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Week of
19 March 2001
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19 March 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
I am truly impressed with the new layout for the Netwidows
page. Great job.
Rather typical Sunday around the Thompson house. After getting the
house clean and tidy, showers, and lunch I watched the race while Bob took
a nap. During commercials I exchanged laundry loads for Bob. took the dogs
outs, etc, etc. I put a frozen lasagna in the oven to bake while I folded
laundry, put clean sheets on the bed, and other assorted tasks.
After dinner I soaked and re-bandaged Lenore's toe and then read until
time to take the dogs for their last walk. At 10:00 we watched the
Practice and then off to bed.
Gym this morning, work this afternoon. I need to mow and do some things
in the yard. It is supposed to rain Tuesday and Wednesday, so I need to
mow today. I am hoping to be able to put out my weed and feed on the lawn
Thursday or Friday after we get this rain. Right now, It is a sunny
morning with temperatures in the low 30's. Not as warm this afternoon, mid
50's, unlike yesterday when it got into the 60's.
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20 March 2001
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
Today is officially the first day spring.
I spent about three hours working outside yesterday. I edged, mowed,
swept the drive, etc, etc. I spent the afternoon doing stuff in my office,
washed a load of cloths for Lenore, and played with the dogs until time to
start dinner. Last night I finished Scarlet
Feather, not one of her better efforts.
I have several errands I need to run this morning. Tonight I am having
dinner with Nancy and Betsy from the library. For the first day of spring
we have a rather nasty weather forecast for today. High's near 40 degrees,
25 mph winds today and possibly stronger tonight, rain starting out as
rain mixed with snow.
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21 March 2001
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Cute little fellow "ain't" he. Bob was going through some old
digital photo files and found this one of Malcolm taken when he was about
seven weeks old. I am posting it on my Border
Collie page but thought I would put it up here, too.
Yesterday - miserable weather!
Very nasty day. I was out in the morning for about two hours running
errands. During that time we had sleet, snow, rain, and wind. Totally
yucky, so I gave up and came home to fix some lunch and work. But, the
best was yet to come. I left around 4:45 to stop by the bank before they
closed and then went on to the library to look for books for Bob and
Lenore and me while waiting on Betsy to get off from work.
When we left the library at 5:30 to drive across town to the restaurant
for dinner it was blowing rain sideways in sheets. We met another library
employee and friend, Nancy at Cities. I again had the pasta, this time
chicken alfredo. Then we shared two desserts, a cheesecake with strawberry
toping and a chocolate cake with "mouse" icing. Yes,
"mouse", the chocolate mousse was shaped into a mouse with
little almonds for ears and held together with a dark chocolate shell.
Very cute. When we left the restaurant the wind was howling even more and
the rain was being driven sideways. People trying to use umbrellas did not
have a fighting chance. We saw a few trees down and street lights out on
the way back home but I managed to arrive safely back to port around 9
I played with dogs while letting Lenore's toe soak and then re-bandaged
it again. We took the dogs out for their last time and then watch NYPD
Off to the gym and the grocery store this morning. We still have wind
and rain today but this system is supposed to be out of here by tonight.
The mountains got anywhere from 6" to 2 feet of snow in some areas
last night. Bob needs to take pictures for Chapter 2 this afternoon. Then
we are off to dinner and the astronomy club meeting which starts at 7:30.
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22 March 2001
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
Today- busy, busy
Good day everyone. Sorry for the short post but I have a busy day. With
all the rain for two days and the nice wet conditions this morning I am
getting my weed and feed on the lawn this morning. Once I do my yard, I am
heading over to do my dad's yard for him. This fertilizer has to be put
down before the grass dries.
Longer post tomorrow.
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23 March 2001
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Yesterday Sorry about the short post
yesterday. Normally when I am not going to have enough time to do my
morning post I do it the night before. Unfortunately, we were out late
Wednesday night for astronomy club. Oh well.
I did manage to get my lawn fertilized and then headed over to my dads.
It is very important to get the weed and feed down before the grass dries
out. It took me about 45 minutes to do my yard and about an hour and a
half to do dad's. And, by now the wind was howling again making the grass
dry out quicker. I really had to hustle to get it down. Dad had a doctor's
appointment and was not due back until after 10:00. I finished with his
yard around 9:30. I took a break to rest while waiting on him to get home.
Pushing a spreader around two yards for over two hours is great exercise
but a little tiring.
When dad got back from the doctor we put out his grass seed. I did the
front, which is a steep hill and he does the flat back. It is still hard
for him to use non motorized equipment on the hills since he had his back
operation. After we finished we loaded up the remaining fertilizer and
seed and his spreader and dropped them off at my sisters house so she can
do her yard this weekend. Then we went to lunch and back home to drop off
dad. I also stopped in for a few minutes to visit with our neighbor who is
still recovering from her surgery. She will begin her chemo in a couple of
From dads I stopped by my friend Nancy's to see the three Border Collie
puppies she is fostering for rescue. She is going to keep one and will
adopt the other two out. They are real cute. Mostly black rather than the
classic look like my Duncan and Malcolm. I also bought a t-shirt for the
rescue group fund raiser.
Home finally around 2:30. After greeting the dogs I hit the shower. Bob
and the dogs settled down for a a nap while I caught up on diary pages and
e-mail. We had waffles, sausage, and scrambled eggs for dinner. Well, Bob
and Lenore had the eggs and sausage, I ate waffles. After dinner Bob and I
hauled the telescope out to do a little sky watching. There was really not
much to see. Orion has moved too far over in the sky and is behind a big
maple tree. Saturn and Venus are still visible, so we took a quick look at
them. Some high clouds started floating in, making it rather difficult to
see too much and I was pretty tired anyway. We hauled it back in and
settled down to read until time to take the dogs out and head for bed.
Today - another busy day.
Lovely day today. I need to brush the dogs this morning. And, I
need to do a load of cloths for Lenore. Duncan goes to the vet at 11:00
for his annual check up and shots. I need to work on some column stuff
this afternoon until my sister gets here at 3:30. She is looking for
another job and I am helping her update her resume. Then it will be a
quick dinner and Bob and I are off to Pilot Mountain for an observation
night with the astronomy club.
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24 March 2001
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
Starry, starry, night
Bob and I arrived at the observation sight the astronomy club uses
around 6:30. This place is literally behind someone's house on the edge of
a huge field. We sat in the car and read until nightfall waiting to
see if anyone else was going to show up, but they didn't. I am sure
the others went up to the other sight off the Blue Ridge Parkway, which is
much further from home. At any rate, this place has some light pollution
along the horizon but not too bad for viewing the stars and planets as
compared to what we can see at our house and it only takes thirty minutes
to get there.
As darkness settled, we pulled the scope out of the back of the truck
and started looking at planets and the few things we knew how to find.
Just as I was looking through the scope at the Orion Nebula a
shooting star passed through my line of sight. Totally awesome, let me
tell you. We looked at Sirius, which is a really bright star with a blue
white color. Finally about 8:30 or so another person from the club showed
up, which I am very glad she did.
She is very knowledgeable and began pointing out constellations and
stars, and clusters, that we would never have seen on our own. She showed
me a really cool star cluster called Beehive that can be seen with
binoculars but is really fascinating when viewed through the scope. As we
were standing there talking and watching the sky, we saw a satellite,
several more shooting stars, and some a really awesome double star. The
viewing was really good and I learned so many stars and constellations
that I will not remember them all right now. The moon was not up, so we
did not get to look at it this time. Bob has really poor night vision and
cannot see many of the star constellations with his naked eye. We had the
star map and once Priscilla started pointing out constellations and
clusters we used the map to find some of the ones she was interested in
looking at.
We finally closed up shop around 10:00 and headed back home. By the
time we gave the dogs a chance to play and go out and got Lenore ready for
bed it was well past 11:00. But well worth the late evening.
First of all, Duncan got a very good report from the vet yesterday. He
is pretty certain he will not get hip displaysia saying his joints were
really good with a lot of fluid motion. His heart, eyes, and ears where
all very sound. He weighs 64 pounds which is right for his solid build and
size. I do need to work on getting his teeth a little cleaner. All the
dogs hate to have their teeth brushed so I am lazy about fighting them to
do it on a regular basis. I shall have to be more diligent about that with
all of them.
I have to finish the final draft of the web column today and mail it
off to the editor. And, I also need to finish Frances's resume that
we started yesterday afternoon. We worked on roughing out what she wanted
to include and then she had to leave to get to her second job at a country
club not too far from our house. She is stopping by today on her way to
work again to pick up the final copy so she can start answering job ads on
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25 March 2001
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Yesterday - Today
I spent most of the morning working on the final version of the web
review column. After lunch I started working on Frances's resume. After I
finished our roughed out draft I started playing around with a better
layout. I converted all the information into the other format and finished
around 4:00. Bill called in the afternoon and said he was coming over,
which means dinner plans changed. Frances came by at 5:00 to look at the
finished products and really liked the second version better.
As she was leaving Bill was coming in the door. I headed out to pick up
a couple of items from the drug store and stopped at Bojangles for take
out chicken. Not as good as Kentucky Fried, but it was okay. After dinner
I watched Once and Again taped from Wednesday night and then read my book.
Bill always does his laundry while he visits with his mom and us. At 10:00
I went off to bed to read and Bob followed shortly thereafter. Bill
finished up his laundry, locked up as he left and headed back to Raleigh
around 11:15.
I could not get to sleep after Bill left and the dogs finally settled
down, so I went out on the couch. I think I finally got to sleep around
1:00 and was snoozing away when Malcolm came out of the bedroom around
4:30 making gagging noises. I got him to the foyer where he promptly threw
up several times. I sent them back to bed, cleaned up barf, and went back
to the couch to try to get some sleep. The dogs woke me up at 7:30. So
much for sleeping in.
If you are betting person, take 10 to 1 odds that I will not make it
past the first twenty laps of the race in Bristol today before I fall
asleep. I have a stack of magazines I have not had time to read all week
and intend to catch up on those while I watch the race. I doubt it!
Homemade pizza for dinner.
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