Barbara Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of 8
November 2004
Latest Update: Sunday, 14 November 2004 6:00 p.m.
Monday, 8 November
night I stayed up reading in bed until I finished the latest Em Hansen.
Sarah Andrews just keeps getting better and better with each book. I
eagerly await her next one in the series.
Bob and I enjoyed the Thai restaurant Paul and Mary took us to. I
have eaten Thai food but Bob has not. We have a fairly decent one
downtown that I visited a couple of times.
Today was the usual rush home, fix dinner, and head out for the 5:30
step class. I have some things to get done this evening so best get to
them. Have a great evening.
Tuesday, 9 November
Busy, busy day. I left work early this
afternoon in order to get my errands run...bank, library, drug store,
and grocery store. After getting the food put away I washed a load of
laundry. I am getting things ready for my trip this evening while doing
mundane things like cleaning off my desk, etc.
Tomorrow morning I will clean house, plant my spring bulbs that came in
the mail, and get packed. I need to leave the house by 2pm for Best
Buy. Once I pick out a new radio/cd player for my car I will have them
do the install. From there I will head over to Frances' to pick her up
so we can go get the rental car.
My Trooper is not big enough for the five of us and luggage for that
long of a ride. We decided it would be best to rent a Suburban sized
type vehicle. I forget which models Frances said we had to choose from
but they will be similar in size.
Once we get the car picked up we will go back to her house. I will
spend the night with them. Thursday morning we will pick up mom and dad
and take off for Savannah.
We shall return sometime Sunday afternoon. Other than Friday, the long
range forecast looks pretty good.
See you when I get back. I should have a short post up on Sunday
Wednesday, 10 November 2004
Thursday, 11 November 2004
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Friday, 12 November 2004
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Saturday, 13 November 2004
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Sunday, 14 November
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I'm back. We had a wonderful time. It was
4:00 when I pulled into the garage. Bob was preparing for his 4:30
radio interview via the telephone. While I unpacked and started
checking my mail Bob went downstairs for his interview. Once he
finished up I fixed dinner. This evening I will watch last Wednesday's
West Wing.
While on my trip I read a mystery I need to review for Mystery Morgue.
The weather in Savannah was warm on Thursday but turned cold and rainy
on Friday and Saturday. It really did not bother our plans very much
except for the 20-30 mph winds on Tybee Island on Saturday morning. Our
hotel was in a great location, just a block from the River Front and a
block from the City Market.
Once Bob had time to download pictures I will choose a few and get them
up on my page for next week. Al, who has been to Savannah on Coach
tours, did a great job driving us around and showing us all kinds of
great places. Friday, we spent "on foot" doing the downtown and City
Market area of Savannah. We laughed and joked a lot on the drive down
and back.
Mom and dad both got along very well. I told Bob tonight, I have never
seen as many dogs out and about in one city as I did in Savannah,
except maybe New York City. A lot of the downtown shop owners take
their dogs to work. Others were out walking and jogging with their
humans everywhere.
For the drive back today, we had nice clear weather. Tonight, here, it
is to get fairly cold. Friday while I was gone we had 1 1/2 inches of
The dogs and Bob were of course very glad to have me back home. I
always enjoy going away to visit places but I like to come back home,
Wednesday afternoon I did get my new car stereo/cd player installed. I
spent a little time working on the settings while waiting on Frances to
get home from work so we could go pick up the car. I still have a few
things to learn about the settings but it sounds great. I am very happy
with it.
© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by Barbara Fritchman
Thompson. All Rights Reserved.