Barbara Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of 4
April 2005
Latest Update: Sunday, 10 April 2005 7:30 p.m.
Monday, 4 April
has been a beautiful spring day here in the Triad. Temperatures in the
mid 70's although it is still windy. Nothing exciting happening at
I did go to the gym but worked out on my own rather than doing a
Last night I started the last and most recent Sister Fidelma in my TBR
stack, Badger's Moon.
The final game of the NCAA begins tonight at 9pm. That is my targeted
bed time for reading so I shall watch the game in bed.
The book is in the final stages of completion.
Hope you have a great week and thanks for reading.
Tuesday, 5
April 2005
I left work at 2pm this afternoon to take
advantage of the beautiful weather to get some yard work done. After
mowing and edging I put about 240 pounds of lime. During the middle of
spreading I took a break to take the dogs down to visit with Mimi's for
a few minutes.
While I was working on the lawn Bob and Paul were doing pictures of his
hacks for the book. Bob and Paul finished up sometime while I was still
in the back spreading. When I finished liming I stopped to fix dinner
which was around 5pm. We did the after dinner walk with the Guys then I
went back outside to spray weed killer in the back natural area and
sweep up while Bob cleaned up the kitchen.
I finished up around 7 having completely run out of gas.
UNC did win the Final Four. I sat up watching and reading the Sister
Fidelma until the very end which was about 11:15.
While I do hate the way DST messes up everyone's body clock it does
make it nice to have enough time in the evenings to get the
spring/summer yard work done.
Wednesday, 6
April 2005
Bob was on a conference call when I came in
from work. I took the dogs out back to visit with Stephanie and the
kids next door. He came out to let me know he was off around 5pm. After
a quick dinner we set up downstairs for more pictures.
We took turns holding or shooting pictures of the Dob mirror being
disassembled and reassembled to show how to clean the mirror and
finding and marking the middle of the mirror for collimating.
We are in the middle of the process while Bob transfers pictures to
make sure he has good ones before we put everything back together.
Thursday, 7 April 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Friday, 8
April 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
The Firm is cutting some positions and out
sourcing others. I was last one hired on IA team so naturally when one
of those positions was cut I was the one to go. We found out yesterday.
After they told me I was offered a chance to leave for the day and come
home but instead went back downstairs to continue working.
They have given us until June 15 to find something for those who wish
to stay that long or until they find another job. With my skill set, my
supervisor is hoping I can get another position within the Firm. He and
HR have been extremely supportive and professional. The Firm is
bringing in a company to help the tech folks find jobs. I will sit in
on the meetings but I doubt seriously if my job skills will fit with
the types of jobs they will be looking to help fill. But, I get free
resume help should I not find something internally before the first of
I did not call Bob since I knew he was in the middle of getting the
last few chapters of the book finished up. I went on to the library and
grocery store after work. Last night I was pretty used up emotionally
and mentally to have the energy to even try to put up a post. I went to
work today as usual. Until I find something I will continue in my
present job as usual. In my opinion if I act like a professional in the
way I handle myself during this time period I stand a better chance of
being offered something should a opening come along.
As you can imagine I did not sleep very well last night. By this
afternoon the stress of the whole situation plus lack of sleep I was
again pretty wasted. When I got home it appeared we had a brief period
of sunshine and clearing before the next wave of rain rolled in. I went
out and quickly got the lawn mowed in anticipation of being able to put
out my weed and feed in the morning. It is supposed to clear up
sometime tomorrow with no rain for at least 24 hours. After I finished
up we drove over to our friend Steve's house to try and catch a little
of the solar eclipse but by the time we got over there the clouds had
started rolling back in. As we were standing talking the bottom fell
out. We ran back to the car and drove out to Subway to grab some
sandwiches for dinner to eat back here.
I finished up the Sister Fidelma. As usual, Treymane left up hanging at
the end of the book. He always leaves one or two unresolved issues with
Fidelma and a crisis in the last paragraph.
I started another Peter Lovesey but this time in his modern day series
staring Peter Diamond set in Bath, England. I am reading the first one
in the series written in 1991. I picked up six or seven books from the
library which among those are some new books in several of my favorite
After I check my mail I shall call an evening and try to rest and
relax. It has been a rough couple of days. But, on the bright side, Bob
has almost finished the book!
Saturday, 9
April 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
We were up at 7am to a jump on a very busy
day. Mother Nature did not cooperate during the night. We had no rain
and no dew because of the moderate winds.
After reading the paper and eating a bowl of cereal I started on the
house cleaning and started a load of bed linens while Bob continued
with wrapping up the book.
After house cleaning I went outside to water down the lawn then
put out my weed and feed as planned. By 10:45 I had finished up in the
yard. We ate an early lunch before I dried the bed sheets and wash both
of Duncan's dog beds.
After Bob and I reorganized and loaded astro-truck I came up and took
my shower.
This afternoon we are heading up to Bullington to participate in an FAS
event then get in a couple of hours of observing.
Although it is still windy this afternoon the temperatures have climbed
nicely into the mid-60's. The winds are supposed to die down by tonight.
Sunday, 10 April 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
Picture perfect day! Spring the Carolina's
can not be better typified than what we had for our weather today. Dad
and I teed off this morning at 7:30 under clear blue skies, 45 degrees
and 0 winds. By the sixth hole I had removed my sweatshirt being
comfortable in shirt sleeves at the temperatures quickly climbed into
the low 60's.
After lunch I mowed the the back for dad. Yesterday the cable on his
mower broke. Al brought over their mower and mowed the front and part
of the back for him.
After a quick shower I went down to Mimi's. She was hosting one of
those Souther Living Home shows for a friend. She only invited a few of
us from the neighborhood and some friends from work. I am not usually
too keen in attending these types of things but knowing Mimi she would
keep it real informal and low key, which she did.
After it was over Stephenie from next door, who also attended, her
girls and husband plus Bob and the dogs stood outside and talked for
awhile. It was just pretty to be indoors today.
Bob and I went out for dinner the Chinese restaurant to celebrate
finishing up the book.
Last night we also finished up our Deep Sky Binocular list finding the
last of the remaining ten objects we needed about 11:30. Since the dogs
had been left since 3pm we packed up and came on home despite the fact
that conditions were almost perfect for finding things. I guess I was
in bed by 1am and of course back up at 6:30 to play to golf.
All in all, it has been a great weekend.
© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by Barbara
Thompson. All Rights Reserved.