Barbara Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of 25
April 2005
Latest Update: Sunday, 30 April 2005 12:10 p.m.
Monday, 25 April
Tuesday, 26
April 2005
After we walked the dogs last night I came
back to check my mail around 6:30. I had an e-mail from a job contact I
had made right after I found out I lost my job. I had to fill out the
online application, job questionnaire, and submit my resume in their
format. Bob helped me get everything submitted finally finishing up at
I decided I may as well try for it, who knows?
I did make it to the gym tonight at least for a short 45 minute
workout. I need to finish this up. Bob and I are trying to finish the
first of a two part mystery we started watching at dinner time last
night and had intended to finish later in the evening before we got
tied up.
Wednesday, 27
April 2005
The new job is going very well. I have a
pretty good handle on the daily routine jobs and standard data entry
processes. Today was a very busy day. Very often we have two or three
things going on a one time making it very exciting to say the least.
Bob and I met our friend/vet Sue for dinner as a thank you for her free
diagnosis of Duncan's bald patch problem. We had a very nice meal at
our favorite Chinese place.
As usual time has once again gotten away from me. It is already 8:30
and I still have tons of mail to get through.
Thursday, 28 April
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
We had another very busy day at work. Things
can really get hopping in a hurry where all of sudden I find myself
having to do two or three things at the same time or stop one project
to get something else done then go back to what I was doing.
It was another quick dinner tonight so I could get to the gym and back
before it gets so late. When I came out of the gym we were getting a
pretty good rain. We are for casted to get rain off and on over the
next several days.
I am still reading the Inspector Alan Banks mystery. Lately I have been
so tired when I go to bed at night I am not getting a lot of reading in
before turning off the light. However, with an hour for lunch I am
taking my book to work to read for part of my lunch time if I walk or
all of it if I don't. If I have a lot of afternoon deliveries or pick
ups scheduled I often forgo the walk since I know I will get my
exercise anyway.
Friday, 29 April
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
TGIF! I made the grocery store run on the way
home. Tonight I we plan to rest, relax, and read.
It rained most of the day. Just a good steady, soaking rain. Always
good for the plants and grass.
Saturday, 30 April 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
As usual, another busy day. I was up at 7am
and off to Lowe's by 8 and back home by 9. I then cleaned house
followed by a shower. I was meeting the folks and Frances for lunch as
soon as she called to let me know where to meet them. While I was
waiting on her to call I ironed a basket of work slacks.
She called around 11. Mom wanted to eat at T. K. Tripp's so I took off
for the restaurant. It turns out Al got back in town from an overnight
trip to join us as well.
After a nice lunch we drove back over to Frances' house. I had to pick
up their system unit and new digital camera to bring back to the house.
Bob plans to upgrade their OS while installing their new camera
We were forecast to get some nasty storms this afternoon but they never
materialized. It poured down rain while we were in eating lunch but had
stopped by the time we were ready to leave. Other than an outside
chance of rain this evening most of the rain and bad weather has moved
on east of us.
This afternoon we moved the big desk up to Bob's office. The only
furniture left downstairs to move are my little swivel rocker and the
big blue chair. Once we get those moved I can start cleaning up the
basement. The finished area is full of boxes and stuff to go out for
bulky item pickup. There is also stuff stashed in the living room.
Things will continue to be a mess until after that stuff gets carted
off to the curb. I will most likely have another Goodwill pile after
all is said and done then I can finally get the house looking like it
should...or as I want it to!
We have two more weekends to get all the junk ready to go out.
I bought an electric blower at Lowe's this morning. The gas blower is
such a PIA to start up for little jobs plus when I use it to blow the
leaves in the fall of the natural areas it has so much power it blows
my mulch too. This way I can fire is up to blow off the driveway or
inside the garage without all the hassle that goes with the gas blower.
Last this afternoon I went down to visit with our neighbors who live
behind us whom I have not seen or talked with in several months. The
dogs enjoyed running around in their yard and visiting while we talked
for a few minutes. They are now both sacked out on their sides on
I finished up the Alan Banks and started the latest Carolyn Hart, Death
on Demand mystery, Death of the Party.
After dinner I will work some at my desk but plan to spend most of the
evening reading and relaxing.
Sunday, 1 May 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
So much to do, so little time. Mom and dad
took off this morning for the beach thus no golf for me. Instead, I am
working on the various projects that need to get done. I have finally
made a decision about the small natural area I want to create after
laying out part of it this morning. Instead of continuing with bagged
mulch I will have some delivered to finish out the project and fill in
some of the other natural areas that need some added.
I am still sorting junk into Goodwill, trash, and recycle. Once I get a
large enough pile of flattened cardboard I will haul it off down the
street to the recycle bin at the fire station. We still have two chairs
to move plus some a couple of other pieces I have no idea what I am
going to do with. We have two smallish antique chairs that need to go
where no one will sit in them. I may put them upstairs plus the little
desk and chair that belonged to my Nana made by my uncle.
Today's weather is absolutely beautiful. Sun, blue skies, cool
temperatures, and a little windy. Once the lawn dries good I will mow.
Right now I am taking a lunch/rest break. This afternoon I may watch
some of the race from Talladega.
I had to buy a new burner for the gas grill. Once we get it installed I
am fixing ribs for dinner. Bob is working on Frances and Al's PC. For
some reason it keeps blowing hard drives. I sure Bob will have more in
the way of an explanation on his page tomorrow. We found one in the
gaming PC we built for the book Bob could pull and use. This is the
second one to fail in that system.
© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by Barbara
Thompson. All Rights Reserved.