Barbara Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of 18
April 2005
Latest Update: Sunday, 24 April 2005 10:30 a.m.
Monday, 18 April
Well, I took the personality test that Bob and
Brain took. While some of
Bob's traits were accurate the overall snap shot for him pretty much
missed his
personality altogether. Mine was fairly close except I am not that much
of a worrier or overly anxious with some exceptions.
Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |
|||||||||||||| |
53% |
Stability |
|||||||||||| |
43% |
Orderliness |
|||||||||||||||||||| |
90% |
Empathy |
|||||||||||||||| |
63% |
Interdependence |
|||||||||||||||| |
70% |
Intellectual |
|||||| |
30% |
Mystical |
|||||| |
30% |
Artistic |
|| |
10% |
Religious |
|| |
10% |
Hedonism |
|||||||||||| |
50% |
Materialism |
|||||| |
30% |
Narcissism |
|||||||||||| |
43% |
Adventurousness |
|||||||||| |
36% |
Work ethic |
|||||||||||||||||| |
76% |
Self absorbed |
|||||||||||| |
50% |
Conflict seeking |
|||||| |
30% |
Need to dominate |
|||||||||||| |
43% |
Romantic |
|| |
10% |
Avoidant |
|||||| |
30% |
Anti-authority |
|||||||||| |
36% |
Wealth |
|| |
10% |
Dependency |
|||| |
16% |
Change averse |
|||||||||||||||| |
70% |
Cautiousness |
|||||||||||||||||| |
76% |
Individuality |
|||||||||||||||||||| |
83% |
Sexuality |
|| |
10% |
Peter pan complex |
|||| |
16% |
Physical security |
|||||||||||||||| |
63% |
Food indulgent |
|||||| |
30% |
Histrionic |
|||| |
16% |
Paranoia |
|||||||||||| |
50% |
Vanity |
|||||||||| |
36% |
Hypersensitivity |
|||||||||||||||||| |
76% |
Female cliche |
|||||| |
23% |
Stability results were moderately low which suggests you are worrying,
insecure, emotional, and anxious.
Orderliness results were very high which suggests you are overly
organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense too often of
flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun.
Extraversion results were medium which suggests you are moderately
talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting.
trait snapshot:
clean, organized, dislikes chaos, semi neat freak, perfectionist,
traditional, realist, fits in most places, enjoys managing others, risk
averse, good at saving money, prudent, respects authority, high self
control, hard working, does not like to stand out, follows the rules,
finisher, resilient, takes precautions, cautious, honest, unfamiliar
with the dark side of life, practical, dutiful.
The first day on my new job was good. We did a lot of physical type
stuff such as delivering a cart load of file boxes, a cart load of
flattened empty boxes to be assembled by us, and retrieving 30 boxes of
files to take down to the record center. Overall I think I am going to
like the variety and being both physically and mentally challenged. It
will be more like my job running the library branch rather than my
other job where I sat in front of the PC and did the same thing all day.
Since I already had a 4:30 haircut appointment scheduled for today my
supervisor let me leave at 4 rather than make me change it. Starting
tomorrow I will work my normal 8:30 to 5 hours with my hour for lunch.
Today I worked through lunch in order to leave early.
The weather guru's could not agree as to whether or not it is going to
rain tomorrow night so I mowed the lawn as soon as I got home from my
haircut. The temperatures were still close to 80 degrees at 6:00 when I
finished up.
Tuesday, 19 April
I spent all day today learning how to put the
information in our data base system using the various forms. It is very
tedious, attention to detail type work that I enjoy. It also takes some
knowledge of number systems much like cataloging, etc.
Adjusting to the later hour getting off is taking some time. I had some
loose ends to tie up this evening that I have not had time to get to so
I did not make it to the gym again tonight.
I finished the Joan Hess. It was excellent!
Gotta run.
Wednesday, 20
April 2005
This afternoon I left work at 5 and went
directly to the library to help with taking down the book sale. We had
to pack up all the remaining books to be picked up by Goodwill plus
sort the ones we wanted to keep for our library store.
It was 7pm when we finished. I picked up dinner on the way home.
Obviously when all the book sale planning was being done back in March
I did not know I was going to be changing jobs/work hours.
It has been a very busy week already and it is only Wednesday. I
continue to make great strides in learning my new job. Today was a mix
between working at the PC and making file box deliveries to the floors
in our building.
The hardwood floor people came out today. I was not really happy with
their opinion. I will call the company tomorrow who put the floors in
originally so we will two quotes/opinions to compare.
I am reading the second book in the Peter Lovesey Richard Cribb series
set in Victorian England.
Thursday, 21 April
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Okay, who keeps stealing all the hours in the
day. I feel like I am constantly running to catch up then falling twice
as far behind. We ate a very quick dinner tonight in order for me to
get back on my gym routine. Since I had to stop at the drugstore on the
way back home I only did a 45 minute workout to keep from getting home
later than 8pm.
My new job has one very minor hazard...paper cuts. I used to get them a
lot when I worked at the library. We handle files and card board boxes
all day, having to pull the files out of the boxes to work with them.
If I get anywhere near paper I usually cut myself. Right now I have
about four on my left hand. But, I love the job. It is a LOT more
varied than my old job to say the least.
The rain/thunderstorms we were supposed to get starting yesterday have
yet to materialize. It looked like rain on the way home from work and
coming out of the gym but so far we just have a lot of ugly black
clouds hovering around.
Friday, 22 April
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
It has been a very busy and tiring week. I
feel like I have a pretty good handle on my new job. Still a lot to
learn. I was very busy today between entering data and making
I finally got around to making the weekly grocery store run when I got
off work at 5pm. Luckily I made it home and had dinner cooked by
the time a rather fierce but quick moving storm rolled in. We have more
of the same for tonight and tomorrow.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Saturday, 23 April 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
We were up a little after 7. I took off for
my 9am spinning class around 8:30. When I got back I gave Bob his
haircut. After showers we drove out to my old library in Rural Hall.
Bob needed some books to read plus today was their book sale. He found
one book at the sale and picked up some authors that have new books
out. Now that I do not work at the library it is hard for me to keep up
with authors other than mystery writers. I check several web sites for
upcoming books in that genre but rarely keep up with anything else.
Sometimes I browse the book store shelves just see what is new, write
down the titles, and come home and reserve them for Bob at the library.
He also found a new Jill Churchill we had been waiting on.
After lunch he went over to Paul and Mary's to help put together a PC
for Paul's dad. I stayed home to do the usual cleaning chores and to
work in my office. My desk is an unbelievable mess with papers stack
all over the place. I had stuff piled on the floor and everywhere else.
It has been so busy the last few weeks I have not been able to do
anything other than keep up with current mail and pile everything on my
desk to be dealt with later. Today is later. Once I get my paper junk
sorted I have a backlog of e-mail and electronic stuff to read and sort
as well.
My goal is to get all this mess organized, filed, and read this
afternoon. The weather was to be cloudy with a chance of showers so I
knew I would have to wait until Sunday to work in the yard. I can't
wait for this pollen to blow out of here. Everything from my car and
mailbox to the bench on the porch has a yellow film covering it. It has
turned very windy this afternoon. I think temperatures are to drop back
down in the 40's for tonight.
Sunday, 24
April 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
It doesn't happen very often...yes, I slept
in this morning until, gasp, 8:45. I know when to listen to my body and
it told me not to get up at 6:30 to play golf this morning but instead
to stay home and rest. However, the weather forecast also played into
it since it was to be a low of 40 degrees this morning with wind gusts
from 20 to 30 mph. I don't play golf in that kind of weather. I just
came back in from walking the dogs. It is 43 degrees with the wind
chill at 38.
We have an assortment of activities planned for today including getting
some of the furniture moved up from the basement. I will need to mow
and edge after lunch once it warms up a little. The mountains had a
snow warning for last night. We have a freeze warning for tonight then
I think it is supposed to warm back up. Very typical weather for April
and May in these parts. I also have some remaining work to do in my
office such as paying bills, balancing the check book, and other
assorted pleasures.
I am reading the next book in the Alan Banks series by Peter Robinson, A Necessary End.
And, Happy Birthday to our friend Brian.
I will not sing for fear of making the dogs howl! Hope you have a great
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Thompson. All Rights Reserved.