22 September 2003
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
In case you missed it yesterday, my trip
report is up from my vacation last week.
I managed to get back into the swing of things at work with very little
difficulty. Several weeks ago I requested a mouse from our tech
department. I have one of those small LogiTech mouse that came with our
new Dell systems. It is so small it is very hard on my poor arthritic
fingers. I asked our tech guy if they had something a little wider or
bigger. I use a wide mouse here at home. The day I left to go on vacation
he brought me a new track ball mouse. (I cannot remember the brand right
now). It has the track ball on top and is VERY wide with thumb buttons,
scroll wheel, and two right side buttons.
I spent about an hour this morning getting used to my new mouse by
checking e-mails before I actually started working in the database to
prevent "scrolling accidents". At the end of the day today my
hand and fingers felt much better. I got the hang of the wheel pretty well
except for the drag and drop and cut and paste actions.
After giving the dogs their routine play time outside when I got home,
I spent about an hour working before fixing dinner and heading off to the
gym. We have some rain/storms moving in this evening and over night.
I am almost finished with that Laurie King, the Beekeeper's Apprentice.
Last night I could only stay awake long enough to read about two chapters.
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23 September 2003
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday]
[Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Not much new at the Thompson Techno Grotto. We pretty much
followed the same schedule today as yesterday: work, playtime, work,
dinner, gym, work, read, bedtime.
I just could not stay awake long enough last night to finish the last
few chapters of my book. The new television season starts this week. I
really don't watch a lot of network television but I do have a couple of
favorite shows I have watching for a long time, NYPD, West Wing, and
ER. I thought I would also give the new Mark Harmon show, Navy CIS, a try
and the new David E. Kelly, set in New Hampshire. With the dogs, my
schedule, and other interruptions we tape everything and watch it later.
The new season for Angel does not kick off until October 1st. We are
also taping the Sunday night mystery series on PBS. Bob taped and watched
Pulp Fiction while I was on vacation. Not my cup of tea, that one, so I
will give it a miss.
Some heavy rain moved in to the area last night flooding portions of
some of the nearby cities. Other than a little water in the basement we
were fine.
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24 September 2003
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
I was finally able to stay awake long enough last night to
finish Beekeeper's Apprentice. This is the first book in her series about
Sherlock Holmes and his student Mary Russell. I will continue on with the
series but will take a break and read something else next. My TBR shelves
are now full. Bob and I share the mystery TBR shelf and I have one of my
own of other books. Of course, I bought a book while in Cape May. It is
fiction set on the island.
I left work early at 2 pm today to run errands. Bob burned my digital
pictures to a CD so I could take them to the photo place and get them
printed for me and my parents. The photo place is on the other side of
town where AC Moore is located. While I waited on the prints I swung over
there to pick up a small photo album and some picture frames.
Other than stopping to fix dinner and walk the dogs I have worked
pretty much non-stop since I have been home. Time to give the Guys some
attention before bedtime.
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25 September 2003
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
In case you missed it, I did put up a post yesterday but I forgot to
move the current link.
I left work at 2:30 today, stopping at the grocery store on the way
home. The reason I have been leaving early this week is because I have a
workshop tomorrow afternoon. Rather than go in a couple of hours late and
have trouble finding a parking place I elected to work 8 - 5 instead. That
makes 9 hours for tomorrow, we don't take a lunch. Since we cannot draw
overtime I had to leave early two days to balance out the week.
The first thing I did this afternoon after play time with the dogs was
to unbury the top of my desk. After getting papers filed and other
assorted items I had a little time before fixing dinner to get some work
We had hamburgers on the George Forman with fries, one of Bob's
favorite meals. During dinner I watched one of my taped shows from Tuesday
night, Navy, NCIS. As usual, Bob thought it stunk, but I liked it. After
it finished up I walked the dogs then came back to my office to pay some
bills. After I finish up this post I will go out an watch my NYPD.
I started a new author last night, Susan Moody, Death Takes A Hand.
She writes bridge mysteries. Although I don't play bridge I thought I
would give it a try. Bob said it was pretty good. Will let you know once I
get a little more into it.
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26 September 2003
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
[Next Week]
No update.
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27 September 2003
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Hi, welcome to the weekend. I had a full day yesterday from
sunrise to sunset. As I mentioned on Thursday my working hours for Friday
would be 8 - 5 due to an afternoon workshop. When I left home Friday
morning the Clear Sky Clock did not look very promising for a Friday night
viewing session.
I called about midday to suggest I pick him up when I got off work to
go out for dinner and told him I would call when I was leaving the parking
lot. When I called him at 5, the forecast had improved considerably. We
were now planning on going up to our viewing spot in King. With sunset at
7:35 or so we would need to leave around 6:30 to get to the site before
dark and get set up.
I grabbed some KFC on the way home, ate dinner, did a very quick e-mail
check, walked the dogs, and we took off. The skies were generally clear
but the ground level haze and dew was bad. My log sheets and the laptop
computer were already damp with dew by 7:45, before it even got completely
dark. Other than dealing with everything being soaked we had a fairly
successful evening. I bagged one more object on my Messier list, leaving
on 9 left to complete my 110.
Bob and both worked on our Hershel 400 list completing all the objects
in Cassiopeia. By 11:00 I was getting tired, the scope, telrad, and
finder scope were all covered in dew as were my notebook and log sheets.
By the time we packed up and headed for home it was going on midnight. We
were in bed by 1 am.
This morning I did a quick workout at the gym, returning home to clean
house, finishing up at noon. After lunch I mowed the lawn then took a
shower. I have spent the remainder of the afternoon working at my desk.
Bob did the laundry and cleaned the bathrooms for me.
The forecast for tonight is for thunderstorms to come in by early
evening. I plan on spending this evening watching my shows from this week,
reading, and relaxing.
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28 September 2003
Week] [Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
We had a pretty good storm last night dumping a lot of rain
on us again. This was all going on while we were catching up on programs
taped during the week. West Wing is by far the best show on television, in
my humble opinion of course. The script and acting are both very well
done. I don't give a hang for the politics I just enjoy the show. We also
taped Brotherhood of Poland, the new David E. Kelly. Also, in my humble
opinion, it stunk. We watched all of twenty minutes of it before bagging
it to watch another taped mystery. The fact that West Wing is so superbly
done then watching Brotherhood, I am sure made it seem even worse. I will
take that one off my to-be-taped list.
By the time the mystery was over and we walked the dogs it was going on
ten. I read a couple of pages in my book before turning off the
This morning we played golf. After the clouds blew away from last night
it turned into a picture perfect fall day with moderate temperatures and a
slight breeze.
Other than changing and washing the bed linens I spent the day resting,
watching the race, and catching up on some of my magazine reading.
Tonight I will watch ER and get caught up on my taped shows for the
week. We may have time to get in another mystery, one of two episodes we
have left.
Tomorrow starts off another busy week for me. Hope yours is a good one.
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