitious day planned, we will see just how much I manage to get done. The
Busch race from
Daytona is on at 1:00. I can do doggie grooming while I watch the race.
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18 February 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
I have a new picture up on the border
collie page from the other week when we had our dusting of snow.
Well, a bit of diversion in the Thompson household yesterday. I spent
most of the morning and afternoon working at the computer on various
projects. If you read Bob's page
you know he has decided to get back into astronomy. He has ordered a
telescope and we are to attend the Forsyth Astronomy Association Meeting
next week. As it turns out, they had a star watching event last night on
Pilot Mountain, which is about 30 minutes from our house. That meant
fixing an early dinner around 4:30 so we could eat, walk the dogs, and get
going by 5:15.
When we arrived there was a small group of people setting up a wide
variety of telescopes. The president of the Astronomy Club had a big
telescope set up for anyone who wanted to view the skies. See Bob's diary
page for today, I think he has a picture up. And, even though the sun had
not set, we could view several planets such as Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.
Once the sun went down, it got pretty cold and with the wind it was
quit brisk up on the mountain. We viewed constellations and star clusters
until around 9:00 which by that time my feet and hands were getting cold.
We got back home around 9:30 and gave the dogs their last time out. I
fixed some hot tea and a English muffin since we had only eaten sandwiches
for dinner that afternoon and gave the dogs some play time before heading
off to bed.
Today is race day, the Daytona 500, so I need to get my house cleaning
done, shower, and lunch by 1pm. So far I have not been real impressed with
the Fox coverage of the races. We will see how they do this
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