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Week of
23 April 2001
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23 April 2001
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Spent most of yesterday afternoon watching racing and golf.
NASCAR really must do something about
these stupid restrictor plate races. Yesterday was not a race, it was a
rush hour commute going 195 mph. If they are so concerned about driver
safety than why would they let a pack of 29 cars run together who cannot
pass each other. If one car gets out of line than the whole thing becomes
a wreck fest. I enjoyed both the golf tournaments. In the LPGA, Laura Diaz
from Wake Forest University almost got her first win yesterday.
We have been taping a weekly series on Masterpiece
Theater Wives and
Daughters. Last night was the last of the four part episodes to
Off to the gym this morning. Not much else to report. Wendy
has set up a mailing
list on Smart Groups
for the Netwidows to make it
easier for us to communicate with one another. Thanks Wendy for doing that
for us.
Have good Monday everybody.
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24 April 2001
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
mentioned on her page yesterday about the missionary plane shot down over
Peru. The Piedmont Bible College where they met is here in Winston so it
has been getting a lot of press locally. The newspaper
ran an article this morning about the pilots who fly those planes. The
training facility is just down the road in Farmington, NC.
Thanks to Lynne the Netwidows
had a lively book discussion yesterday. Lynne was looking for suggestions
of good vacation reading. Wow, what an interesting and diverse group of
readers we have. We now have a truly International
Book Club with the new page up on the Netwidows site thanks to a
suggestion from Wendy.
Keri is still in the development stage of how to organize our book
I had a nice workout at the gym yesterday. Just as I arrived one of the
spinning instructors saw me and asked if I would like to spin with her.
They are allowed to come in and spin by themselves whenever they wish to
try out new music and routines. So, I had a private spinning class which
was a lot of fun.
We had another round of warm weather yesterday. Up to 80 degrees
yesterday and today. It is supposed to cool off tonight with a chance of
rain and thunderstorms. I have nothing planned for today. Stay home and
work, play with the dogs, and see what else develops.
I just finished a very interesting book Old Books, Rare Friends by
Leona Rostenberg and Madeleine Stern. The book is autobiographical
detailing how these two ladies met and eventually went into the rare and
collectable book business. As a librarian I found the subject to be very
fascinating to learn how they more or less stumbled into buying their
first rare book and eventually parlaying those purchases into a business
that has spanned over fifty years. Both ladies are now in their early
eighties and continue to discover rare literary treasures. In addition to
this book they have both written other biographies and literary studies of
authors such as Louisa May Alcott. They discovered, in addition to her
famous Little Women, wrote murder and sensational fiction stories under
several pen names to make money to support her financially strapped
family. They produced their rare book catalogs of offerings
themselves using themes rather just listing a group of books on offer.
Their catalogs became as famous as the books listed in them and sound very
One of the things I think makes all this so interesting is the later
years of their literary accomplishments coincides with my career in
librarianship. Had I been in the special library or rare and collectable
portion of the profession I may very well have run across these two very interesting
ladies. I am going to try and locate some of their other works including a
novel they wrote with a plot line around the hunt for a rare book title.
Since many of the articles about them as well as advertisements for their
works ran in Publisher's Weekly, a book review magazine, I probably have
read about them at some point.
If you are a librarian, book collector, or just enjoy reading about
this particular subject I highly recommend this book.
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25 April 2001
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
Another really nice spring day yesterday. After working at
my desk for awhile in the morning I decided to take Malcolm on a walk
around the block. After we came back I fixed lunch and then went out to
mow the lawn. About 4:00 the skies got very dark and a cold front moved in
bringing rain, thunder, and lightening. We really needed the rain as
things were starting to get a bit dry with all the wind we have been
After dinner we walked the dogs even though it was drizzling. I worked
for awhile and then went back out to the den to read and play with the
dogs until time for their last walk. We taped Buffy/Angel and watched NYPD
Blue and off to bed.
This morning I am going to the gym and the grocery store. It is still
cloudy. The temperatures dropped yesterday during the storm from 80
degrees to 62 in about fifteen minutes. The skis are supposed to clear off
by this afternoon but it is to remain cool. I am supposed to go over to
dads around noon and continue work on the wall.
Reading Chris's
page this morning it looks like they will be taking over for the Bob
and Lynne Walder in Europe's
version of Mr. Blandings Builds
His Dream House. BTW, if you have not seen this movie you need to.
One of Cary Grant's best. Shelley Long and Tom Hanks did sort of a remake,
Money Pit, which is also
pretty funny.
Guess I better go. Lots to do today. Keri
whatever you had for lunch yesterday I would steer clear of in the
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26 April 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
My new web review column
is up on the Library Journal web site covering Mystery and Crime Fiction
on the web. Marcia
thanks for the plug.
I ate an early lunch yesterday and then headed over to Lowe's to pick
up the blocks to finish dad's wall. He was not home from his luncheon yet.
I started unloading the blocks and began putting them in place. The second
row is much easier to do. Dad arrived and we worked on getting the sides
of the bed in place. That required some digging and we realized dad short
counted the number he needed. Back to Lowe's for some more blocks and
several bags of dirt to fill in behind the wall.
We finished up around 3:00. The wall looks real nice. Next project is
to put the flat bricks along the front bed. By the time I got home and
took my shower it was time to fix dinner. We had homemade stromboli. After
dinner I worked on a review column for a different publication for awhile
before going back out to the den to read and give the dogs some attention.
I was too tired to watch West Wing and Once and Again so we taped those
for another night. Off to bed to read before turning off the light for an
early night.
I am going to the library this morning to work on the gift books and
then go out to lunch with the library staff for a going away lunch for
Darla, the branch supervisor.
Word is out that the Gang
are doing a shoe count. Oh my!
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27 April 2001
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Whew! Busy day yesterday. I worked on gift books at the
library from 10 0'clock to 12. Betsy drove to the restaurant for Darla's
lunch which turned out to be very nice. We had 14 people attend from the
library system. By the time we all arrived, ordered, ate, and did the gift
presentation it was 1:30. Back at the library, I finished up with the gift
books then spent some time looking for books for Bob and putting
some things on reserve, so I did not get home until almost 3:00.
I spent the remainder of the afternoon catching up on e-mail and web
pages until time to start dinner. Bob and Lenore ate left over stromboli
and I ate a salad since I had a big lunch out. After dinner we watched the
tape of West Wing and I watched Once and Again. Good thing we taped both
shows. Our local newspaper guide has fooled us a couple of times by not
indicating that a show is new as opposed to being a rerun. Now, we just
tape or watch the few regular shows we view regardless of what the paper
says. We watched ER, gave the dogs a quick last time out and off to bed.
Speaking of ER, while I am not a big fan of Sally Field, she has played
her role as a manic depressive very well. I watched my mom struggle with
the illness all her life and it hard on both the person and the family. My
mom has never demonstrated some of the extreme behaviors such as suicide
or running off to hide in a motel but we have had some pretty intense
episodes to deal with over the years. Being bi-polar is hereditary is
various forms from being total manic to mild forms of depression.
This morning is gym workout. This afternoon I am doing a home visit on
a family that is interested in adopting Dan. We are having absolute
beautiful spring weather. Cool at night, warm days, clear blue skies, and
no rain. The PGA tour is next door in Greensboro this week and we usually
have horrid weather for it. Looks like they will have a nice weekend for
drawing the big crowds to come out and watch.
I listened to a new group yesterday recommended by Leah.
The Corrs, a group
made up of three sisters and a brother are from Ireland. Their music is a
mix of folk, pop and Irish sounds. I listened to In Blue yesterday and
still have Talk on Corners to go.
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28 April 2001
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
After the gym I stopped off at the library to drop a couple
of things off and to talk to Betsy for a moment. They had this huge
backlog of catalogs and mail that needed sorted by someone who knew what
needed to be kept and what needed to thrown out. I took a few minutes to
help her with that and then came on home. After lunch I vacuumed out and
washed my car.
After my shower I left to do the home visit yesterday on the very nice
young family who wants to adopt Dan, the dog we fostered a few weeks back.
They live in a very quiet residential neighborhood of moderately priced
homes in the nearby town of King. They have a small son who is four years
old, very busy, and articulate for a little guy. I took Duncan along at
Bob's insistence and I am glad I did. Some times I take him and some times
I don't. The mom lost her BC to cancer about five years ago. Then along
came the little boy, so they are just now getting another dog.
She was so excited when I got there and told her I brought Duncan
along. It was another beautiful day in the Carolinas with high blue skies
and temps in the low 70's. I got Duncan out of the car and she petted him
and made a big fuss over him. The little boy was a bit shy but not afraid.
I suggested we go around back and sit outside to talk since it was such
pretty day. About that time the dad came home from work. Their son was
having a fit to show me the creek that runs just at the end of their
property line. So, we all tramped off through some woods to take a look at
the little stream that runs along their property line. Then we all went up
on the deck to talk.
The little fellow was trying to make friends with Duncan in the
only way a little guy who has not had a dog friend knows how. First he
brought him a pile of his little cars and trucks to play with. Then he
brought him an apple. I told him I didn't think an apple was a good idea
so he asked me what he liked to eat. I told him cheese or ham. His mom
told him to get a piece of cheese. He comes out with a slice of cheese and
we showed him how to feed it to Duncan. Next he comes out with a big
container of turkey to feed him which we convinced him to return to the
fridge. Next he wanted me to go downstairs and see all his toys. I
followed him to the basement where he promptly cleaned out his toy box
showing me all the neat things he had to play with and then he hauled out
a riding dump truck and a push mower. These went up to the deck and he
presented them to Duncan to play with. It was so touching to watch this
little guy trying to show me and Duncan we were his friends and offering
his toys to us to play with. I was convinced right then they would make a
wonderful home for Dan. I told the mom to go ahead and call the foster
family and set up an exchange with them for Dan. He will be going to a
wonderful home.
Back home, dropped off Duncan and picked up Bob to go out to dinner.
While at dinner we decided to go up to the observation point since it was
going to be such a clear night. Back home to get things ready to go up to
the site while Bob called some fellow Club members to see if anyone else
wanted to join us. We left about 7:30 for the site and stayed until 11:00.
This was one of the first nights when we had the moon up to observe. Very
impressive even with it only have full. Then we looked at some double
stars and other clusters. I saw one satellite and two shooting stars
during the evening.
Most of the club members are going up tonight and we will be back. It
is yet another wonderful day today much like yesterday. Tonight is to be
clear and cool, a good night for observing. I need to edge and mow the
lawn today. Not sure what else is on tap.
Be sure to visit Lynne's
page to see the cute baby robins they have in their garden. The mom made a
nest with Benson's fur.
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29 April 2001
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
sent me this cute cartoon
about border collies I will share with everyone.
I spent yesterday morning answering e-mail and reading web pages. It was
such as lovely day around 11:00 I bundled Lenore up in her wheel
chair and put her out on the deck to get some fresh air. I hung around
outside with her and the dogs for about an hour before bringing her back
After lunch I went out to edge and cut the lawn. As I got to being 3/4
of the way finished cutting the clutch cable on the mower broke which
meant the mower was now non-functional. Fortunately I have dad's old mower
stored in the basement. I powered it up and finished mowing, used the
blower to blow the drive and sidewalks.
About 4:00 I hit the couch to watch the golf match but ended up taking
a short nap. Bob wanted something light for dinner so we had ham/cheese sandwiches.
We then got things packed and ready to head up to the observation site.
Priscilla and Bonnie showed up and we had a really nice time observing
constellations, satellites, and stars. Not only is looking at the sky fun
but sitting out under the stars in a country field and talking is very
relaxing in itself. Around 10:30 it started to get breezy and then the
wind really began to pick up. We all decided to pack in around 11:00 and
got home, walked the dogs, and in bed a little after midnight.
These pictures are from Friday night at the site. I am lining up the
scope to be able to look at the moon. In the next two I am looking through
the lens observing the various craters on the moon's surface.

The dogs let us sleep in until around 8:00 which was nice since I am
not used to going to bed after midnight two nights in a row. Clean house
this morning and watch the race this afternoon from California. It does
not start until 2:00 local time for us. Bob wants to work on the scanner
and printer to get them fixed so I may listen to the race while I help
We are going over to Frances's for a cookout for dinner tonight. She
called yesterday afternoon and invited us all over to join her and Al, and
mom and dad. Should be fun.
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