Barbara Fritchman Thompson Diary
Week of 2
May 2005
Latest Update: Sunday, 8 May 2005 8:00 p.m.
Monday, 2 May
and I watched the first episode of the new Miss Marple mysterys
currently running on our local PBS station. Reviews of the remake of
the series have been discussed on the mystery discussion list Dorothy
L. Some have liked it while others have hated it with other opinions in
between the two. Who knows why the director/writer decided to redo a
mystery series that has been done before I don't know. For me, rather
than compare it to the old one, I just watch it as a new series and
enjoy the show as it is.
As soon as I finish up this post and write a few checks we will
watch another episode.
Last night I finished reading the Carolyn Hart. Bob did not like it but
I enjoyed it. While she is not as good as some of the other authors we
read I enjoy her books.
Tonight I will start another Peter Lovesey, Diamond Solitaire.
Tuesday, 3 May
Not much in the way of news other than I did
make it to the gym this evening.
The weather has continued to be cool and sunny. I think it is supposed
to warm up by the weekend.
The dogs are fine. Duncan's hair has grown back over his bald spot plus
continues to thicken up where it had been thin and wiry. Malcolm limps
a little if he has had a lot of running around outside but is doing
fine otherwise.
Wednesday, 4 May 2005
No update
Thursday, 5
May 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday]
[Sunday] [Next Week]
Last night, by the time I came home, fixed
dinner, went to the drug and grocery store, and checked my mail it was
going on 9pm. I was too tired to put up a post.
I spend all day today at our off site storage company. We are getting
ready to destroy old paper files, doing record cleanup in our database,
and other similar tasks. Jackie and I had to go check 156 boxes for
various files that needed to be pulled and/or entire boxes for
destruction separating those from boxes that needed to go back to
storage. She sent a list of boxes to them Tuesday to pull for us from
storage which were placed in a big room where we could work.
We finished up about 4:15. Jackie called Steve who told us we could
leave to go home rather than come into the office. By the time we would
have arrived it would have been close to going home time anyway. The
off site storage company is located in an the old Western Electric
plant which closed once WE was sold to AT&T. The building sat empty
for many years before a local businessman started an off site storage
I came home and picked up Bob to drive out to the diner for dinner.
Afterwards I went on out to Lowe's to pick up a hanging basket for mom
for Mother's Day.
It remains unseasonably cool with temperatures barely making it to 60
today. We never did get the rain but there is still a chance tonight
and tomorrow morning.
Friday, 6 May
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
It has been another busy week especially the
last two. We were very busy today in the Records Center. I does not
help that I sat up until 11:30 last night finishing up the Peter
Diamond. At first I did not think I was going to like it but a third of
the way through I got into the story and started enjoying it.
Diamond gets fired from Harrods for allowing a little mute, 6 year old
Japanese girl remain in his department after closing hours causing a
terrorist alarm to go off summoning the police. Tired of staying home
with nothing do to he decided to follow up on the little girl when he
reads in the newspaper she has not been identified/claimed after
several weeks.
His investigation gets him involved with the local school for special
children where she is being kept. Diamond starts visiting with her on a
daily basis to try to make a breakthrough in communicating with her. He
eventually discovers her acute talent for drawing things as she sees
them. In his efforts to find the girls mother he takes her on a live
television program hoping her parents or someone recognizes her. A sumo
wrestler just happens to catch the show while in London for a match. He
summons the girl and Diamond to his hotel room and gives Diamond carte
blanch with his credit card for all expenses incurred to help the girl.
The next day she is kidnapped from the school.
Peter takes off on the Concord for New York where he traces her. There
he ends up in a wide variety of circumstances along with the NYPD in
trying to capture the kidnappers. It turns out a national drug company,
trying to make a comeback has ties to the whole plot of the missing
little girl.
About midway into the book I got so interested I could hardly put it
down. I just had to sit up last night to read to the end to find out
what happened.
The skies are looking somewhat favorable to get in some observing
tonight. We go out if things look decent close to dark. We finally got
a little rain overnight. At lunch time I walked to the bank and nearly
got blown off my feet. With the temperatures in the mid 50's and 20mph
winds it was wicked outside. This afternoon the sun came out, the wind
dropped, and it has warmed up a little into the 60's
Saturday, 7 May 2005
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
It has been a busy day as usual. We did sleep
in until 7:45 since we did not get to bed until after midnight. While
the weather forecast was not overly positive we drove on up to
Bullington anyway. Sure enough, just as it got dark enough, around
9:45, to start observing little fluffy clouds starting rolling in from
the northwest. We waited around until 11 but the clouds continued to
get thicker as the night progressed. We did get a good look at Jupiter
earlier in the evening but that was about all.
I started off this morning with spinning class then did the house
cleaning. We ate an early lunch around 11:30 before I started the
project downstairs. After lunch I spent about 3 hours cleaning out and
piling up junk for next weeks trash pickup and/or Goodwill. In the area
where I normally park my car in the garage it is now filled with stuff
to be hauled off. While sorting I also flattened an entire Trooper load
of card board boxes.
I took those over to the recycling bins stopping by the cellular
phone store on the way home to pick up another 90 day phone card. Back
home, I mowed the lawn before finishing up around 4pm.
The PGA tour is playing over in Charlotte this weekend and NASCAR is
down in Darlington, SC tonight. Guess I will spend the remainder of the
evening relaxing, reading, and watching golf and racing.
Sunday, 8 May
[Monday] [Tuesday]
[Wednesday] [Thursday]
[Saturday] [Sunday] [Next
If you are a mom I hope you had a wonderful
Mother's Day. We went over to Frances and Al's for a cookout of
burgers, dogs, and chicken. Al was not home yet from Charlotte. The
weather has been wonderful all day. Dad and I teed of about 7:20. It
was little cool until the sun got up higher, about the fifth or sixth
hole. I was wearing shorts and short sleeve shirt. It got a little
breezy on the back nine. We were finished by 11.
I did not stay for lunch since we would see them for dinner. This
afternoon the dogs got their spring bath. As soon as went downstairs in
my bathrobe and slippers with towels the guys knew what was going to
happen. We could not get them to come downstairs even after luring them
with treats. I had to physically drag Malcolm from his crate, where he
ran to hide, and pull him down the hall by the collar.
Duncan gives up once he gets downstairs and comes in the shower without
an argument. Once I get Malcolm in the bathroom with the door shut and
the shower door open he pretty much goes on in as well. After I
showered and dressed I open the garage door to let the floor dry and
also to let the dogs lay outside in the sunshine to help dry them off.
While they dried off I worked on the basement for a little while.
I spent the remainder of the afternoon doing computer stuff until it
was time to leave for my sisters.
© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by Barbara
Thompson. All Rights Reserved.