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Week of
26 March 2001
Update: Saturday, 26 April 2003 08:53
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26 March 2001
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
HA! I did not fall asleep during the race. I read several magazine plus
the chapter of our book Bob has me reviewing for the second edition.
Another excellent race, with another first time winner. Last night I
mailed off the completed web review, paid some bills, and read until
bedtime. I did go to bed to read but ended up turning off the light at
Spring day in the Carolina's. Bright blue sky, birds singing outside my
window, sun shinning, Wind blowing 20mph and temperatures in the low to
mid 30's. The dogs woke me at 7:00 this morning and I was not ready to
wake up. After much pestering and whining they managed to get Bob up at
7:15, so I got up too. However, I am sitting here yawning every two
seconds, guess I still need some more sleep.
This morning Nancy and I are driving over to Danbury, VA, about an hour
from here, to take pictures and/or pick up a Border Collie for CBCR. If
Nancy found foster space for it over the weekend we will bring it back to
Winston. If not, we will at least have some pictures for her to put up on
the web site to began finding a home.
I see from Bob
and Chris's
page and my wall calendar that Europe has gone on Daylight Savings Time.
Well guys, we are right behind you. We jump ahead one hour next weekend.
Maybe that is why I am so sleepy this morning from just reading about you
guys loosing your hour of sleep.
Guess I better hit the shower and get ready for Nancy to get here. I
hope your Monday gets your day off to a good start.
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27 March 2001
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Hi, my name is Dan. I will be two years old on June 6, 2001. I am looking
for a family to adopt me. I love children, get along well with other
dogs, and love people.
Okay, readers. I have done lots of home visits to check out potential
dogs that are being put into rescue. I have fostered dogs, visited dogs in
rescue, etc and can walk away with no emotion and just get the job done.
Find the dog a home, foster until it finds a real home, recommend putting
it down if it is vicious or aggressive.
Yesterday, Dan found this huge hole in my heart and emotions that I
have never experienced before. Nancy and I visited Dan at his home. As
soon as I walked in the door and this dog came over to me, I said "oh
my God, a relative of Duncan." Yep, acted just like my Dunc, same
build, same personality, etc. Nancy was still in the car feeding Phoebe,
her 10 month old, and had not come in the house yet. I sat on the chair
and Dan came over and put his big head in my lap. Nancy came in and saw my
reaction and we both looked at each other and said, "Caroline Hemric
dog"! That is the breeder where Duncan and Malcolm came from. Sure
enough, he had papers and both Malcolm and Duncan's parents are in Dan's
Dan was owned by a couple in their late sixties. He had a major heart
attack sometime after they got Dan as a puppy. The wife cannot take care of Dan
and her husband and run back and forth home when he is in the hospital.
They live on thirteen acres of land and Dan has free run. He sleeps
outside and was allowed only in the house in the kitchen. He is well cared
for. Had all his shots and knows a few commands. When we showed up
yesterday, they thought we were taking Dan with us. Nancy had not found
foster space, so we had only gone to take pictures for the web site. As
Nancy and I sat talking with Dan's mom, the dad left the room. There were
lots of tears from both.
We put Phoebe on the floor and Dan immediately walked over and laid
down to play with her. We took him outside for pictures and told them we
would be in touch this week to come get Dan if they would just hang on for
another week. Nancy and I left the house and drove around the corner at a
local diner to eat lunch. We talked about what options we had for getting
Dan out of the house and into some kind of short term foster care. We know
he will adopt very fast with his great personality and classic BC look.
We drove back to the house and I told Bob all about him and we showed
him the pictures. Bob said "why don't you just go back and get
him". I said, "well, I almost brought him home but I was afraid
you would get mad". By now it is 2:30. We settled Lenore and the dogs
and off we go (including Bob) to Nancy's house to let her puppies out, get
the necessary forms for the release and to call the lady back. Bob played
with the pups while Nancy rounded up forms, changed the baby, etc. We
headed back to Danbury around 3:30. They were waiting for us with all his
toys and food in shopping bags. Nancy took care of paper work while I loaded
his stuff in the car. I then took Dan to the car, shook their hands and
told them we would be in touch. The man was bawling his eyes out, and his
wife had a few tears. Dan was clearly his dog.
Dan rode great in the car. The dogs got all their introductions out of
the way when we got home. We settled everyone down, threw some dinner
together, and let the dogs gradually get used to each other in the house.
Dan is not used to living in the house or sleeping inside, so we had
rather a wild night last night.
Bob finally got him settled and other than waking up crying a few
times, we made it through the night.
Now, we just need to find Dan a really great home. It should not take
too long. Nancy is getting his picture up on the rescue web site. And, NO,
we are not keeping Dan. I don't need another Duncan and Dan needs a home
where he will get a lot of one on one love hopefully a home with
I have not idea what I will do today, but with three dogs and a foster,
most likely take care of dogs. Bob
has another picture of him on his page. I am not sure why his tongue came
out blue on the pictures but it is really pink.
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28 March 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
First of all, I want to express my deepest sympathies to Sjon
Svenson on the death of his father yesterday.
Second, I fixed the broken link from yesterday's page to Bob's page
with the other picture of Dan. Thank you Marcia
for pointing that out to me.
Dan the Border Collie dog is doing great. He is getting more and more
socialized being in the house. He is learning to play, which he does not
know how to do and to go lay down. The dogs all got along pretty
well with Malcolm spending a good part of the day tussling
and playing with Dan and showing him he is boss dog. Malcolm is so
delighted to be boss dog over another dog in the house he just does not
know what to do with himself.
I did get a little work done off and on during the day but spent most
of it working with Dan and giving all the dogs some attention. Today
with the bright blue sky and beautiful sunshine it looks like it should be
about 60 degrees outside instead of 35 and chilly.
We had a pretty good night with Dan. I slept back in the bedroom
with our guys and Bob took the couch to be with Dan. We also left the door
to Lenore's room open. We noticed last night he would go in there to lie
down when my guys were napping. Bob said he did much better last night. I
am normally a very light sleeper and hear everything during the night. I
guess last night I was so tired I slept all night and did not hear a
We had a hard freeze over night with temperatures going down into the
low twenties.
I am off to the gym, library, and store this morning.
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29 March 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Oops!. Sorry, I forgot to change my recent update link for
yesterday. If you missed my Wednesday post, it was there.
Dan is doing fine with the other dogs. He actually ran down the hall
and fetched the ball yesterday. I spent most of the day working taking
periodic breaks to give the dogs some attention. Dan is attention starved.
He is also learning from my dogs when they go flop into a corner to go
find a quiet spot and lay down.
I had a call from Nancy yesterday. She has found foster space for Dan.
I will take him along with me to Charlotte on Saturday when I do down to
watch some of the fly ball tournament for the hand off. The couple
fostering him also run on a fly ball team. This is their first fostering
experience and Dan is a good one to break them in on.
Now, before you get real concerned about Dan being shifted around so
much. Dogs, especially young dogs, are very resilient. The four or five
days he spent here are to him just a change in routine like going to stay
at someone's house while the owners are away. I am fairly certain he will
not be in foster care too long before he is adopted to a permanent family.
After several months with his permanent family he will realize he will be
living with them forever and that life he had before will be a distant
One of the advantages to having a dog placed after being in foster care
is to allow us to see what his habits, personality quirks, training needs
etc. are, before being placed in a permanent home. Dogs relax after about
24 to 48 hours and start to show their true colors. I have been doing
rescue for two years now and have seen just about every possible situation
imaginable. With all the dogs I have placed and seen placed through
rescue, we have almost 90% success rate with rehabbing or replacing dogs
into families from good and bad situations. We often get pictures and
e-mail updates as to how wonderful the dog is becoming a family
I am confident Dan will go to a good home where he can get a lot of
attention and love. He is starved for attention and his few days here with
us he has learned how to live in the house, play ball, and get along as a
pack member with humans and other dogs. He is the kind of Border Collie
that places well in a family who has never owned a Border Collie because
of his sweet nature.
Rain, rain, and more rain. Cold, windy, and wet. But, we need the rain
so I shall not complain. Nancy and I are doing a home visit this afternoon
for a lady in Mocksville who is trying to adopt a dog being fostered in
Virginia. Believe it or not, we have often turned down homes for adoption
based on what we see when we get to a home. Not the condition of the house
but situations where we learn where the dog will sleep, or how he will be
treated that does not come out on the application. Or talking with the
applicant we learn they want a Border Collie because they are pretty and
smart. Oh boy! I have done some home visits that when I left I would not
put my worst enemy in let alone a poor dog looking for a good home. Sorry
if I sound a little arrogant there but these dogs often come from one bad
situation and I will not put any dog I am placing back into another one.
These guys deserve a second chance at life. Okay, sermon over. Where did
that rant come from? I am passionate about my dogs. Sorry.
Bob did not get much sleep last night. Dan kept him awake most of the
night wanting attention. So, tonight we shall have to try another tactic.
This weekend is Daylight Savings Time for the United States. You do not
want to go into the weekend already behind on your sleep.
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30 March 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
It absolutely poured sheets of rain yesterday afternoon as
Nancy and I drove over to Mocksville to do the home visit. Very nice place
they have over there with 50 acres, a pond, etc, etc. I asked her if she
would like to adopt me as a farm worker. <g>
We stayed about an hour and then headed back to Winston in the still
pouring down rain. It was just so nasty I did not feel like going back out
for take out so I fixed fried shrimp and fries for dinner. We slogged
through the pouring rain after dinner to walk the dogs, who were thoroughly
drenched when we came back in.
I finished the book I was reading from the library, No
Great Mischief
by Alistair MacLeod. I will not post a full review of this one simply
because I doubt very many people will be interested in reading it. It was
pretty good, not the best I have ever read. It is set in Cape Breton,
Toronto, and other areas of Canada. The story basically chronicles
MacDonald family of Scotland from 1779 to present but not in the
traditional method. The story is narrated by a modern day MacDonald who
recounts the history interspersed with current day events of his brothers
and sisters.
Dan did much better last night. We left the gate down to the bedroom
like we do all the time and Bob and I both slept in the bedroom. Dan
settled down right outside the door in the hallway and slept all night
without bothering either of us. He heard me get up around 5:30 to go to
the bathroom and came in for a little attention but when I told him to go
lie down he did like a good dog.
I see from reading Shelley's
page that she and Dan
met the same year Bob and I did, 1983. However, Bob and I had our first
date in February, moved in together in May, decided to get married in June
and were wed in September. No, I did not have a shotgun wedding, it was
just one of those right time, right place things and I knew I had met a
Today, I am off to the gym and Wal-Mart this morning. I
have always preferred Wal-Mart to K-Mart but I see in our local
paper K-Mart is bringing back the blue light specials so famous in the
60's and 70's. If you are old enough to remember blue light specials,
well, need I say more!
[Top] |
31 March 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Yesterday was an absolutely gorgeous spring day. After I
returned from the gym and errands I checked my mail and then fixed lunch.
I put a load of Lenore's laundry in and decided to enjoy the wonderful day
and get some yard work projects going. Back in January when they dug up
the yard for the sewer problem I lost the little flower garden I had on
that side of the yard. No big deal really, it was an old stump that I
covered over with dirt and put some of the curved cement edging sections
around to make a small flower garden. When they dug up the yard and spread
the dirt back they dug up and leveled the area, stump and all.
I have a small section of yard between two natural areas that I have
been wanting to remove the grass and make the entire strip across natural
so I will not have to mow between the two. After all the rain on Thursday
the ground was nice and soft for removing sod and leveling the area.
I used the dirt and sod to fill in another place in the yard that washes
when it rains. I used the edging to make a new flower garden and pine
straw to fill out the remaining area. I had an old cedar planter that was rotting
away in one corner of the natural area. I moved all the dirt from that
planter to the new one and busted that one up for the trash. Then I put
out the remaining pine straw bales in the front natural areas. I need to
get some more dirt and potting soil to finish filling up the new
planter. I was finished around 2:30 and came in for a shower and to
do some work until time to fix dinner.
Today, I head to Charlotte to take Dan to meet his new
family and to watch a little of the fly ball tournament. We will miss
having Dan around but I am happy for him to move on. Four dogs, two the
same age are quite a handful and it will be nice to get the house back on
a routine again. Looks like it is to be sunny this morning and then more
rain today and tomorrow.
Have a great weekend.
[Top] |
1 April 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Fun, fun, fun, I had a great time in
Charlotte at the fly ball tournament. Dan and I arrived around 10:30.
After I handed Dan off to his new foster parents I joined the CBCR
folks at the table to assist in selling merchandise and tickets for the
dinner that night. Several of our volunteers run on different fly ball
teams based on where they live in the state. I watched from the table
while I held Nancy's daughter, Phoebe age 10 months, who had fallen asleep
in my arms while mommy ran her fly ball race. Nancy runs with the team
from Greensboro known as TDS. The tournament is held in a big metal
building like a warehouse. Teams set up their little areas with dog crates
and chairs around the perimeter of the race lanes. The rescue
organizations and vendors selling pet stuff (there were only two rescue
groups and two little vendors) were set up at one end of the building.
Much like a dog show except rather than a ring there are two lanes with
I ate my snack lunch I took along and enjoyed talking with some of the
other people from around the state that I know either from fly ball teams
or as rescuers. I met a lot of new CBCR volunteers and some other really
nice people. Dan's new foster family also runs on a fly ball team so I got
to visit with him off and on during the day.
Late in the afternoon another new volunteer, David, arrived having
driven down from Asheville to help with the table and to bring us a cute
little twelve to sixteen week old puppy that had been pulled from a
shelter from that area that was going under due to loss of funding. She
was found as a stray and stunk to high heaven. The damn shelter had not
even given her a bath. After he got his Border Collie Jordi settled in, we
found some puppy shampoo and proceeded to give the little rescue a bath. I
wrapped her in a big blanket I had in the back of the car and dried her
off and warmed her back up. One of the TDS fly ball members had a matt
cutter and we proceeded to try to remove some of the matted hair from her.
Also, she did not even have a collar or leash. I took the little girl
across to the lady selling stuff to find her a little collar and leash.
After we fitted her out the lady would not even let me pay for them since
she was a rescue. Very nice people in the dog world, let me tell you.
At any rate as the teams continued running races, I watched some,
played with the puppy, sold some stuff, and helped get the dinner
organized. We pay the caterer to sell bar-b-cue, chicken, or veggie
lasagna. He charges us so much a plate. We charge a higher fee to sell the
dinner plates and we get to keep the money made to benefit CBCR. We sold
80 dinners last night with about five dollars profit per plate, so not too
After dinner, one of the TDS members put up some money and organized a
fly ball race for all the dogs who are rescue animals. Each person there
with a rescue dog put a name in a bowl. Teams were made up of dogs drawn
out of the bowls. It was a lot of fun to watch competing teams runs
together as a team and team members running against each other. First,
second, and third place won prize money.
And, the guy from TDS that had the matt cutter decided to adopt the
little shelter stray on the spot. Now, we do not adopt dogs to people on
site like that except to fellow team members who are usually well known.
Because this man runs on Nancy's team and she knows him, we did not have
any reservations about letting him take her. This cute, friendly little
pup did not even have to go from shelter to foster but straight to a
wonderful home.
I left Charlotte around 8:00 and drove home in intermittent showers and
pouring down rain. I got home around 9:45. I greeted my dog fellas and
took them out for a quick walk. Then off to bed to lose an hour of
Today, argggg! This time change. It is already almost 11 o'clock
in the morning. I am usually finished cleaning house and have not even
gotten started yet. The race begins at 12:30 from Texas. I guess I better
get started. Thunderstorms today. When I called Bob yesterday to let him
know I was staying for the dinner and rescue race he said they were having
thunderstorms here.
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