18 March 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Rainy days and and Monday. Yes, it is still very wet and dreary
outside. Yesterday was a great day to spend indoors. We spent the day
pretty much in our normal fashion. Me watching the race, Bob and the dogs
napping, etc. I watched the race for well over an hour before I fell
asleep. I woke up just as the big crash was happening that sent Tony
Stewart to the hospital and eight cars to the garage area.
The rain was nice enough to take a break long enough for me to grill
the steaks for dinner. Bob wanted peas and I heated up some leftover rolls
from the other night. Last night I read through a large pile of magazines
and mail sitting on my side table than read another fifty or so pages in
the second Janissaries book before it was time to watch The
Off to the gym this morning for Body Pump then back home for a day of
work at the computer. My desk needs some major clean up attention too.
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19 March 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
We had a rather typical ho-hum type day for news yesterday.
I worked all afternoon on our book project while Bob worked on scaling
down the size of Nutshell 2nd edition. In between work I took breaks to
walk/play with the dogs.
Last night we read after dinner until time to walk the dogs for the
last time. Then it was off to bed to read until ten when I turned out the
This morning I am going out to SciWorks for a few hours. I have not
been in several weeks. And of course there is always the constant running
of errands, drugstore and bank for Lenore, etc, etc.
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20 March 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Welcome to the first day of spring. Other than cool
temperatures and more rain, we have a fairly decent day in store here in
the Carolinas.
I am off to the gym and grocery store this morning. We have Astronomy
Club meeting tonight which means Bob and I will be going to the library
and dinner before our meeting.
Yesterday afternoon when I got back from SciWorks I helped Bob upgrade
his current work station then I spent some time playing with the dogs.
With all the wet weather lately they have not had much of a chance to get
outdoors and run around.
Otherwise, there is not much else to report.
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21 March 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
We had a guest speaker at our meeting last night which meant
we ran rather late. It was ten o'clock by the time we got home. We gave
the dogs their last time out and then sat and played hall ball for about
an hour before finally going off to bed.
Well, I was going over to my parents house to help dad with his lawn
stuff. It needs mowing and he wants to put out some seed. But we had more
rain over night and early this morning making it too wet to do much in the
yard today.
I am still going over later this morning for lunch and a visit. Maybe
run a couple of errands while I am on that side of town.
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22 March 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
I must admit it is nice to see the sun shinning and blue
skies this morning after a week of dreary weather.
Yesterday my folks and I had lunch at a little Italian place then made
at stop at Lowe's to get the edging bricks for their front flower bed like
I used along the side of my driveway. By the time we got back home the sun
had peaked out from the clouds. Rather than unload and stack them we just
went ahead and installed them. Turns out we were a couple short of the
number we needed but we can finish up next week. It looks really nice
along the front of the house.
It was after 2 pm by the time I got home. I immediately jumped in the
shower to get cleaned up before tackling mail and other assorted tasks. I
am working on getting a BC who was turned into the Wilkes Co animal
shelter saved from being put to sleep. Wilkes is just about an hour West
of us at the foot of the mountains. The local Humane Society found him
when they were checking the shelter and she contacted me. As with most
animal shelters they have very little room and end up having to kill more
dogs than they place. Their humane society does not have kennel space and
has to convince the shelter to hold him until they can get him pulled and
The main problem of course for us is foster space. I spent about a half
hour before dinner talking with the lady from the humane society to make
sure the shelter would not put him to sleep before I could get him on
Monday. I have to get foster space with us plus a place to put him when I
get him here to Winston. Here is the picture the lady from the humane
society sent me.

After I fixed dinner I crashed on the couch to read. For some reason I
was just exhausted although I really had not done all that much that
afternoon. I finished the second book in the Janissaries, which was
not quit as good as the first one, and decided I wanted to read something
else before starting the third one. I picked up Donna Andrews' book from
my "to be read shelf", Revenge of the Wrought-Iron Flamingos.
I love her mysteries because they are light and funny just what I
needed after the two sci-fi books.
I just called the garden store and ordered 8 more scoops of mulch. My
friend Robin's trailer only hold one scoop which we did two loads in last
week. I told her I would just have the rest delivered rather than have to
make so many trips. I will spread mulch until this afternoon than I need
to mow the lawn. Although it is much colder today, 30's rather tan 60's it
not too bad to be working outside.
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23 March 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
The cute guy I posted a picture of yesterday got adopted
out yesterday afternoon. I had e-mail from the Humane Society letting me
know. Thank goodness for that.
I spend all morning wheel barrowing mulch around the front yard. By
lunchtime the pile did not seem to be getting any smaller. I took a rest
break to eat lunch before getting back at it. I have most of the right
side of the natural areas finished. Around 1 o'clock I stopped the mulch
spreading so I could mow the lawn. After I finished mowing the lawn I
surrendered for the day pretty well tired out.
After my shower I checked e-mail and read web pages until time to start
the potatoes boiling for dinner. While they cooked I rested on the couch
and played hall ball with the dogs. For dinner we had grilled ribs and red
potatoes boiled in their jackets.
After dinner I began planning my viewing for an evening of urban
observing. I am now officially working on my Astronomical
League observing clubs
projects : lunar, urban observing, and messier objects. These are a lot of
fun to do and give me some structure in what to look for when we do
observing sessions. Urban observing, as the name implies, is a list of
objects we can see either with a telescope or binoculars from our house.
And, once an object has been located, that object can be officially logged
for all clubs. For example bagging M42, Orion Nebula, counts on the
Messier sheet both telescope and binocular plus the Urban Observing club
With last night temperatures predicted to be fairly low and being tired
from the yard work we decided to observe from the house rather than drive
up to Bullington. We set up on the driveway behind the house with the
10" scope, a card table, and our observing logs and charts. I was
able to bag six or seven of the Messier objects and two double stars. An
added bonus was seeing the three moons of Jupiter plus the some bands and
the faint red spot. We finished up a little after 9:30 for the evening to
walk the dogs and get Lenore ready for bed.
Urban observing will be nice on those nights when we are too tired or
don't feel like doing all the preparations for a trip up to
I am not sure what I am going to do today. More than likely spread some more
of the mulch. This afternoon mom and Frances are picking me up to go to a
kitchen shower for Frances that starts at 4:00. If it is clear tonight we
may do another observing session.
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24 March 2002
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
It was still rather cold and windy yesterday morning. After
moving another eight or wheel barrow loads of mulch I realized I was just
too tired to do any more for the day. The wind, which I had worked out in
all day Friday, was not helping much. In the meantime Bob came out to let
me know he was ready to install the new clothing hooks to the back of the
bedroom door and the inside of the closet door.
I came in to get some water and help him with that little project and
declared my day over as far as any major physical labor was involved. I
fixed sandwiches for lunch then went outside to put my farming equipment
away for they day.
Here is a picture of the wall backfilled with mulch and the new edging
bricks along the driveway. One of the problems I had with the area along
the drive where I built the wall was planting things. The dirt there was
not very deep and full of big roots. Now, with the mulch bed I can plant
some nice flowers behind the wall this spring. The azalea bushes I had
just cut way back last fall and they are just now starting to come out.
When we bought the house they were one big hedge. Over the years as the
outer portions of the branches grew the middle was not getting enough sun
and was starting to die. It was getting so hard to keep them trimmed and
maintained I decided to cut them all the way back and let them become
individual bushes again. They may or may not bloom this spring but they
will by next year.
I spent the next couple of hours just relaxing on the couch doing some
reading. I worked on a couple of things at my computer before taking my
shower and getting ready to go to Frances' kitchen shower. I will have
pictures from that up tomorrow. We were there from 4 until 6. I asked
Frances if she would stop at Kentucky Fried Chicken on the way home so I
could pick up dinner for us. Her and mom called my dad and they decided to
pick up their dinner as well.
We spent the evening reading and listening to classical music. I really
want to suggest you read the new Donna Andrews' book that I
mentioned earlier this week. Revenge of the Wrought-Iron Flamingos.
I am only about halfway through but I think this is her best one so
far. Meg, her central sleuthing character and blacksmith, is back in her
hometown for a weekend re-enactment of Washington's encampment at
Yorktown. As usual her boyfriend Michael's mother is in charge of the
event and terrorizing the entire group of crafters who are in attendance.
And of course there will be a body of someone who is not overly popular
with everyone in attendance at the event. What I love about Andrews' books
is her humor. She has a very dry sense of humor and hits you with it while
you are reading along in a description of one of her characters or in
talking about something they have done or are about to do. This is definitely
one of those books that is embarrassing to read in public as you will find
yourself chucking out loud constantly.
Today is house cleaning day followed by watching the race from nearby
Bristol, TN. It is another lovely spring day in the Carolina's with bright
sunshine and clear blue skies. Bristol is in the mountains of the Blue
Ridge. Leftover's from the other night's meal of grilled ribs for
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