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6 May 2002
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[Sunday] [Next Week]
We got things off to a little different schedule this
morning. Bob had not created our new pages for this week when we got up
this morning. After a late night out observing we did not get up until
8:00. By the time I read the paper and ate breakfast it was time for me to
leave for the gym for Body Pump.
So, it is now 10:45 and I am just now getting my page written for
We had a pretty good night last night up at Bullington. We did get to
see Mars, Venus, and Saturn in a nice triangle with Mercury just below and
to the left, the star Aldebaran to the left and Jupiter above. Naked eye,
we could view all five planets at one time. A very awesome sight indeed.
Once it got dark enough to start looking for deep sky objects I bagged
M104, the Sombrero Galaxy. I must say I was very proud of myself. I also
managed to find M 61, a faint fuzzy, and M67, an even fainter fuzzy. I
also logged the Beehive (M44) which is actually naked eye, binocular, and
telescope. It is really prettier viewed naked eye and with binoculars.
It was a nice evening weather wise with moderate temperatures and no
wind. We broke down around 11:00 and got home just before midnight. After
walking the dogs and getting a little time in with them it was well after
midnight before lights were out.
Another very pretty day today. I am going to mow the lawn this
afternoon. Not sure what the remainder of the day will bring.
I hope you have a good start to your week.
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7 May 2002
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[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
I am reading a new mystery series that I found for Bob
written by Peter Lovesey. He actually writes several series. One
series features his Chief Inspector Peter Diamond, the other one that I am
now reading, features Edward VII Prince of Wales as his detective. The
first one of the series, Bertie and the Tinman, Lovesey advises
readers that more than likely the real Albert, known as Bertie, did not
have time to write crime fiction featuring himself as an amateur sleuth.
In this first novel Bertie tries to solve the mystery of famous jockey
who committed suicide supposedly from being delirious from a typhoid
induced fever. Bertie gets himself in all kind sorts of hot water from
blundering his way along as he tried to investigate the murder. He also
causes several other murders to occur as he gets closer to the
The "Bertie" mysteries are of course set in Victorian
England. They are light and funny and well written. They remind me
somewhat of the Robin Page mysteries I have spoken of before.
I am off to run a couple of errands for Lenore. I am taking Malcolm to
the vet at noon. It is nothing serious. I just need to get his anal glands
checked. A lot of dogs have a problem keeping their anal gland sacs
expressed. Duncan has had this problem since he was a pup and I have never
had any problem doing them myself. However, Malcolm's have been bothering
him for several weeks and I cannot seem to clear them for him. I want to
make sure they are not impacted or infected, both of which can
There is a chance of thunderstorms today and the rest of the week. I am
glad we got some observing in on Sunday night.
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8 May 2002
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[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
We did get a couple of rumbles of thunder just after dinner
last night and a very brief shower. More is expected for today.
Malcolm's vet visit went just fine. They drew some blood to check for
any medical reasons behind his constant weight gain despite the fact that
I have cut his food portions way down and he is so very active. We also
discussed some of his obsessive habits like the licking of furniture. The
vet is supposed to call me back today.
On the home front. Remember last year when we were having all the sewer
work done? Well, the guys who came back to put the curb and guttering in
did not do a very good job. The new curbing is several inches lower than
our existing curb making edging a pain in the tail. Also, the guttering
collects water and debris when it rains because it is lower and will not
flow through when it rains.
I called the city yesterday and asked them to come out and take a look
at it to see if they will come out and repair the job.
I am off to they gym this morning for spinning then on to the drugstore
and grocery store.
Finally, everyone keep Marcia
in our thoughts today as she undergoes knee surgery. I am sure she has
been told all sorts of horror stories about her procedure from people who
have had that particular operation and hopefully some positive stories
too. My belief on any kind of surgery and recovery depends totally
on the person, their body, and the surgeon. Having lived with knee
problems all my life and so far managed to escape the knife, I wish you a
fast and speedy recovery.
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9 May 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
I spent the afternoon cleaning up my desk, office, and house. I usually
do a midweek pickup of stuff that needs to be sorted and put away
including a stack of things on my side table I have either read or need
The vet called while I was out this morning and talked with Bob. He
gave Bob all the information from the tests and basically concluded that
at this point we do not have any major medical problems causing Malcolm's
weight issues. Bob told the vet I would want to talk with him and would
most likely call him back this afternoon which I did.
Malcolm did have the high end of normal on his sugar level and rather
high triglyceride count. The vet was not very concerned with either. Right
now we are going to try him on Science Diet Light for the weight gain and
amitriptyline for the excessive behavior problems. He gets so
excited over almost nothing combined with his excessive I am hoping this
settle him down some. It should also help with the confrontation problems
between him and Duncan. If we are going to see any improvement it should
be within the next 15 to 30 days.
Around 4:00 I had gone into the den to check the weather channel radar
because we were getting severe thunderstorm warnings. Turns out they were
just south of us but about that time Bill walked in the door to visit his
mom. We ordered Chinese takeout for dinner.
I am reading another Dorothy Simpson, Inspector Thanet mystery, Dead
on Arrival. Another good novel in the series, Thanet is trying to
solve the murder of a young man, Steve, found dead in his apartment by his
landlady. Thanet and his sergeant must work through the usual long list of
suspects ranging from Steve's twin brother and two half brothers to their
spouses. Steve was apparently a rather pathetic fellow who managed to make
almost everyone around him mad for one reason or another including his
wife who had recently left him. Thanet and his sergeant, in addition to
handling the murder investigation, continue to cope with personal things
on the home front. When Bob was reading this series he pointed out the
Simpson wrote in real time. As the books have progressed in the years so
have Thanet's family in ages. At this point Thanet is dealing with his
son's pre-teen pressures of his fellow peers and his teenage daughter
growing up.
I am off to play golf this morning with my dad. I have Friends of the
Library meeting this afternoon and then back home to pick up Bob to go out
to dinner.
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10 May 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
[Next Week]
Hot and humid. It feels more like August than May around
here. Yesterday afternoon we had a very quick downpour that lasted maybe
two minutes while the sun was shinning. Afterwards, it was steam bath
I asked Bob if he minded if we ate leftover Chinese for dinner last
night instead of going out after my Friends meeting. Since I ate lunch out
with mom and dad after we finished playing golf I did not feel like eating
out for dinner. Bob said it was fine with him so I headed over to the
library early to look for books for Bob and Lenore and get ready for my
After dinner we had a few rumbles of thunder and dark skies but we only
got about .02" of rain. We spent the evening reading. I finished Dead
on Arrival and picked up a book off of my "to be read" shelf
for a change of pace. Montreal : The Days That Are No More by Edgar
A. Collard is a book I picked up on our Montreal/Quebec
trip in a used book shop I stumbled on in Kingston, ON where we were
staying overnight on our way to Montreal from Niagara Falls. Mr. Collard
was an editorial writer for the Montreal Gazette for thirty some
years with over 1,700 columns appearing on the history of Montreal. From
these columns he expanded and researched various events from the 17th and
18th centuries of Montreal history in a culmination of essays for this
book. As with other books I have purchased while on my trips, I am able to
go back and "visit" the places I have toured.
I am off to the gym this morning and a stop at the garden store. I want
to get a few more plants for the shady areas of the yard and another
fuchsia hanging basket for my mom for Mother's Day. I bought her one at
Lowe's and hung it temporarily in the dogwood tree in the front yard until
Sunday. I liked it so well hanging there that I am going to get her
another one and keep that one for myself. This afternoon I will get the
plants in the ground. I also need to trim so dead limbs from the two dog
woods in the front and do some other minor maintenance yard stuff.
I hope everyone has a good weekend where ever you may be and have
planned. Thanks for stopping by to read my page.
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11 May 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Bob is in the process of splitting and migrating our web
sites to a new server. My personal web site has always been a part of I now have my own domain name, for my personal
site. Last year we moved my business site to
While most of this operation takes place behind the scenes you may
experience a few glitches here and there. If so, please give us a few
weeks to work out all the problems. If you try to get to my journal page
and cannot find me I am still around. Bob will be setting up redirect
links, etc.
Today I am going over to Historic
Bethabara Park for the Celtic Music Festival sponsored by Fiddle
and Bow Society. In addition to several Celtic bands they will have
bagpipes, food, dancing, and other Celtic cultural type events. It just so
happens the park is just around the corner from where we live. We actually
live on land that at one time was most likely part of that Moravian
The weather does not look too great for outdoor events. Cool and rainy
this morning though I think it is to just be cloudy by this afternoon. We
had a few showers over night last night to dampen things down a little but
not any significant amounts.
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12 May 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there. I feel very
fortunate to still have my mom around to visit and do things with.
The Celtic festival we fun yesterday. The cloudy weather and drizzle
kept the large crowds away while I was there. However, I left around 2 pm
when the sun was trying to peep out so hopefully they had more people show
up for the afternoon festivities. The three Celtic groups featured played
a morning set and an afternoon set.
Malcolm has injured his dew claw again. Yesterday afternoon I had The
Guys out playing tennis ball fetch in the yard. When they overrun the ball
they come to a skidding halt in the grass to double back for the ball. I
guess he got his nail caught on a root or the dirt. This was near the end
of the playing session because both dogs' tongues were hanging out and
they were getting tired. I did not know Malcolm was injured right away. I
threw the ball as usual and he went to retrieve it. Then he brought it
back and headed straight for the door to come inside. I assumed he was
just tired and ready to come in and get some water.
However, as soon as he came in he laid down and started licking at his
leg. I knew he must be injured. Sure enough, he broke the nail off at a
right angle and it was bleeding. Rather than try to pull it out like the
vet does, I just put some antibacterial cream on and wrapped it. He may
have to make a vet visit this week to get it tended to.
We spent the evening reading and listening to classical music. I played
one of my favorite CD's, Handel
Water Music Suite from II pastor fido. I started a new Melissa Cleary
dog mystery. However, I have not been sleeping very well lately with my
sinus's acting up so we walked the dogs early and I went to bed. I guess I
turned out the light a little past 9:30 and slept very well all night
waking up about 8:15.
House cleaning this morning. There is not a race today. This afternoon
we are going over to Frances's for Mother's Day. Steaks and chicken on the
grill with potatoes and rolls.
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