Monday, 30 June 2003
[Last Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday] [Next Week]
Welcome to Monday and the last day of the
month. The year is already half way over. Hard to believe. If you
missed the pictures from the weekend they are posted on Sunday,
the 29th. Needless to say Malcolm was still a very tired pup last
Well, the first full day of work went well. We had a
little covered dish luncheon for all the part time/full time
members of the team who last day was today. As a final parting
gift, to me for not leaving, all the other data researchers from
the team handed over their incomplete companies that needed
cleaned. Job security abounds!
I have been having two computer problems so Bob worked
on those today. My system has been running really slow, very often
clunking away as some very simple things I needed it to do. And, I
could not sync my Sony CLIE Palm after he switched me over to
Mozilla mail. This morning when I went to check my Palm for
something I noticed the batteries needed to be changed. I e-mailed
Bob and told him we needed to see if we could get something worked out
this evening so I could sync before changing the batteries.
As soon as I got home I started on doing a quick
vacuuming of the house since I missed my house cleaning day
yesterday. Bob cleaned the bathroom counters, sinks, and toilets
for me this afternoon. While I got started he opened up my PC case
to check to see how much memory I had. The case and insides was so
nasty we took it out to the kitchen table to give it a good cleaning.
While he installed more memory I vacuumed.
After he powered up my machine we checked it for speed
by firing up Mozilla, which loads slow anyway. We then tried the
sync again and it worked. All problems solved for now.
I had a call coming at 5 pm from one of my contract
clients so I delayed fixing dinner until after he called around
5:10. After dinner, fries and shrimp, we walked the dogs between
rain showers. Looks like tropical storm Bill is on its way right
towards us. The outlying bands of storms and showers are already
getting to us this evening.
Guess I better wrap this up and take the remainder of
the evening off to read and play with my dogs. I am still reading
Carolyn Hart, The Christie Caper.
Tuesday, 1 July 2003
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday] [Next Week]
Things are going well at work. With just
three of us doing mergers and cleaning companies there is a lot of
work to be done. I got home a little after 4 pm today after having
made a quick stop at the vets for heartworm meds and Rimadyl. I
called Bob just before I left work to get the red potatoes
started boiling in their jackets on the stove.
While I changed clothes Bob fired up the grill. I
barbecued pork ribs and fixed rolls to go along with the potatoes.
After dinner I made a quick visit over to visit Lenore since I
missed last night.
After checking mail and getting this post up it will
time to hit the couch for some reading and ball playing with the
We are having on again/off again showers with the rain
bands starting to move in from Bill. I think the majority of the
front is supposed to move through here tonight and tomorrow.
Wednesday, 2 July 2003
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Short post tonight, folks. It has been a
long day and I need a little down time before going to
bed. By the time I got home and checked my mail it was
time to leave for the library and dinner. We picked up
Taco Bell to go over and eat with Lenore. On the way home
I had to make a grocery store stop.
Once I get this schedule into some sort of routine I
will not feel as frazzled as I do right now. So glad I
have a short work week at Womble and a long weekend at
home to get things caught up.
Ol' Bill continues to dump more rain upon our already
drenched heads. Hopefully it will clear up enough this weekend to give
me a chance to mow and put out some fertilizer.
Thursday, 3 July 2003
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
I just got through mowing the lawn, 7:30 pm, and it is
hot and humid. It looks like the skies are going to clear up
this evening. I think we are planning to head up to
Bullington to get in some observing.
Well, the first week of full time work went well. By the
time I get home I feel like I have mush for brains. With my
contract work picking up I will have to get some "mental"
rest in from coming home time to after dinner. My game plan
is to do my contract work at night after dinner rather than
try to start up as soon as I get home.
I have a laundry list of things I want to get done this
weekend both inside and out.
For my American readers have a safe and happy 4th of
July weekend if you are traveling anywhere.
Last night I finished up the Carolyn Hart. My next read
will be a reserve from the library, a new Barbara Delinsky.
Her books are somewhat of a cross between general fiction, a
little romance, and some mystery. She writes very
well. Hopefully I will not be disappointed in her latest
Friday, 4 July 2003
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Happy July 4th, USA. I had a rather
productive one if I do say so myself.
I got up a little after 7 am. We had a very heavy dew
last night which is what I wanted so I could put out my weed and feed
this morning. After I finished up with that I mixed up some extra
strength weed/grass killer for the natural areas. I have
hundreds of those little oak seeds sprouting under my
pine tree plus a wide assortment of other weeds. I
sprayed that area, the cracks in the driveway and along
the landscape timbers. It was not hot but very humid. By the time
I finished up I was soaking wet.
After coming in for a cool drink I went back outside to
sweep up the driveway of leaves and sticks. Malcolm kept trying to
attack the push broom to the point where I finally had to put him
inside so I could get the sweeping finished.
The next project was painting the wings on dad's wooden
whirligig duck. He has had it for a long time in the garden. When the
wind blows the ducks wings blow making it look like it is
flying. The wings finally rotted off from the elements
and he had to find someone who could repair it. However,
they only put on the new wings but did not paint them.
After putting one coat on while it was drying I finished
up a few more things outside before it got much hotter.
After a quick shower and lunch I came back to check my
mail and clean up my cluttered desk/office floor. Around 2
pm we all settled down in different parts of the house
for a nap. I woke up about 45 minutes later, took the dogs
out, and came back to my office.
Around 4 I walked around the block to a small party with
some of my previous co-workers. One of the library staff employees has
moved into a house on the street behind us one block over. We ran
into her last night while walking the dogs before going up to
Bullington and invited us over.
While I visited with them Bob took dinner over and ate
with Lenore. She has a very bad cold and is not doing very well.
Last night at Bullington was a bust. The only thing we
did not have was rain and heavy clouds. The haze, fog, and
other atmospheric clutter make conditions awful. I did
view the moon until it went down but that was about all.
We packed up around 11:30 and came home.
It has been a fun day. I really enjoyed being outdoors
puttering around in the yard without being rushed. What a nice
change to tire out physically and let the brain cells have a day
Saturday, 5 July 2003
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Another nice day of my holiday weekend. I
got about 7:15, read the paper, and got the house
cleaning underway and Bob started the laundry. After
giving the house a thorough going over I got dressed and
went over to visit Lenore. We watched the Women's final
at Wimbledon before I left to come back home.
I spent most of the afternoon working on contract work,
checking e-mail, etc. I closed up shop around 4 pm to go
out and watch the Women's Open Golf match. We ate salads
for dinner. The temperatures are staying right around 89,
90 degrees but with the humidity the heat index was up
into the mid-nineties this afternoon. Not a good day to
be outdoors doing anything.
After getting this post up I am going back out to the
den to watch the Pepsi 400 from Daytona, the premier race
of Winston Cup. I used to watch this race on ABC growing
up when it was called the Firecracker 400. Back then,
they only covered the big races on TV.
As I said, I am just enjoying my long weekend. Last
night was rough on the guys. I went to bed about 9:30 to
read. The kids in the neighborhood were shooting off
everything from firecrackers to those whining things
which is what really scares the dogs. After much pacing
on Duncan's part and barking on Malcolm's part they both
ended up on the bed with me in the middle.
When Bob came back to bed Malcolm went into defensive
mode and attacked Duncan. They got into it right over top
of me. I was yelling at Bob to get them off of me since
110 pounds of dog on top of you fighting can cause
serious damage. Luckily I got out with just a bad scratch
on the back of one leg.
We crated Malcolm to settle him down and
eventually peace was restored. I think I will get some
ear muffs for the dogs for the next 4th of July holiday.
I did get several chapters read on the Barbara Delinsky
book. So far, it is very good.
Sunday, 6 July 2003
[Last Week] [Monday]
[Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
This afternoon and evening has been one
series of storms rolling through after another. At times,
as much as two inches of rain has fallen with each storm.
Fortunately, none have been severe to this point just a
lot of loud thunder and bright lightning.
The day started out hot and humid. After the first
storms came through the temperatures dropped from the
high 80's down to 72.
We started off this morning sleeping in until 8, late
for us. At nine I started watching the men's tennis final
from Wimbledon then left around 9:45
to visit with Lenore and watch it with her. I left the
Brian Center about 11 to have lunch at my parents house
and visit with them and Frances.
I guess I left there sometime after 1pm, came home
checked my mail, paid some bills, and started working on
an article for a client. The first storms started rolling
in a little after 3. I closed up shop and went out to the
den to comfort the dogs and watch the women's U.S. Golf
Open. After Bob left about 4:15 to go over and visit
Lenore I came back and worked for another hour before
stopping to fix dinner. The golf match ended with a three
way tie for the lead with two of the contenders being young
golfers who had to qualify to get into the tournament. The third
lady is a seasoned tour player. An 18 hole playoff will take place
Bob came home just as the pizza's were coming out of the
oven. Fortunately we got a lull in storms for the dogs to
get a quick out after dinner. As I write this we are
getting another one. Guess we will have to dodge the
storms to get them a last time out.