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Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of
9 April 2001
Update: Friday, 10 May 2002 12:01
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9 April 2001
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
I spent yesterday in the usual fashion, house cleaning in
the morning followed by watching the race and the golf. Although both were
very good I was not pulling for the winners of either contest. Very warm
temperatures for the area in April with almost a record high of 86
degrees, 88 being the record. We had dogs out several times to play catch
in the front yard but they very quickly had tongues hanging out due to the
After dinner it paid some bills and worked on my office and then read
until bedtime.
Today will be positively scorching heat wise with another
mid to upper 80's predicted for the temps. I am off to the gym this
morning and the pet store to stock up on dog food and treats. This
afternoon we are supposed to start cleaning up Bob's office Bob
explains on his page for today
about my threat to "Roberta-ize" his office. One of the things
we agreed on upon buying this house is that I had complete jurisdiction
over the organization and cleanliness of the entire house except his
office. However, when I can no longer get in the door with the vacuum
cleaner and I hear that the FBI is looking into his "Rat's Nest"
as a possible location for Jimmy Hoffa, I start to complain. You have all
heard of dust bunnies, well Bob has dust kangaroos residing in there.
And, as you see after many months of struggling to come up with a name
for this place we are now officially known as TechnoMayhem™ and
his office is the official Rat's Nest with Bob being The Rat. His
idea, not mine.
I hope your Monday gets your week off to a great start.

Sometimes they get along. Duncan and Malcolm crashed out after a hard
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10 April 2001
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Record temperatures yesterday by one degree. The record
high had been 86 degrees set in 1929. We hit 87 in the afternoon. Very,
very warm for this time of year in the Carolina's. Last year on this day
the temperature was 52 degrees. I have a feeling we will be paying for
this in late April and May.
When I returned from the gym, Bob climbed up on the roof to blow the
gutters out and take the air vent covers off. We then got started tackling
Bob's "Nest". After several hours we had lugged a large pile of
software and empty boxes to the downstairs and managed to clear several
feet of shelf space for him to fill up again.
By this time it was 4:15. I hit the showers while Bob took a nap. Oh,
and we have taken down the gate to my office and to Bob's and Malcolm has
been pretty good so far. With the snappy trainer laying on the floor
beside my trashcan I have been able to move the barrier protecting it as
well. We still can't leave Lenore's areas assessable since he runs in and
jumps up on her lab and steals Kleenex. She is not strong enough to handle
him and he may accidentally injure her. We still have the living room
blocked due mainly to the telescope being in there and I have not completely
dog proofed it yet.
I solved the problem of Bob using the kitchen table as a PC workbench.
Although we don't eat dinner in there, I eat breakfast and sometimes lunch
and I like to have my kitchen table look nice. Since we really don't use
the dining room, which is rather small anyway, we will convert the table
in there to his work space for right now. I will start on that this week
or the first of next week.
As far as The Nest goes, one side of the room is clean. He still has to
organize and clean up his work tables and the junk under the tables so I
can vacuum on that side of the room. But it does look much, much better.
Homemade pizza for dinner. There is a new dog show on from Portland, OR on
Animal Planet at 9:00 that I want to watch.
Today is to be another scorcher. Dad and I are playing
golf and I need to leave very early since it will be so pretty. I actually
wrote this last night since I will not have time to do it this morning. I
need to mow the lawn again when I get home. This time of year with all the
warm weather I am having to mow twice a week to keep it from getting too
high. Oh, and they came yesterday morning while I was at the gym to finish
the curb repair from the sewer work and the hole behind the curb in my
yard. They actually did a pretty good job of filling in and grading for me
to put some seed on.
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11 April 2001
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
I actually played a decent round of golf yesterday and so
did Dad. We finished right around noon and then drove over to the little
cafe for lunch. After I dropped Dad off I headed off home myself. I mowed
the lawn and headed for the shower. We had another record high yesterday
of 87 degrees.
I spend most of the afternoon catching up on reading diary pages and
answering e-mail. Then around 4:00 I seemed to hit the wall and plopped
down on the couch for a quick hour catnap before fixing dinner. Last night
I finished up some web review stuff I was working on until about 8:00. I
went out to the den to play with the dogs and watched a neat two hour
documentary on the 2001 Iditarod
race. Really interesting documentary where they interviewed the novices
and the pros, showed how they take care of the dogs, and the various check
point towns they have to go through. If you get USA Sports Network I am
sure they will run it again many times if you are interested in watching
the show. At 10:00 watch NYPD Blue and then headed off to bed.
Today is to be warm but cloudy. It is not raining but is
very overcast and dreary looking. I am off to the gym this morning
followed by a couple of errands and the grocery store. Not sure what the
afternoon will bring but I have several agenda items that need taken care
off. Happy Wednesday to everyone and thanks again for stopping by.
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12 April 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
In the course of a conversation Bob and I were having over
dinner, I told him I was trying to come up with a suitable name for my office now
that we have TechnoMayhem for the house and the Rat's Nest for Bob's
office. He mentioned something about being a "ratette" or something
and I blurted out "I am not Mrs.
Rat", Well, I am now. We laughed over that long enough to decide I
will hence forth be referred to as Mrs. Rat but still have not come up with
a name for my office.
Yesterday was a rather busy day. I did a small load of winter coats and
ski hats that needed washing, vacuumed the stairs to the basement and
brushed the dogs. I moved all of the computer building stuff to the
dinning room table and now have my kitchen table back. I started a new
book from the library last night and read until time for bed.
Today is to be warm and sunny after yesterday's cloudy
and cool weather. This morning I am taking Malcolm and Duncan to meet
Nancy at the park to play with her dog Finn and her new puppy Gypsy.
Bob will spend the day working on taxes, so I will cut a wide berth
around him all day. He, like Kerry, is a grumpy old dog when he works on
the taxes. This afternoon I have a Friends of the Library meeting. Bob
will go along and sit and read until we are finished and then we will go
across the street to the little cafe for dinner.
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13 April 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Rather warm again yesterday though not as hot as it has
been. The dogs had a good time at the park but after an hour were pretty
hot and tired from all the running. After lunch I started working on my
web site. I am redesigning my pages and changing some things around. I did
not get anywhere near being finished but at least have made a good start.
Since I cannot write code I have to do everything in FrontPage, which I am
still learning. Fortunately Bob usually has to only show me how to do
something one time when I get stuck.
Last night I worked a little more on my pages, especially the genealogy
pages. They have not had any attention for quite some time now and have
actually missed the last two or three metamorphoses that improved the other
pages of the
Today looks gray and yucky. It rained overnight and
right now looks like the sky will burst forth at any moment with a downpour. I am off to the gym this morning but I think I will save errand
running for another day. Besides, school is out and most everyone is off
from work today. I will give those folks run of the stores and save my
trips for next week while everyone else is back at work and school.
I will continue to work on my web pages today and I think I will go
over to the library and work for a couple of hours. The book sale is
getting pretty close. I have a lot of books to go through before the sale.
I hope everyone has a nice long weekend. No special plans in the
Thompson household. Bob has to finish the taxes. I have some things I want
to work on. Thanks for visiting.
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14 April 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Yesterday morning by the time I got away from the house it
was close to 10:00. I decided to skip the gym and instead go straight to
the library to get in some volunteer work. I worked until 12:30 sorting
books for the book sale or to be added to the collection and got right
much of the backlog taken care of.
I spent most of the afternoon working on the web site and rewriting
some pages. I have a lot more work to do but the basic structure is
starting to take shape.
Today, the sky is clear blue, bright sunshine and all the
colors of the flowers and trees are vibrantly vivid. The rain we had
yesterday morning and the cooler temps have clear the air of all the
pollen and haze and made just a gorgeous spring day. I took off first
thing this morning after quickly reading the paper and eating a bit of
breakfast for spinning class as 8:30. Now I am back catching up on diary
pages and doing my page for this morning.
Once I finish I am going over to my parents house for a quick visit and
lunch. I need to help dad measure for a project he wants to work on next
week and see what we are going to need. By this afternoon the grass should
be dry enough to mow. So, that is how my day is planned. Grilled short
ribs for dinner tonight with left over macaroni and cheese.
I hope your day is fun in whatever way you choose to spend it.
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15 April 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Happy Easter
Busy day yesterday. After a lunch of pizza and homemade apple pie at
mom's I came home to mow the lawn. It had grown very high since Tuesday
with all the warm weather and rain we have had. I catch the grass instead
of mulching it during the
spring so it took twice as long to mow having to stop every third or
fourth pass to dump the bag. After I finished I came in for a shower and
to check my mail.
I decided to make the barbeque sauce for the ribs instead of using one
from the store. Around 4:00 I switched on the golf match to listen to
while I made the sauce and then left it to simmer until time to start
grilling the ribs. They turned out really good. I fixed plenty so that we
would have enough for another meal one night next week.

After dinner and walking the dogs I was just too tired to do anything.
I finished my book, Summer Island : A Novel by Kristin
Hannah. A good story if you like novels with happy endings. The story
surrounds a misunderstanding between daughters, sisters, and mothers, lost
love rediscovered, and support of a friend dying of cancer. Oddly enough,
the publisher Crown is offering to send one free copy, to a mother or
daughter, depending on who read the book and makes the request. We took
the dogs out early and I headed off to bed at 9:30. I read until 10:00 but
could not stay awake any longer.
Today is house cleaning day. No race. The forecast is for
thunder showers this afternoon. If it does not rain I may take Malcolm
over to the park in Greensboro for the Frisbee event.
No, Duncan is not being punished. Some time last year Duncan decided
this was his private spot where he could go for some peace and quiet. We
have a large This End Up table and benches in our kitchen. He lays against
the wall with just his head sticking out from under the bench. The second
shot is from behind him looking under the table. He turned his head when I
came around to shoot and rested it on the leg of the table. We call this
Duncan's crate. Dogs like to have a quiet, cave like place to hide out and
when we can't find him we know this is where he is.

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