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Barbara Fritchman Thompson
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Barbara Fritchman Thompson Diary

Week of 15 September 2003

Latest Update: Sunday, 21 September 2003 19:11

Monday, 15 September 2003

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Tuesday, 16 September 2003

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Wednesday, 17 September 2003

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Thursday, 18 September 2003

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Friday, 19 September 2003

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Yes, I am back. I will have a trip page up by Monday at the latest. 

We had a great time. The hurricane did not really have an impact on our trip except for the drive home. With the winds gusting and the rain pelting the bus, we watched videos most of the time instead of playing various games to win prizes to keep things quiet for the bus driver. At one point the driver and escort had to get off the bus and move a large tree limb in the middle of the Interstate so we could continue on our way without a lengthy wait for a highway crew.

 We got back to Level Cross sometime after 7 PM. By the time we sorted our luggage, stopped for a late supper, and I dropped them off at home it was going on nine when I arrived home.

I played with the dogs while Bob and I caught up on all the news. After I unpacked the suitcase I spent an hour or so reading the weeks newspapers to give the dogs some more "awake time" to play ball. I guess we went to bed around 11:30.

Today was basically errand and catch up day. I went out to Wal-Mart to buy a new gas can. The lawn mower repair guy made his house call on Tuesday while I was gone. As I suspected, the insides of the gas can were creating sludge, even though I dumped it out real good before I put fresh gas in after the trip to the repair shop several months ago. He cleaned the carburetor and did some basic maintenance type stuff and told Bob we needed to buy a new gas can.

On the way back from Wal-Mart I dropped off my film, only two rolls, and made a gas stop for the car and my new can. Back home, I ate lunch, did some stuff at my desk, then took off for the bank, library, and grocery store.

More catch up work at the computer this afternoon before my shower. 

Tonight it is to be one of the clearest nights in a long time for observing. The hurricane blows all the junk out of the atmosphere leaving clear, blue skies, and cool temperatures in its wake. We plan to get in some observing this evening.

I started a new mystery author while on my trip, Laurie King. She has two series. I started the Mary Russell series, who, as a very young teenage girl, becomes a student of Sherlock Holmes. The first book, The Beekeepers Apprentice, is fascinating. Other than the bus ride up and back and a half hour here and there in the room, I had very little reading time and still managed to get 3/4 of the way through the book. 


Saturday, 20 September 2003

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Last night we had one of the best nights for observing since April. Eight of us went up to Pilot Mountain for a fine evening of deep sky object searching. I did not bag many objects because I have started on a new list. Much like when I was first learning how to find Messier objects, locating these smaller, dimmer objects is requiring me to learn some additional sky navigating skills. I still have 10 of 110 Messier objects to complete that list but will have to wait until next year when those are visible again.

I had planned on starting the Caldwell list. However, after struggling for an hour or more to locate some, Paul suggested I start on the Hershel 400 instead. Thus, I now have a new list to focus upon and one that will be much more rewarding. That is not to say I will not continue to also work on the Caldwell list and my binocular list plus my Urban list when in town.

At any rate, we stayed up at Pilot until 2 am this morning making it almost 3 by the time we were in bed. I woke up around 7:45 to let our guys out and our neighbors dogs we are caring for.

After a leisurely morning of reading the paper and breakfast I tackled the house cleaning chores then after lunch tackled the lawn chores, mowing and edging. 

This activity was followed by a very serious nap from 3 until 4:30. I am working on my trip report. If the forecast holds for tonight we will more than likely be back out under the stars. 



Sunday, 21 September 2003

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The trip report is up. I spent Sunday evening after dinner checking mail and getting the trip report and this post up. During dinner we watched on of the first episodes of Mystery we taped back in July. Tonight, as soon as I finish up here, we are watching a second one.

I played golf this morning. This afternoon I watched the race, read the paper, and napped until dinner time. 

Hope you had a great weekend. It is back to work for me tomorrow both at the law firm and consulting jobs.




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