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11 March 2002
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By noon yesterday I had cleaned house, mowed the lawn, taken a shower,
and was eating my lunch. Needless to say I was ready for my afternoon race
watching nap more than ever. I did wake up in time to watch the last 150
laps or so. The race was over around 4:30. By the time I checked my mail
it was time to leave for Frances's house.
We had a very nice pizza dinner at Pizza Hut followed by mom's homemade
banana pudding back at Frances's house. We sat around and talked awhile
before heading for home about 8:30.
I was so tired by the time the dogs had their last walk a little before
ten that I came back in and went straight to bed.
Firsts thing this morning I put out my weed and feed before working on the edging bricks along
the driveway. Later this morning I am going over put out my dad's fertilizer for him.
I have hit a conundrum where the driveway curves around the end of the
shrub bed at the bottom of the hill. The previous owners have a large granite
rock that more or less formed the edging for the curve. I had the
landscape timbers placed on either side of the rock. With the new edging
bricks things did not come out so perfect. Now I need to decide how to
finish off that corner. I will work on it some more later in the week
after I have had time to think about it for awhile.
This afternoon I have a haircut appointment at 1:00.
Guess that about sums up my Monday. I hope you have a good one.
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12 March 2002
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
A little change from the normal routine this morning. I am
off to the gym and grocery store today instead of tomorrow. Otherwise, I
plan to spend the day at home working. A great day for staying indoors
since it is to rain all day.
I started a new book that came in on reserve for me at the library. On
Green Dolphin Street by Sebastian Faulks. I have read two of his
previous works both set in France, Birdsong and Charlotte Gray. In
his most recent novel, Faulks had moved his setting to 1960's Washington,
DC and New York. I believe Charlotte Gray is being released as a
movie later this year. As a matter of fact Faulks is listed on my favorite
author's page.
Faulks' main characters Richard and Mary van der Linden have relocated
to Washington from London as part of the Embassy staff. It is 1960 with
the country getting geared up for the Nixon-Kennedy campaign. Mary falls
in love with a British journalist who lives in the Village section of New
York but comes to Washington often to cover the "inside" scoop
of the election and life as a diplomat in Washington during the Cold War
I read very few books set in the political arena since I despise
politics in general. I will give this one a chance since I like Faulk's
characters and plot developments. His two previous novels focused a great
deal of attention on historical accuracy of the time period interwoven
with the impact on lives of his characters.
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13 March 2002
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Rain, rain, and more rain. Yes, we are finally getting some
much needed wet weather to help ease the continued drought problems. I was
supposed to go get mulch this afternoon with my friend Robin's trailer but
we cancelled until tomorrow because of the weather. Instead I shall spend
the day at home working.
Otherwise, there is really not a whole lot going on at the Thompson
Techno Grotto. Last night for dinner I made a skillet dinner using
chicken, cream of mushroom soup, and peas with Bob's special rice. It
actually turned out pretty good.
Poor Malcolm is bouncing off the walls from not being able to get
outside and do any playing with this wet weather. Perhaps we will take a
walk later today.
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14 March 2002
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
As you can see, it is never a dull moment around here with the dogs.
Malcolm is still very much a puppy, into stealing everything he can get
his "snout" into. I had this roll of tape on my office floor. In
all fairness he traded the roll of tape for two toys. Whenever I find toys
or balls lying in funny places I always go in search to see what he has
thieved. At one point he had both the tape around his snout and the ball
in his mouth. He dropped it when he jumped up on the sofa before Bob could
that picture.
It rained all day yesterday preventing us from getting outside to do
more than "potty break" outings. I did try to play some hall
ball with Malcolm when I took breaks from the computer. I worked pretty
much all day sitting at my desk.
I decided late yesterday afternoon to go to the 6:15 Body Pump class at
the gym. Having missed Monday's class and not being able to go today, I
needed to get one class in this week. Especially after sitting most of the
day yesterday. Remember, I spent 20 years in a job where sitting still for
long periods of time was not part of the day. I find it very difficult to
sit at my desk at home and work for long hours without getting up and
taking a break. I also have to be careful when I do a lot of cutting and
pasting/mouse work to make sure I give my wrist a chance to rest.
We had an early dinner of left over chicken from the night before. I
added another can of mushroom soup and some peas which we ate over
noodles. Then off to the gym. We spent last night reading. I am still
reading On Green Dolphin Street by Faulks. It is okay but not
nearly as good as his previous two books.
My friend Robin is coming over today with her trailer so I can go get
some mulch. The place where I buy the mulch delivers it in a large dump
truck. There is not a good place to have them dump the mulch except in the
driveway which would require me getting it all out in one day or wheel
barrowing it back up the drive to the front yard. In exchange, I am giving
Robin the landscape timbers I am not using which are still in very good
shape. Robin will tow back the trailer of mulch and just leave it sitting
until I have time to get it all unloaded and spread. If I had a place to
store one of those I would buy one for myself, as much hauling around as I
I have Friends of the Library meeting this afternoon then will come
back by the house to pick up Bob to go out for dinner.
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15 March 2002
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
What a beautiful day to be working outside yesterday. Robin
had a noon deadline so we hurriedly went out to pick up one load of mulch.
Bob helped my to off load it so we could go out and get a second load.
Robin left the trailer and Bob and I off loaded the second batch then I
came in to take a lunch/rest break. Before Robin arrived I finished the edging
along the drive and reset the landscape timbers that form boxes in front
of the porch.
After lunch I spread the mulch. We had dumped each load in their
respective natural areas but I did not have nearly enough to finish. Robin
needs her trailer for tomorrow and is coming by late this afternoon to
pick it back up. We are going back out to get more mulch for my beds next
I finished up in the yard around 1:30 and came in to take my shower. I
worked at my desk the remainder of the afternoon until it was time for me
to leave to go to the library for my meeting.
I was pretty tired last night so we walked the dogs about 9:20 for last
time and then I went to bed to read. I ended up staying up until eleven to
finish On Green Dolphin Street. I think Faulks should go back to
his original settings and writing style. His other books had more a
literary feel and were much better written. In this novel, he tried to be
too much like the current pop fiction writers and turn out something
"best sellerish". I will admit that using Viet Nam as the
"war" in this novel was not my favorite. Charles, the British diplomat
served in Nam. Frank, the journalist whom Charlie's wife has the affair,
was there as a reporter. While Faulks ties in the sad life of Charles as
he tries to cope with post Nam depression, etc it just does not come off
very well.
I am off this morning to run to the drugstore to pick up Lenore's prescription
and to another drugstore for one for Kerry. After I do that I am going to
drive over to the sheep farm where CBCR often does tent events during
sheep dog trials. Today through Sunday there is a sheep dog handler's
clinic at the farm. My friend Fletch will be attending the clinic and I am
driving over to have a short visit with him and watch some of the action.
I will be back home early this afternoon.
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16 March 2002
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
When I got back yesterday afternoon from having lunch with
Fletch and watching a little of the sheep dog training I decided to wash
my car. It was just too pretty a day to spend the remaining part indoors
working. I did not feel like fixing dinner so we elected Chinese take
What am I reading? Science Fiction, surprise, surprise. I know, I
didn't use to read mysteries either. But, a converted reader of Science
Fiction, never. The only other time I have read in that genre was when Bob
and I first met. I read some Heinlein which I actually did not mind. Now,
I am again reading Science Fiction at the request of my dear husband, this
time Jerry Pournelle's Janissaries. As many of you know who also read
Bob's page, he has decided to try to write some fiction. He has asked me
to read this series so I can read what he writes and do some comparison of
style, plot development, etc.
I reluctantly agreed to read the first book in the series and find
myself totally shocked that I actually like it. I sat up reading until
almost 10:30 and lack only about 50 pages of finishing the book. Once you get
into the meat of the story, it reads very much like an Edward Rutherfurd
or James Michener. Or course, the main reason I enjoy it is the
excellent writing and character development.
It is supposed to rain later today, most likely washing out our club
observation tonight. We need the rain so desperately on the East Coast,
most of which is in serious to severe drought conditions. I have all sorts
of odd jobs to do around the house including brushing the dogs, paying
bills, and getting some work done on the poisons book.
And of course, completing my reading assignment. I have two more books
in the series to go.
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17 March 2002
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[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone.
I had a very productive but tiring day yesterday. I started off my
morning by doing a tool inventory of the upstairs and downstairs
toolboxes. The downstairs toolbox is my toolbox from before
Bob and I were married. He also has one downstairs as well. Not long after
we moved in this house we realized we needed one for upstairs so we would
not have to be running up and down every time we needed to fix something
up here.
Over the years it seems the tools in my downstairs box gradually either
migrated other places or were lost. Not sure how that happened since I am
very careful with tools and so is Bob. Anyway, every time I needed a screw
driver downstairs I could never find one in my box. Bob's box is primarily
ratchet sets and other big stuff. Yesterday I finally took inventory of
both boxes to see what we needed and cleaned out both of them. A lot of
the stuff went in jars and peanut cans stored on the shelves in the
basement of stuff we only need occasionally. I need to stop at Sears and
pick up a couple of decent Phillips head screw drivers but other than that
we are in pretty good shape.
After that experience I brushed the dogs coats and teeth then paid
bills. By now it was time for lunch. After lunch I worked at my desk on
the poison's book and some stuff for the Friends. I had planned to mow the
lawn in the afternoon but we had a brief shower right after lunch time.
But, the sun came out shortly afterward. I gave the grass time to dry a
little and went out about 3:3o to mow. I also sawed some of the lower
branches off a couple of the maples to allow more sun to the lawn and
grass underneath.
It was dinner time by now. We had left over Chinese and then spent the
remainder of the evening reading. I am now reading the second book of the
Today is to be cooler and rain. Of course we clean house this morning
and Bob does the laundry. This afternoon I will watch the race if it not
rained out. It is just down the road a little in Darlington, SC. It may be
raining there as well.
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