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0 January 2002
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
Only Bob could come up with a 0 day of the year so he could
start our diary pages off on Monday.
I felt considerably better yesterday mainly because I could bend over
without my head feeling like it would fall off. I deep cleaned the hall
bath and took down the Christmas decorations from all the rooms except the
living room including Lenore's room and basically finished up my office. I
still want to move some books around at some point.
We spent the evening reading and listening to music.
This morning I am off to get a hair cut and then right back home. I am
deep cleaning the den today. This is the only room where I really need
Bob's help. We have This End Up Furniture and the couch and love seat are
hard to move. We also have a good sized stand with the TV and other equipment
on it that want to move so I can wash the inside of the den windows. I
also want to wash the windows of the den door and have Bob hand the new
Happy New Year's Eve to everybody. If you go out be careful of other
drivers. We are usually in bed before midnight but once the fireworks
start the guys will be awake and frightened.
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1 January 2002
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
Happy New Year to everyone and Happy Birthday to Duncan. He
turns seven today.
After spending the entire day on getting the den cleaned, the new blind
hung, and washing the cushion covers on the couch and love seat I declared
myself officially finished at 3:30. Of course Bob hung the blind and he
helped me with some of the cleaning.
He went back to take a nap and I sat down to rest. As I was scanning
the TV listing I noticed a movie starting at 4:10 on the MoviePlex
channel, Napoleon and Josephine. From the beginning it looked like
it was going to be pretty good so I settled in to relax and enjoy a movie.
Bob was still asleep when I got hungry around 4:45 so I fixed my left over
pizza and a Pasta Anytime spaghetti and ate my dinner. Bob got up sometime
later and heated his pizza. We walked the dogs during one of the
intermissions they provided since the movie ran until 9 pm. Since I am not
as familiar with this portion of history or the life of Napoleon I have no
way to vouch for its authenticity, but the movie itself enjoyable.
After we walked the dogs I searched around to find something New Year's
related to watch but all that was on was the Dick Clarke show from
Time's Square. Other than interviewing a bunch of loud idiots standing in
a large crowd there was really not much to watch. Clarke has gone from
being out in the weather among the throng to having a warm inside studio
where he proceeds to introduce old concert footage of musicians I could
have cared less about.
I guess TV networks have decided it is useless to waste a viewing
evening on the few people who are at home and want to watch something
interesting. We finally turned off the TV around eleven and went to sleep.
Today is the big day. Taking down the tree and boxing up the
decorations. It will take most of the day just to get this done leaving
the cleaning until tomorrow. I will most likely take a break periodically
and watch some of the Rose Parade from CA.
The weather predictors seem to think we may get some snow tomorrow or
Thursday. I will believe it when I see it falling from the sky. They
usually miss it one way or the other. We either get nothing or we get
slammed. Should be interesting.
I hope you enjoy your day what ever your plans may be.
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2 January 2002
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
The house next door to us was occupied by an older lady who
lived alone. Her son, who lives in town, did not do anything to help her
out including help to take care of the yard. Periodically she would pay
someone to mow it in the summer and after all the leaves had fallen from
the trees, she would finally be able to get someone over to get them up.
After she died the property has been just sitting there with no one doing
anything inside or out. The son finally put the house up for sale but did
nothing about the yard.
After getting my lawn cleaned up and mowed of all the leaves one last
time every time we got a good wind I would get all the leaves from her
yard. This past weekend over a several day span, the neighbors who live
down the street from us very nicely cleaned up the yard, got all the
leaves up, and mowed. It looks very nice. I am sure the son did not pay
them to do it. But, now that they are all up I took a break from my taking
down Christmas decorations to go out and give the lawn a quick mow.
This morning Bob is going along with me to take the dogs to the vet to
have their stitches removed. This way I do not have to try to handle two
dogs at one time or leave one in the car while the other one gets attended
to. After I drop them back off at the house I am going to the grocery
store, maybe!
Today is my regular day to grocery shop but with the threat of a couple
of inches of snow tonight the store may be too packed for me to try to
deal with the mob. I will just have to wait and see what it is like when I
get there.
This afternoon I will began deep cleaning the living room and dinning
room. The Christmas decorations are all downstairs waiting to be packed
away in the closet.
I have a list of indoor projects I want to get done in the next couple
of months that I will start on as soon as I get the deep cleaning out of
the way.
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3 January 2002
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Yep, we got a couple
or inches over night with more to come during the day today. It is the
wet, clingy type that sticks to the trees and makes everything look real
pretty. I will take the dogs out and let them run around and play in it
later today. I have a few shots left on my 35mm camera and will get a few
pictures for the photo album. Perhaps Bob will get a couple with the
digital for tomorrow's journal pages.
The trip to the vet was not totally good news. Malcolm, of course, is
fine. His stitches healed up just fine. Duncan is still not totally healed
up yet. That area on the back of his neck where I first discovered the
wound is still not healing up very well. The vet is not concerned. She
said it may take a long time to get healed up from underneath. They took
the stitches out but a couple of places are still not healed back
together. She wants to leave those as drain holes to help it heal from the
inside out. I have to wash it with a warm cloth everyday to keep it open.
If a scab forms over the wound area like it did before it will not heal.
By the time we got back from the vet and I made a grocery store run it
was well after 11 am. I got started on the dining room before taking a
lunch break. The dining room is small but takes forever to do because of
the three cabinets that have to be cleaned plus the stuff in them. My
Lenox bird collection is in one and some of my Lilliput Lane cottages are
in the other. The big cabinet has plates, cut glass, and other china
pieces that belonged to Lenore and her mother. After getting the two
smaller cabinets cleaned Bob came out to help wash the glass stuff. It
also took me well over an hour just to clean the blind and the windows. By
the time I had finished that I was just tired of cleaning so I stopped for
the day.
Today I will get the living room done which will take equally long
because of all the book cases and books and having two large blinds to
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4 January 2002
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Bob took these
from the den window looking out on the deck.
The pictures of the dogs playing in the snow are on another page.
The first ones I shot in the back yard while the dogs were running around
playing so a couple of them are a little blurred. Then Bob came out and took
some while I shoveled the front walk. Malcolm kept trying to get the
Most of the snow that we got fell last night and this morning. Although
it continued to snow into the late afternoon it was so fine it did not do
much more accumulation. We only got about three inches here at our house
but it varied from four to six in Winston and more as you went further
I finished the cleaning part of the living room late yesterday
afternoon. Now, I am tired of cleaning for awhile. The kitchen, hall, and
foyer can wait until this weekend. Today I will put the living room and
dinning room back together and pack the downstairs closet with the
Christmas decorations.
Today is to be sunny and windy with temperatures getting just above
freezing. I will take the dogs out for some more snow play. The streets
are pretty icy this morning but will most likely turn to slush and melt
off a little this afternoon when the sun gets up and temperatures warm
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5 January 2002
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Between the holidays, my uncle passing away, my sinus
infection, and now the weather I have not been able to get to the gym
lately. Boy, do I miss it too. Not only just the workouts but the classes
as well.
I need to get to the drugstore today so once it warms up a little I
think I will head off to the gym and the drugstore. I also need to pick up
some soft cheese and pepperoni to give the dogs their pills with. Dogs are
as funny about food as kids are. For over a year now I have been using the
soft spreadable cheese in a jar to give the Guys their morning vitamins
and/or medicines. Now, all of a sudden Duncan has decided he does not like
the cheese anymore and has started spitting his back out. I have switched
to the pepperoni for him but I am running low. I keep one of those large
bags handy for salads and pizza and normally on need to buy it like once a
month or so.
Last night I worked a little on my stamp collection. I have been
collecting stamps since the late '70s when, coincidently, the uncle that
just died gave me a bunch of cancelled stamps and an old album. At the
time my dad had a coworker that was avid stamp collector. He always helped
the boy scouts to earn their merit badge in stamp collecting. I bought a
new album and dad took me over to his house to learn how to mount them. In
the process he gave me a lot of the cancelled stamps from the early years
that I now have in my book. I only collect cancelled although over the
years I have bought a special stamp "new" once in awhile.
Now that I do not work at the library I do not get a chance to grab
more of the special stamps that are issued during the year having to
depend on what comes on our mail. My folks save them for me when they get
them. I tear off the corner of the envelope and put them in a jar until I
have enough to "wash". By placing the stamps still attached to
the paper in a sink of hot water the glue will melt and allow easy removal
of the stamp from the paper. With the new self sticking stamps I have
noticed it takes a little longer to melt that glue than the old fashioned
kind that we licked.
It is a nice relaxing hobby that I enjoy doing a couple of times a year
when I have enough stamps to work with. Some people collect only certain
types of stamps with themes like animals or people but I enjoy collecting
all the special issues.
Well, the weather folks are uncertain about what we will get tomorrow.
It runs the gamut from rain to freezing rain, to sleet and snow. In other
words, they don't know. It all depends on the temperatures and the track
of the precipitation. Today is to be in the low forties. I had the
dogs out again yesterday for a romp in the snow.
I had just a couple of pictures left on the 35mm I shot while we were
Oh, have I mentioned what I am reading. Bob had been wanting me to read
an Elizabeth Peters, so I am reading The Curse of the Pharaoh, one
of her early ones. Peters is an excellent writer and quite funny. The
subject, archeology, is not one of my favorites but I am enjoying it as a
change from the Cozy's.
Hope you have a great weekend.
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6 January 2002
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
The not so great part of about living in the South in the
winter is not the snow but the ice storms. Having lived here all my life I
have seen quite a few over the years. Today we are getting another one.
The problem with ice storms is the weather folks just can't predict their
outcome. When they predict little or no accumulation of ice we can get it
thick enough to topple trees, etc and vice versa. The last time we had a
major ice storm some people were without power for a week or more. We were
only down a couple of days but afterward we had gas logs installed in our
upstairs fireplace.
It is now almost 9 am and the freezing rain has just begun to fall and
coat everything in a bright clear coating of treachery. I will be resuming
house cleaning duties today. In addition to giving the other rooms a quick
vacuum I will finish up the deep cleaning and get that project out of the
I dropped off my film at Eckerd's on my way to the gym yesterday
morning. After a nice long workout and a quick stop at the store it was
ready to be picked up. I got some more really good shots of the dogs out
playing in the snow for their photo albums. The first part of that roll
also had some pictures on it from our visit up to my aunt's for my uncle's
funeral. I took one of the remaining five sisters and a few indoor shots
of everyone sitting around the table visiting.
Yesterday afternoon I headed out to the library and then stopped at
back at Eckerd's to drop off the negatives of the pictures I wanted
duplicates of. I will send each sister one of the group and get duplicates
of the others so Frances can have some for her photo album. While I was
out I picked up Chinese for dinner.
I finished reading the Elizabeth Peters last night before I went to
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