Barbara Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of
28 March 2005
Latest Update: Sunday, 3 April 2005 2:00 p.m.
Monday, 28 March
to popular belief I did not give Bob whatever he has, which is most
likely a cold! BAH!
Last night I finish the John Dunning mystery, The Sign of the Book. Even if you
are not interested in the business of book dealing I highly suggest you
read this series. They are sort of a mix between a soft thriller and a
police procedural. As his books get close to the end they get so
suspenseful I can hardly wait to find out what happens.
It was a very weird day weatherwise. I think we had storms all around
us early in the morning. It was raining when I left for work. Later
that morning when I walked to the PO the sun was shinning but the wind
was blowing and gusting about 20mph. When I left work this afternoon it
had turned cold and rainy again. I think it is all supposed to blow out
of here by tomorrow.
My mom is doing better and seems to improving a little more each day.
Tuesday, 29 March
I was a beautiful, warm day although it a
little windy. I mowed the grass before dinner. While it was not all
that high it needed cutting. After dinner I needed to pick up some
prescriptions from the drug store, books from the library, and and a
couple of things from the store. Thus, my post is later than usual
Last night I started another Sister Fidelma, The Haunted Abbot.
Wednesday, 30 March 2005
Just in case you are concerned that Bob has
left the planet, have no fear, he is hard at work on finishing up the
book. I did not go to the gym tonight. Instead, we will be setting up
"observing sessions" to photograph for the book. While most or all of
them will be shot after dark, we need to get things set up ahead of
Also, if I did go to the gym, even an hour or so later after I get home
I would look like I had just run a marathon.
However, we are shooting some "winter scenes" with gloves, coats, hats,
etc. Currently it is 75 degrees outside. Hopefully as the sun goes down
the temperatures will drop or there may be pictures of me in my winter
gear with sweat running down my face!
Guess I better run help get things set up.
Thursday, 31 March
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Tomorrow night I am meeting my folks and
Frances for dinner. I plan to work 8 to 5 in order to leave from work
so today I worked a short day. I made the usual grocery store run on
the way home. As usual we let the dogs out back while we unloaded the
car. Next thing I knew the Guys had gone down to Mimi's for a visit
because she had just let her two dogs out in the back yard. She put
mine in the fence with her while I came home to helped get the
groceries upstairs and change before going back down for a visit.
We stayed for twenty minutes or so giving the dogs a chance to run
around and play. When we came in from walking them after dinner we
forgot to close the front door. This created a couple of frenzied
barking sessions before I got up to see what was going on. Just as I
looked out Paula was just coming down her driveway from across the
street to walk Max. I took my Guys out for another short visit.
The weather had just been unbelievably warm this week. It looked like
rain earlier but most or all of it stayed south of us. More of a chance
Some of my late blooming bulbs are starting to show their green shoots
but do not have flowers on the yet.
Guess I will wrap this up. I should finish the Sister Fidelma tonight.
Friday, 1 April 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
No update
Saturday, 2
April 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
It has been a very busy day as usual. Instead
of going to the gym this morning I took of for Lowe's for spring
project supplies. After rolling a large cart around the garden section
loading 8 landscape bricks, three bags of mulch, two bags of weed and
feed, three bags of grass seeding soil, and a few odd assorted items
then loading all that in the truck I worked harder than I would have at
the gym. And of course it all had to be unloaded back here.
I bought the bricks in order to extend the wall along the drive up
around the corner of the flower bed. I have a small area at the corner
of the yard by the driveway where the wall started that I cannot get
grass to grow. I just extended the wall up around into the yard over
that area and will back fill it with mulch.
After completing that little project I came in to do a very quick
bathroom cleaning and vacuum job to at least get the dog hair and dirt
we track in swept up.
After an early lunch I started digging out the dirt and roots around
the dogwood tree that has been slowly dying for several years. After
getting the dirt removed from around the base of the tree, see below,
there was not much of the tree remaining at the base. Our neighbor Jim
said once we removed the dirt we could pull it out of the ground rather
than cut it off leaving a stump so I could grass the area back over. He
brought over his come-along, a sort of chain pulley type system we had
planned to use to pull it out of the ground with.
As you can see in the other picture, all Jim had to do was give it a
good push and it fell right over. He helped me to saw it up into small
enough chunks that we could haul to the curb.
I used his wheel barrow and my bucket of dirt to fill the hole back
over for seeding. The other wheel barrow of dirt I spread on the other
side of the yard where I have a low spot. After getting a couple of
other small projects finished I called it a day.
The weather all morning was windy and squally with bands of rain coming
through off and on. The sun looks like it is trying to come out now. It
is supposed to turn cold this afternoon and drop back down into the
30's tonight with 20-30mph winds. We must of had a good rain last
night. The corner downspout was clogged with debris which resulted in
some minor leaking in the far corner of the basement. I fixed the
downspout area with one of those cement runoffs before attaching a new
downspout tube. The old one was looking pretty bad.
Last night I started another new series for me by Peter Lovesey. He
actually writes two series both of which I am going to try. The one I
started first was his Richard Cribb and Edward Thackeray series set in
Victorian London. Cribb and Thackeray are plain cloths policemen
working in one of the rougher sections of London. In The Detective Wore Silk Drawers fist
fighters, called pugilists, started showing up drowned in the Thames
with their heads missing. Fist fighting eventually became illegal in
England being replaced by fighters wearing gloves.
Cribb and Thackery enlist the help of one of the police bobbies who
also does gloved boxing on the side. He goes undercover in the fighting
world in an attempt to determine who is murdering the "pugs" as they
are called.
Lovesey wrote the series in the 70's before abandoning the character
for some non-series books and his current series staring Peter Diamond.
As a matter of fact, I have reviewed in the past the three books in his
Bertie series written in the 80's staring Albert, the Prince of Wales.
As usual I have paperwork, bills to pay, etc to work on this afternoon.
Tonight I shall rest and read while watching some of the Final Four
basketball. Carolina plays in the second game.
Sunday, 3 April
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Dad and I tried to play golf this morning.
After nine holes of winds with gusts from 25 to 35 mph, I had enough. I
don't mind a little wind but the gusts just made it miserable to play.
I was dressed warm enough I am just not good enough golfer to hit knock
down shots, low drives, etc. I don't know if it was the weather or just
an excuse, but dad and I neither one were playing very well.
We were back home by 10am. I stayed for a visit and lunch before
heading on back home. My mom is continuing to do well and appears to be
back on the road to becoming her old self again.
Bob wanted to do another "photo shoot" this afternoon for the book
beside the scope for the biography page. After repeated tries, outside
in those roaring winds, we finally got a decent picture of me to use. I
am not very photogenic, especially when I am "posing". We also
need to get some of Bob tearing down the scope. Later this afternoon
while Bob is over at Steve's house shooting some pictures I have
ironing and other stuff to do plus I will finish up doing the laundry.
I did watch both NCAA games last night while finishing up my book.
Carolina won and will face Illinois in the final Monday night.
Hope you had a great weekend. They sure do go by fast!
© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by Barbara
Thompson. All Rights Reserved.