Barbara Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of 1
November 2004
Latest Update: Sunday, 7 November 2004 4:21 p.m.
Monday, 1 November
news all around. If you read Bob's post
this morning you know things turned out okay for my mom. I met the bus
at 5 pm and had her at the emergency room around 5:20. They finally had
a bed for her back in the emergency area at 6:05. She was in a lot of
pain and very dehydrated by the time they took her back. After pumping
her full of fluids they took x-rays which determined nothing.
Frances and Al arrived at the hospital sometime around between 7:30
and 8:00 pm from Level Cross. The hospital finally took her for a CT
Scan around 11:00. The results came back with everything all clear with
the final results being acute gastritis. Once we knew the diagnosis it
was a matter of being able to keep fluids and solids down before she
could go home. Al and Frances left around midnight to go on home. They
finally released mom around 1:00 am. I drove them home, got their stuff
unloaded, and got here going on 2am. Although I was tired from sitting
in the emergency room all evening I had trouble going to sleep.
I guess I finally fell asleep about 3am and woke up at 8. I was at work
by 9:15. I called mom during the middle of the day. She had been to a
follow up appointment with her doctor. They instructed her to take the
medicine prescribed by the ER doctors and make a follow up appointment
in the next couple of months.
A couple of years ago I had a bout of gastritis so I know how painful
it can be. It is not a laughing matter for anyone particularly my mom's
age. Fortunately Al and Frances made the call to hand her off on the
way to Level Cross yesterday afternoon so I could get her on to the
Over the weekend I finished up the Jane Austin mystery and started a
new series written by Sarah Shaber. Her character, Simon Shaw, works as
a professor of history at a small college in Raleigh, NC. Like Bob, I
very often do not like regional settings particularly southern.
However, since I started reading mysteries I have noticed southern
mystery writers are a lot better than general southern fiction writers.
Not sure why that is. The first book in the series, Simon Says, finds Simon attempting
to solve the mystery of a young woman who was found murdered and buried
on the campus under the floor of Bloodworth House being archealogically
excavated. Having recently been dumped by his wife, Simon is struggling
to get his personal life back on track. Simon knows the name of the
person whose remains were found but must use his history research
skills to convince the police. Once they know who she is Simon becomes
determined to discover why she was murdered and buried on the campus
under her own house.
For a first book Shaber did an excellent job. The characters and
settings compliment rather than take over the plot. Being from NC, her
real places mentioned in the book make it even more fun to read. I
almost finished reading this one last night at the hospital.
On the weather front, we had to turn the AC back on. It was up to 80
again today. I think one of the reasons I had so much trouble going to
sleep this morning was due to it being so warm in the house.
I did make it to 5:30 step class tonight. It will be an early bedtime
for sure. I am too old to go to bed and get up in the same day on five
hours sleep, work, and go to the gym. Frances had the same amount or
less because she had an early morning doctor's appointment. She
normally works 11 - 8.
Tuesday, 2 November
I was up at 6 and out the door on the way to
work by 7. I wanted to make up some of my time from yesterday plus I
had an appointment at 3:30 at the insurance place to have the car
looked at for an estimate.
On the way home I stopped to vote. I only had to wait 40 minutes which
was not bad at all.
No gym tonight. Last night I did manage to stay awake long enough to
finish my book. That four hours or so of sleep I got Sunday night
caught up with me around 10pm.
Guess we will read and watch election returns tonight. The warm
temperatures for today never did materialize plus we had some rain
showers this afternoon that were not predicted to come in until
Wednesday, 3 November
Not really much in the way of news. I decided to read the next and most
recent book in the Em Hansen series to finish it out until she
publishes a new one.
No word yet on Duncan's test results. I did talk with my mom tonight on
the phone when I got back home from the gym. She has been able to eat
and seems to be feeling a little better.
It has been very warm the last couple of days. It was sprinkling when I
left for the gym. Tomorrow it is to be cooler with rain and then turn
much colder by the weekend.
Thursday, 4 November
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Good evening. Went from summer back to fall
in the last 24 hours. It was raining when I left for work this morning.
The temperatures never did get out of the 50's. Tonight when we walked
the dogs after dinner I check the rain gauge. We had a full inch of
rain since last night. The forecast for tomorrow night looks somewhat
promising for doing some observing.
I have to take Duncan to the vets to get his staples removed and have
his front leg checked. I had to rewrap it earlier in the week from
where they had inserted the catheter. It was not healing up very well.
Saturday, I have a sheep dog trial in Rural Hall to attend in order to
sell merchandise for CBCR. I do this event every year. It is one of my
favorites. They have great crafts, music, and we usually make a lot of
money in sales.
Friday, 5 November 2004
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
No update.
Saturday, 6 November
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Duncan's back continues to heal. The vet said
the report on his tumor was benign. He said he felt confident he had
taken out all the surrounding tissue but to keep an eye on the spot. He
is not sure what caused the raw area on his leg but to keep it open to
the air. Duncan had to wear his Elizabethan collar again last night and
all day today so he would not like it.
As soon as I got back from the vet office I packed up my truck with the
CBCR merchandise. After giving the dogs their dinner and a walk we took
off for Bullington.
It was a good night last night up at Bullington. As Bob mentioned, we
logged a lot of new objects on our list. It was not too cold nor windy
with no dew. We packed up around 11:00 to come home. By the time we
took care of the dogs and I read a chapter in my book it was after
12:30 by the time I turned the light out. I set the alarm for 7:15 but
woke up about 6:50. As soon as I could dress, give the dogs a quick
out, and grab my cooler of drinks and snacks I was out the door.
It was a beautiful sunny day although very windy. I sold a lot of stuff
but have not had time to count up the total in dollars. I called Bob
about 20 minutes out from home to see what he wanted me to pick up for
dinner. It was just about 6pm when I rolled in the garage. After eating
I took a shower then went down to unload all the stuff.
Fortunately I had very little mail from Friday and today to catch up
on. I still need to read the paper and yes... it will be early to bed
tonight for sure.
Sunday, 7 November
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
It has been absolutely beautiful today. This
morning was a little cool when dad and I teed off around 7:40. Once the
sun got up above the tree line it warmed up considerably. By the time
we finished, around 11:30, it had turn hot.
Mom continues on the road to recovery. Although she is still weak she
is eating well.
This afternoon Bob cleaned out the gutters while I started vacuuming
the leaves. Once I finished the leaves I mowed then washed my car. No
house cleaning today. Thursday morning my folks, Al, Frances, and I are
taking a little weekend trip down to Savannah, GA. I will take
Wednesday off to get some things done one of which will be the house
Guess I better wrap this up and go read the paper. I have had my shower
but need to get dressed. Bob and I are going out to dinner with our
friends Paul and Mary. The dogs need fed and walked before we go.
© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by Barbara Fritchman
Thompson. All Rights Reserved.