23 June 2003
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Good evening, Monday evening as a matter of fact. Guess you
were wondering where I was this morning. Well, I am changing my posting
schedule during the week. It was too confusing for me, and most likely to
you as well, for me to post the night before. I will start writing the
current day post in the evening instead of the day before.
My folks and I had a very nice dinner at France and Al's last night.
Tonight, Bob ate some of the leftover vegetables and wild rice and I had
some of the leftover yams along with pork tenderloins.
I sat up too late last night finishing Carolyn Hart's Deadly
Valentine. Tonight I am starting another Lee Harris, Labor Day
The weather has remained warm and sunny. Tomorrow is to be close to 90.
Summer looks like it finally has arrived. No rain in sight until the end
of the week.
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24 June 2003
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Today was a two shower day! I left work at 11:30 for my
parents house to mow and edge the lawn since dad is still out of
commission with his knee. Mom fixed lunch for us first making it around
12:45 before I got started. It was hot, not real humid, and we had a
breeze periodically. But, by the time I had edged, mowed, and swept up I was
soaked to the skin in sweat.
I got home around 3:30, played outside with the dogs for a few minutes
then took another shower. Bob suggested we get takeout and have dinner
with Lenore to celebrate some good news I received at work today.
The temporary job at Womble ends Monday. David tried to get an
extension for the three of us that are left on the InterAction team. One
of the my co-workers, who is also one of the temps, called me last night
when I got back from the gym. She asked if I had heard from my supervisor
David today. I told her no. She was at work when he got back from the
meeting he attended to plead our case and told everyone in the office at
that time that there would not be another extension.
I was not too upset because the HR department had another part
time/permanent job open that I could move into if I wanted it. It was not
the same thing but I was willing to take it until something better opened
This morning I did not mention to David I had already talked to Patti.
He came over to my cubical and told me it was official, the last day for
the temporary data steward jobs would be Monday. But...the firm was
prepared to offer me a permanent position sometime this week. YOO HOO! I
was totally floored because I did not expect this to happen. I am the only
one of the three they considered for the job although, to be fair, Patti
cannot really take a full time job until fall when her little boy goes
back to school.
I have yet to talk with HR so I have no idea about hours, pay, etc. The
reason I say this is because Womble has all sorts of permanent positions
that are not necessarily 40 hours/week. But, I will take whatever they
offer. I also plan to continue my consultant work at nights and on
weekends. I am in the middle of a couple of projects right now.
Guess that's about all the news for now.
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25 June 2003
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
We are now in the midst of our hot humid weather so normal
for this time of year. Summer did finally show up.
I had a rather busy day today. When I got in to work this morning I had
an e-mail from the marketing person on our InterAction team that I was
signed up for a 12 o'clock web meeting. Lunch included. She sent the
e-mail yesterday but it was after I had left. Good thing I did not have
anything pressing after my planned 11:45 departure.
I was stopping by to visit my friend Nancy to drop off a couple of Frisbees
and pick up some rescue t-shirts for the merchandise page. I e-mailed her
and told her it would be after 1 before I got there instead of noon. By
the time I visited with her it was well past 2:30. I stopped by to visit
Lenore and make a drugstore stop on the way home.
The InterAction team was meeting at a local bar for dinner and
celebration at 5:30 for the exiting InterAction team members, graduation
by two of them from college, and myself being added to the team. It has
been quite some time since I have done the bar scene. We sat outside on the
patio. It was ladies working night out. They had drawings for prizes and a
local radio station playing music and doing all sorts of silly things. It
was a lot of fun for a change. We all left around 8:30.
Time to wrap this up and walk the dogs so I can go to bed and read a
few chapters before lights out.
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26 June 2003
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[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
We had a power failure this evening after dinner from around 6 pm to
7:30 pm. I had just come in from watering the plants...yes I know,
WATERING! Well, we have had a week of hot, humid, sunny weather and no
rain. I noticed the flower beds were looking pretty dry this afternoon
while I was mowing the lawn. Which, by the way has started to turn brown
in the one week we have not had any rain.
Fortunately, we have the downstairs area that remains very cool all
year long. We grabbed our books and took off downstairs to sit until the
power came back on. The upstairs did not get too hot but started to feel rather stuffy
in a very short period of time.
Tomorrow I sign the paperwork for the full time position which starts
Monday. I will be paid by the hour for a minimum of 37.5 hours a week.
Full benefits. Since I have been there since November, even though it has
been part time, they will let me start using my paid days off without the
three month waiting period. I can work more hours if I wish. David allows
us a lot of flexibility. Our job does not require us to be at work any
certain time since we are behind the scenes.
You will not see a post again until Sunday night. Malcolm and I are
driving down to Easley, SC to visit my friend Fletch and his wife Hester
along with his four dogs. Fletch, full name Fletcher, has a full weekend
planned for us that will include some sheep herding and farm chores. The
sheep dog trainer/breeder that Fletch uses to train his dog Champ will be
away this weekend at the beach. Fletch has to go down and feed the animals
which include a brand new litter of BC puppies. I will be sure to come
back with plenty of pictures and NOT a BC pup. Don't worry. Fletch has
spoken for one of the pups. He sent me a picture of it this
I plan to leave Easley around 10 or 11 Sunday morning to get me back to
Winston by early afternoon.
I finished reading the Lee Harris, Labor Day Murder, which takes
place on Fire Island. Very, very good book. For my weekend reading I will
start another Carolyn Hart tonight, The Christie Caper and take it
with me to Fletch's.
Have a great weekend. See you next week.
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27 June 2003
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[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
[Next Week]
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28 June 2003
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[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
[Top] |
29 June 2003
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[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
As you will see from the pictures Malcolm and I had a great
time visiting Fletch this weekend. These pictures were taken out at a
working sheep farm where Fletch trains his red and white BC, Champ. It was
raining Saturday morning when I was taking them. Also, I could not get
very close because I did not want to distract Fletch and Champ working.
After we left the farm we went back home. His wife had fixed a
wonderful lunch. We then took Malcolm and another of Fletch's dogs, Molly,
for a walk up to a nearby school to play some fetch.

Around 4 pm we had to go back to the farm to meet a couple who were
driving down from NC to buy one of the two pups you see in the little pen.
Also, the farm owners had left for the beach. Fletch and I had to feed all
the working dogs, hose out their pens, feed the one pup left of the three
that Angie was keeping plus a litter of champion coon dog pups in another
We bathed Both pups to get the mud and dirt off and to clean them of
numerous ticks them put them in this pen to keep them from running off
and/or getting dirty again while did our chores. The one on the left was
for the couple. The other one in the pen and the pictures where she is
following Malcolm around belonged to Fletch. She got to ride home in my
Malcolm had a great time running around the big yard at the house and
the dog kennels.. Needless to say he was tired on the way home.

We left this morning around 10:30 arriving back home
around 1:30. I unpacked, washed a load of cloths, and read the newspapers.
Around 3 I dropped Bob off at Steve Childers house while I visited Lenore.
Steve and Bob are working on Steve's 17" telescope he is building. I
went back to pick him up then we drove by KFC for takeout.
I have spent several hours checking mail, reading pages,
and doing other assorted tasks.
Tomorrow is my first full day of work at Womble. Although
I am used to working all day I had that break in the middle of the day
where I came home, changed clothes, etc. It will take a bit of adjustment
to spending the full 8 hours at work much like it did when I went back to
work half time from working at home full time.
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