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Monday, 22
April 2002
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Last night I watched an excellent documentary
on Ansel Adams. When Bob and I met in 1983 I was just getting
started in my photography hobby. I was a member of the local
photography club and had purchased my first 35mm camera. I had never
heard of Ansel Adams that I can recall. Before computers completely
took over his life, Bob was also interested in photography, having
been shooting and processing his own film for years. We have almost
everyone of his books and purchased a large print of his while on
our honeymoon in Washington, DC. I have enjoyed learning about this
mans works and to fully appreciate the marvels of black and white
Our very first long trip, a week in Vermont, New Hampshire, and
Maine (Acadia National Seashore), we shot slides, well over 100,
came home, processed them ourselves, and mounted them. We had
darkrooms at both our rent houses and had planned to build one here
when we bought this one. We processed a lot of our own color prints
and Bob did some black and white.
In the meantime Bob became interested in PC's and of course now
film cameras have been lost to the digital age. I however, still
love to shoot 35mm with my one remaining all manual camera, my
Ricoh. My Pentax MX's light meter finally gave up the ghost. It can
still be used in light situations where a meter is not needed or Bob
can use it because he knows how to calculate the f stops.
Off to the gym this morning for Body Pump and a stop at the
drugstore. Hopefully the sun will come out this afternoon so I can
mow the lawn. It is HIGH. I missed the midweek mowing last week with
the wedding stuff. We are supposed to go from a high of 80 today to
a low of 40 tonight and a high of only 60 tomorrow. We need rain so
bad but the cool temperatures will also be nice.
Tuesday, 23 April 2002
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If you read my post last week about the Niall
Williams books I was reading, The Fall of Light, I mentioned I
was not very excited about his fiction. Well, I finally bailed on the
book about a third of the way into it. Need I say more. I am now reading
another Dorothy Simpson mystery Puppet For A Corpse.
I spent yesterday getting caught up on e-mails and other stuff from
being so busy last week. I did get the lawn mowed. It took well over an
hour and I filled the yard cart to the max with the grass clippings.
Last night, other than watching Angel, we sat and read until bedtime.
The digital pictures are ready to put up and this morning Bob will
scan a couple of the print pictures. This afternoon I will work on the
wedding page. This morning I have a doctor's appointment.
It is to be clear and cool tonight so I hope we can get in some
observing from the back yard.
Wednesday, 24 April 2002
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The pictures from the wedding
are up. Bob did a very good job with the digital camera. A few of them
are ones I shot with my 35mm. Of course Frances had an official wedding
I spent most of yesterday afternoon putting the page together between
breaks of laundry, walking the dogs, and answering e-mails.
It was clear last night so I did some moon observing from the front
yard from about 8:30 to 9:30.. Bob was too tired to go out but he set up
the refractor scope for me. With the binoculars and the scope I spent
most of the time studying the moon and getting a few more lunar objects
checked off my list. Before I came in I took a quick look at Jupiter and
its moons and the bright red star of Betelgeuse.
After we walked the dogs I headed off to bed to finish my book
finally turning off the light a little after eleven.
Bob is off to the dentist this morning so I am staying home to man
the home front. With the other truck full of astronomy gear we pretty
much try to keep my car available to both of us whenever possible. Once
he gets back home I will scamper off to the grocery store. Meanwhile, I
will get some work done on poison pages while he is gone and then
continue working on those more this afternoon.
Thursday, 25 April 2002
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
I forgot to mention in my post yesterday that having
spent an hour or so playing the refractor I am much more comfortable
with using it. I still like the 10" Dobsonian but now feel much
more comfortable working with the tripod mechanism on the refractor.
Speaking of astronomy and the skies. Even if you are not a star
gazer, you should still check out the sky just after sunset sometime
during the next few weeks. This is a rare opportunity to see five
visible planets lined up close to each other. By May 5 they become
very close but anytime within the next two weeks will be good. As I
mentioned I am studying the moon and trying to learn about its features
from the various phases to learning how to identify the lakes,
mountains, craters, etc. Check this cool
page. You can see a quick movie of the moon going through its
various phases.
Frances called me last night from Quebec. They are having a wonderful
time so far. They have hit snow off and on since they left home in upper
state New York and Montreal. There is snow on the ground in Quebec but
she said it has warmed up some since they got there. They toured the
Provost Bus Plant in Montreal where Holiday Tours buys their buses.
Sounded like a really nice facility.
I am off playing golf this morning.
Friday, 26 April 2002
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] [Sunday] [Next Week
Bob's brother came for a visit yesterday afternoon so we
ordered Chinese take out for dinner last night. Otherwise a rather
typical day around the Thompson Techno Groto.
I am reading the first of several dog mysteries we have discovered
written by Melissa Cleary, Dead and Buried. Cleary's amateur
detective, Jackie Walsh is a film studies professor at Rodgers
University. Her side kick is a retired police dog Jake. In this book she
has also acquired a goofy elephant mastiff named Maurey, the product of
a union between Jake and her friends elephant mastiff.
Cleary has a good sense of humor and reminds me of the Susan Conant
books. These are not the best written mysteries you will ever read but
they are fun and enjoyable. Jake does some pretty amazing things for a
dog, i.e. Cleary stretches it a little with some of the commands
Jake carries out for Jackie. But, overall, this one is pretty good. I
have several sitting here waiting in the wings and like the Dorothy
Simpson novels, will let you know which one I am reading and how I like
Errands again today. I have a right low beam head lamp out on my
Trooper so I am taking a quick ride out to see Tim this morning a get
that fixed. After a workout at the gym I have several other stops to
This afternoon I need to mow the lawn. Ribs on the grill tonight with
red potatoes boiled in their jackets.
Saturday, 27 April 2002
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[Sunday] [Next Week
While I was out getting the headlamp changed I went
ahead and had the oil changed since Tim was not very busy. By the time I
got to the gym and ran the other errands it was almost noon by the time
I got back home.
After a quick bite of lunch I went out to use the gas blower to blow
the little oak helicopter wings off the drive than mowed the lawn.
The afternoon was spent checking e-mails and web pages before getting
dinner started and watching a little of the GGO golf tournament on
television. It is being played in nearby Greensboro, NC. Dad and I have
gone over a couple times in the past years but not lately.
After dinner Bob and I took the evening off to read and listen to
classical music.
Today I am at a sheepdog trial in Cleveland, NC for a CBCR table
event. Just about 45 minutes or so from here. I am not sure what time I
will get home. It all depends on how sales are going in the afternoon.
Sunday, 28
April 2002
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I was back from the sheep dog trial at 4:30. It was a
fun day talking with other Border Collie owners, petting dogs and
puppies, and making some money for CBCR. I enjoy watching the dogs work
the sheep. It turned out to be a much warmer day than the weather folks
predicted which was nice.
Today is house cleaning/laundry day. Bob's den computer has gone sour
on him which means I have another PC to vacuum out.
Last night I finished another Dorothy Simpson/Inspector Thanet
mystery and started another one of the Melissa Cleary dog mysteries. I
watched some of the dog show from Portland, Oregon on Animal Planet but
could not stay awake to the end. A Border Collie won the herding group.