13 May 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
We had a very nice Mother's Day dinner at Frances's last
evening. I grilled the steaks and chicken while Al and Frances took care
of the indoor food like the potatoes, rolls, etc. The nice weather enabled
those of us who chose to do so eat out on her deck.
If am off to the gym this morning for Body Pump class then back home to
for a quick lunch and shower before going for my haircut appointment. I
have a 3:00 appointment with the vet to get Malcolm's torn dew claw
Guess that is about all the news for this Monday morning.
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14 May 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
The vet fixed up Malcolm's torn nail. She had to clip it
back at the quick above the break line which I know hurt the poor guy.
Last night he was licking at the bandage and whining in pain so I gave him
a Rimadyl for the pain. He seems fine this morning. I want to keep it
bandaged for a few days until it heals so he does not tear it again.
We had one of those good old fashioned thunder storms last night. An
inch of rain in thirty minutes with winds blowing up to 50 mph. Some areas
lost power but fortunately we did not. I have a lot of limbs and stuff
down to pick up today. I will gather all that stuff up before I mow. The
weather forecasters were predicting this cold front to come through all
day so I purposely waited to mow until today knowing I would have a lot of
blown debris to pick up. It was really windy yesterday even before the
storm came through blowing a lot of dead tree limbs down yesterday
Today is really pretty with crisp clear blue skies and cooler
temperatures. Bob is working on several projects so I will man the home
front today so he can work. I have some work to do at the computer. Now
that all my web pages have been migrated to the new server I need to check
for dead links, etc.
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15 May 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
If you did not get a chance to go out last night and view
the sky you missed a beautiful event. Venus, blazing away, was positioned
just to the right of the moon. With the moon still in its first three days
with just a sliver being visible and the remaining portion dark the
contrast was lovely. Unfortunately, tonight the moon will be higher up so
the two objects will not be positioned again as they were last night.
I spent all day yesterday in the yard with a lot of help from Malcolm
and Duncan. Yep, Malcolm's leg was feeling just find today as you can see
by the various assistance he gave me in gathering up limbs and sticks from
the storm or that I had cut down. He and Duncan decided to have a little
tug. After I cleaned up the mess they made I mowed and edged the lawn.

This was taken a couple of weeks ago. Malcolm's favorite sleeping
And, last but not least, it is very exciting news to hear that our
friends Marcia and Brian
will be moving to Maryland later this summer. It is only about a days
drive from us. Although Marcia and I did get to meet last year in Atlanta,
now Bob and I will get to meet Brian and Sally
Busy day ahead for me. I am off to the gym for spinning this morning
then the grocery store. This afternoon I am going over to the library to
began setting up for the book sale this weekend. Tonight is Astronomy Club
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16 May 2002
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[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Whew! Busy day yesterday. I had about an hour break between the morning
activities and the library. I spent about four hours putting out books for
the book sale. When I left almost everything had been put on the tables
and one of our volunteers was labeling everything.
I got home around 5 and took a shower, checked my mail, and walked the
dogs before Bob and I took off for dinner and our meeting. If you missed
looking up at the sky last night you missed seeing Mercury, Mars, Saturn,
the Moon, Venus, and Jupiter all lined up in one straight line. Another
wonderful astronomical event.
We got home from the meeting around ten. Walked the dogs and then gave
them some playtime before heading off to bed.
I am off playing golf this morning. This afternoon I will go over to
make sure everything is ready for the Friends preview at 5:00 that runs
until 7:00 than the sale opens to the everyone. There is still a large
pile of stuff in the sorting room that needs to be gone through that only
I can sort. I hope to have time to go through some of it while the sale is
going on over the next few days.
Bob is doing final review on the book to get it ready to go to the
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17 May 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
[Next Week]
The book sale got off to a good start yesterday evening. I
worked the preview from 5 to 6:15 and we had made over $100 in that time.
One of the other Friends members relieved me so I could come home. I
stopped at KFC for some take out on the way.
I was so tired we walked the dogs a little after nine and I headed off
to bed. I read a few chapters of my book before turning off the light.
This morning I have Lenore's laundry to do and get her breakfast. Bob
is working on final revision of the book chapters so I will be around to
do stuff while he works. This afternoon I have to go back over and man the
book sale for a few hours and finished sorting some more donations.
I removed Malcolm's bandage yesterday afternoon. His dew claw has
healed over nicely therefore no need to keep a bandage on his leg. All my
Guys are fastidious bathers keeping themselves very clean. After the
bandage came off he washed his leg and paw for a good half hour.
The weekend is upon us. I hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy their
favorite hobby or activity.
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18 May 2002
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
When I left the book sale yesterday afternoon at 4:30 we
had made well over $600. Saturday is usually a big day for us so hopefully
we will make close to $1000 by the time all is said and done.
We were both pretty tired last night. We listened to music and read all
evening. After we walked the dogs at 9:30 I went to bed but stayed up
reading to finish my book until 10:45 or so.
It is a rainy, cool morning. We have a cold front moving in today from
Canada bringing temperatures down to freezing in the mountains and just a
little warmer here by tomorrow morning. Tonight is public observation at
Pilot Mountain but the forecast for clear skies is not looking too good at
this point. I think Bob wants to spend the weekend knocking out chapters
of the book anyway and I am not real keen on the pubic observations.
If it does not rain in Charlotte tonight the Winston All Star race will
be run. This is a non-points money race to showcase the drivers for next
weeks big race, the Coca Cola 600.
Today's project is cleaning off my desk not only of clutter and
paperwork but also cleaning and dusting. Otherwise, I plan to take it easy
most of the day and be available to help out where Bob needs me so he can
work on the book.
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19 May 2002
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[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Other than cleaning off my desk yesterday I did not do much
of anything. I was very tired and not feeling all that well so I took the
day off. After lunch I watched a couple of things I had taped. One was the
biography of Jill Kerr Conway, The Road From Coorain.
I had read the book about five years ago along with her sequel True
North. Both are excellent memoirs if you enjoy reading this type of
biography. She was born and raised on a sheep farm in Australia. In her
first memoir she covers her life from early childhood to her eventual move
as an adult to the United States. The book is neither tedious or
pretentious instead offering a glimpse of life in this country during the
late thirties up to the mid-fifties. She covers her difficult life of
trying to cope with her mother, whose personality drastically changes
after her father dies when Jill is only eleven. Other events happen which
I will do into just in case you wish to read the book for yourself. She
was educated early in her life by her mother, who taught her to read at a
very early age, until she they moved to Sydney where she attended private
In True North she picks up her life after her move to the
states, explains how she started writing her memoirs and her marriage to
her husband John Conway. Jill was the first woman to become head of Smith
College, a position she held for a number of years. As I said, I recommend
both books if you enjoy biographies
I guess it will be the normal house cleaning this morning followed most
likely by another afternoon of relaxing and working at the computer. Bob
is diligently getting through the chapters of the book for final review
while I keep the dogs occupied.
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