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Week of
16 April 2001
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16 April 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
As predicted Mother Nature has decided to put the kibosh on
the warm weather. Cool and windy today but by the middle of the week we
will be back down into the low twenties and high's in the 30's and
Bob spent all day yesterday working on the taxes. This morning he was
scurrying around having me sign forms, writing checks, paying estimated
taxes, etc. Glad that is over for another year! Except the estimated taxes
part anyway.
I am off to the gym this morning and to mail the tax stuff. I want to
do some more work on my web site this afternoon and work on another web
review. Not much news today.
Hope your week gets off to a good start.
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17 April 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
The best laid plans of mice and men. I had my week more or
less planned out based on the fact that I did not have anything of
importance entered on my Outlook Calendar for the week. Yesterday Lenore
informed me the doctor called to confirm her appointment for 11:00 today.
What! I always put her appointments in my Palm right in the doctor's
office to make sure I do not have a conflict. I think she must have made
this one by phone and I forgot to enter it in Outlook. I had an
appointment for her in May which she had a card for.
That's okay. This morning is a bit too cold and we have a light drizzle
for playing golf anyway. I need to mow the lawn this afternoon. Today is
supposed to be high near 50 with 15 to 20 mph winds. Chance of freezing
temperatures tonight and tomorrow night. So, I may be holding on to the
lawn mower to keep from being blown away.
Then, I forgot Bob goes to the dentist tomorrow morning. I had planned
to go over and help dad start building his little retaining wall to
replace the landscape timbers around the garden at the end of the house.
Normally in the mornings we do not leave her by herself since she cannot
make her breakfast. But, since Lenore sleeps until 11:00 and Bob is just
getting a cleaning he should be back before she wakes up anyway. Since he
lost a day of work Sunday to the taxes and a day of work yesterday
recovering from working on the taxes he was going to cancel his dentist
appointment tomorrow. I discouraged him from doing that since he has
neglected his teeth from not going to the dentist for twenty years. I feel
like going to the dentist every six months is very important if you want
to keep your teeth later in life. Having seen my father and Lenore both
loose all theirs, I will fight tooth and nail (no pun intended) to save
mine and his too if I can. For some reason I prefer to wake up in the
morning with my teeth in my mouth rather than in a dental cup. Right Marcia?
You just had to go through all that agonizing mouth surgery that I am
desperately trying to save Bob from having to endure.
Finally new Buffy and Angel episodes tonight. We missed two episodes
back to back in March. Since then I have taped it every week to see if
they rerun the ones we missed but so far they haven't. I guess tonight we
will just have to play catch up with the promo's and maybe catch the other
two sometime later in the summer.
Well, Winston Salem got hit with another economic
blow this week. Wachovia, headquartered here in town is
merging with First Union headquartered in Charlotte to create the fourth
largest bank in the United States. We bank with First Union, which is the
largest of the two. First Union will be called Wachovia and is moving the
entire operation to Charlotte. Now, we have lost another huge corporate employer
in the city not counting the financial loss.
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18 April 2001
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Ha, I predicted Mother Nature would throw a tantrum and
sure enough she did. Yesterday around 10:40 I loaded Lenore in the car to
take her to the doctor. I had on a t-shirt and no jacket since the
temperature were in the 50's and it was nice and sunny. Fortunately we did
put Lenore's hooded jacket over her shoulders since it was a bit breezy.
We came out of the doctor's office and lo and behold it was snowing to
beat the band. The wind was blowing so hard the snow was coming down
sideways. It was not sticking to the roads, just making them wet but it
was blowing so hard visibility was pretty short. The forecast was for a
twenty percent chance of showers with the wind getting gusty in the
afternoon. Upon the checking the thermometer the temperature had dropped
to 42 degrees in the hour that we had been gone.
I had planned to mow the lawn after lunch but with the snow and rain
the grass was now too wet to plow. I worked on some computer stuff until
around 2:30. By this time the sun had been in and out and the wind was
gusting to around 25 or 30 mph for a couple of hours so I decided to see
if the grass had dried enough to mow it. I put on my baseball style
jacket, ski cap, and leather work gloves and was able to mow. The sun came
out just as I was finishing but the temps had stayed in the 40's.
Off this morning to my dad's to work on his wall. Tonight is Astronomy
Club meeting. Bob and I will head over to the library and then stop and
have some dinner on the way to the meeting. At least the sun is shining
but it is not to be very warm today.
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19 April 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
First, Bob
I am so sorry to hear about your father. I do hope he recovers soon. We
will be thinking about you and your dad at the Thompson household.
Many thanks to Brian
for updating my new logo and to Marcia
for her input as well. I now need to finish updating the text of my
business home page and some of the other pages. I would love to hear your
feedback on how you like my new logo.
On a more humorous note it seems that Marcia is so far the winner in
the "count the shoe" contest that the Netwidows
has been conducting via e-mail. It seems that so
far the other women reporting are at 20 pairs or less. Ann
and Leah win
the low count at six. I have twelve because I own four pairs of tennis
shoes alone since I wear them everyday. I can get roughly a year out of a
pair before they become yard shoes to be replaced by another daily, nice
looking pair. After about a year the inner soles break down and need to be
replaced to support my horrible arches. As a matter of fact I am off this
morning to run errands and one of them is to purchase another new pair. I
just tossed a pair out and converted another pair to yard status. Since I
don't wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row, I need two pair for
daily alternating purposes. Lynne, I
hope that Bob's father is out of danger very soon. It was a lot of fun and
we all enjoyed the funny conversations and enlightenment that you brought
on with your challenge. We will be looking forward to hearing your
official count, which was never revealed, as well as a post of the final
Speaking of fathers. Dad and I headed off to Lowe's to buy the
retaining wall blocks first thing yesterday morning. We purchased 25 to
get us started. At least by the time we got back home with the blocks the
temperatures had warmed up even though the wind was blowing and gusting.
We pulled up the old landscape timbers. Dad put up a guide string and I
began to dig out dirt and level under where each block goes. We worked
until 11:30 by which time my knees and arms were getting tired. After a
quick lunch at the nearby diner we came home and got back to it. Getting
the blocks to set right and level is time consuming and painstakingly slow
as well as hard on the back, knees, and arms. I finished getting the
bottom row set and level about 1:30. We then had to pry all the landscape
timbers apart where Dad had nailed them together. I finally loaded those
in the car to bring home and arrived around 2:30.
I was quite tired. Damn, I can remember when I used to be able to work
in the yard all day and not get nearly as tired as I was yesterday. I love
to work outside and do that kind of stuff. I consider myself to be in good
shape but at 46 the old knees, hand, and shoulder joints as well as the
back just don't hold up like they used to. At least I have enough sense to
listen to my body now and quit when I get too tired. We will finish
the wall next week by putting in a second row which will be much easier
and doing the sides of the bed.
Bob and I took off around 5:00 for the library. I made a drugstore stop
for Lenore on the way to dinner and then we had a short meeting of the
Astronomical Society last night. I was glad since I was pretty tired
anyway but we had a nice program on what to look for in the skies during
the spring and summer months. Quite informative. Back home to take the
dogs out and I headed off to bed to read for awhile before turning off the
Well, I am off to run errands this morning and stop at the grocery
store on the way home.
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20 April 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Continued thoughts go to Bob
and his dad and Lynne
and her mom who is not feeling well either. I know I have mentioned this
before but I never miss a day thinking how fortunate I am. I know so many
of the Netwidows and other of my
friends who have lost one or both parents and I do not take it for granted
that I still have mine around to enjoy. Bob lost his father December 1st,
1990 the day before my birthday after many months of slowly going down
Yesterday was just one of those very interesting days. I did my
marathon errand run which I utterly despise but had to do. For the most
part I was pretty successful in finding some of the things I was looking
for. Yes, I did buy another pair of tennis shoes. I shall be tossing out a
pair to remain at my current count. By 12:30 I was back on our side of
town and getting quite hungry. I stopped for a quick bite to eat, made two
more quick stops, and then stopped to do the grocery shopping.
In the grocery store I ran into the mother of a former neighbor/friend
from my early childhood days. I have not seen my friend Bonnie in well
over thirty years, I guess after they moved away from our neighborhood
while we were in high school. I had talked to her mom about ten years ago
when she stopped in the library. one day. At any rate it was so nice to
chat and reconnect with her mom and to find out how Bonnie was doing.
Later that afternoon her mom sent me her e-mail so that I can get in touch
with her again. She lives out in the mid-west but may be moving back to
the East coast at some point. I was too tired last night to send her
a message but will do so this morning after I finish my page updates.
Then last night after dinner I was working at the computer when I got a
call from my friend Nancy. I had been wondering why I had not heard from
her all week or received replies about a couple of e-mails I had sent her.
I am one of those people who will think about someone but not necessarily
make direct contact right away especially as busy as people are today. I
thought maybe she or one of the children had been sick or she was just
very busy and had one of those weeks that gets away from you. Instead, she
called to tell me her husband had gone to the emergency room Monday night
and had to have an emergency appendectomy. Jeff is in his early thirties
but he suffers from some heart problems so this was very much a major
scare for them. Hopefully he will go home today if the doctors feel there
is no longer any risk of infection from the surgery. Fortunately for Jeff,
Nancy is a nurse so he will have good home care.
As I said earlier, I was really tired by early last night. While I sat
on the couch and played with the dogs I caught up on a stack of catalogs
and magazines on my side table until time to take the dogs for their late
night walk. I did manage to stay up to watch ER at 10:00. I must say this
show has really gone down hill fast with all the major players having
exited over the last few seasons. I look for this show to be cancelled
once they do the final storyline with the few major characters left.
Ha! I just read on Bob's page
for today that I an now supposed to call him The Red Rat! Seems I am
married to a Neanderthal, this being one of the lines from the article
Neanderthals have been characterised as migrant hunters and
violent cannibals who probably ate most of their meat raw.
Rest assured that Bob gets all his meat well cooked except he likes his
steaks medium rare and up this point I have not noticed any missing limbs
on my person, Lenore, or the dogs.
Wow, earlier this week we had snow showers, thirty mph winds and needed
coats, hats, and gloves. Yesterday I was wearing a short sleeve shirt.
Today is very nice, sunny, and warm. I think I will finish up a couple of
projects I have in the yard today and spend some major time playing
outside with the dogs since we did not go to the park this week. Malcolm
is much happier when he gets a chance to run and expend some
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21 April 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week
I decided that yesterday was going to be organize and
put away day. With several projects in mind I proceeded to attempt to get
started shortly after I finished my diary page. Several rooms in the house
including my office needed stuff put away and tidied as well as doing a
load of laundry for Lenore. One of the Daynotes
men (sorry can't recall which one right now) calls one of his children
"Velcro child". Well, that is the exact description of Malcolm
yesterday. He was "Velcro dog". He was in my lap, up on my desk,
pawing the keyboard, pestering me to play, following me all over the house
with a toy in his mouth, etc, etc. He just wanted constant attention. We
went outside to play, we played hall ball, we ran up and down the hall and
with his tongue hanging out still would not lie down to rest. Meaning no
disrespect for anyone who has a child that is ADD Malcolm has all of a
sudden become an attention deficit dog. He just needs constant petting and
reassurance that I do not remember Duncan needing at one and half years
old. Poor fellow.
By lunch time I had finished getting my little projects finished, fixed
Lenore's breakfast, had the dogs out several times, and was not ready to
take my lunch break. After lunch I took the dogs outside with me while I
did a few yard things. The two planter areas by the porch needed mulch and
a small area of the yard by the street from the recently install curb needed
topsoil and seeding.
Last night we watched the Buffy/Angel tape from Tuesday night and I
watched Once and Again that I taped on Wednesday night. Then off to bed to
read for awhile.
BTW, Bob the Neanderthal Redhead is now Bob the faded redhead. When we
were married in 1983 his hair and beard was real red like Willow's in
Buffy. If he would ever fix the scanner (hint, hint) I will scan one of
our wedding photo's and you can see just how red his hair was compared to
now. Even the picture on his diary page, which was taken a few years ago
shows it to be redder than it is now.
This morning I was off to the gym at 8:00 for the 8:30 Spinning Class.
Were are supposed to go to the observation point tonight for star gazing
but the weather at this point does not look too promising. Right now it is
very cloudy with little chance of it clearing by tonight.
Enjoy your weekend.
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22 April 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Bob's brother showed up for a visit yesterday around 11:30.
I had just finished eating a light lunch so I could go out an mow the
lawn. Then I brushed the dogs and took a shower. For some reason I was
very tired yesterday afternoon. I ended up watching the end of the Busch
race from Talladega and then napping through most of the third round of
the Houston Open golf tournament. Finally around 5:30 I called in our take
out order and Bill and I picked it up.
The good news is that the skies cleared somewhat and Bob and I decided
to load the telescope and other stuff we needed in the car and take off
for the observation site. When we arrived around 7:30 one of the club
members was already there and getting set up. We hauled the scope out of
the car and got our stuff set up and began finding planets and stars for
observation. We saw two satellites and a couple of meteors. Later in the
evening several other club members showed up.
We finally packed everything up around 11:15 and headed for home
arriving shortly after midnight. After giving the dogs a quick out it was
off to bed.
The Guys did let us sleep in this morning until almost 8:30. Clean
house this morning and get ready to watch the race this afternoon from
Talladega and the final round of the golf tournament.
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