Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 25 July 2005
Latest Update: Sunday, July, 31, 2005 2:00
25 July
had a great time at dad's birthday dinner last night. Frances made
lasagna from scratch which takes about five hours between preparation
and cooking time and makes enough to serve most of the
neighborhood. We had ice cream cake for dessert from Maggie
Moo's. Delicious but very interesting to say the least.
If I do say so myself, my dad looks pretty good for 83 years old. He
goes in tomorrow morning for his cornea transplant. As with any surgery
there are always risks especially at his age but he is in pretty good
shape for his age.

26 July 2005
Dad's eye surgery went very well. He
had to be at the hospital by 8:15. They called him back around 8:30.
Mom came back out about 8:45. Not sure how long the surgery took but I
know he had to lay on his back, perfectly still for two hours
afterwards. When we did not hear anything by 11:15, mom and I went on
down to the cafeteria to eat some lunch. When we got back they told us
we could go on back, he had about 30 minutes left before he could get
dressed. I had them back home at 1pm and made to work by 1:30.
I just talked to mom. Dad has been resting/sleeping most of the day. He
has to lie flat until he goes back to the doctor in the morning. Al is
home and will take him for his follow up appointment.
Frances sent a leftover pan of lasagna noodles and sauce made up on
Sunday. I called Bob around 4 and had him put it in to heat for our
dinner to be ready when I got home. I wanted to make the 6:30 spin
class. Between this, that, and the other I have not made it to class in
several months and really missed it.
Other than the heat that is baking most of the country, I guess there
is not much else in the news.
27 July 2005
I finished reading the Nancy Martin last
night and started another Alpine book. This afternoon when I got home I
mowed the lawn. It needs edging but I will wait until this weekend when
it is supposed to cool off. Bermuda grass, which I have a lot of
especially in the front, loves this hot dry weather. You can lay a
piece of Bermuda on the sidewalk and it will take root and grow. I hate
the stuff but you can hardly fight it off down here in the south. The
top layer of dirt is bone dry and dusty where I don't have a lot of
Work is going fine. We are not real slammed at the moment but Jackie
will be on vacation next week so we are trying to get as many small,
loose ends/projects tied up before she leaves. I am working straight
through lunch all this week to make up as much of my time from
yesterday as possible.
Two houses on our short block are for sale. It will be interesting to
see who moves in. The neighborhood in the last few years has taken an
upturn to what it was like when we moved in 18 years ago. Hopefully we
will get some good folks moving in.
28 July 2005
[Thursday] [Friday]
Bob and I met Paul and Mary for dinner at the
Chinese restaurant. Afterwards we went next door to the coffee shop to
continue our visit.
We have a very nasty looking storm coming in according to the radar on
the weather channel web site.
Dad continues to recover from his surgery. He is not up to driving as
yet. Frances will drop mom off at the hospital to volunteer on her way
to work in the morning. I will leave work at 3 to pick her up and take
her on to the beauty shop then pick up dad to run some errands before
we go back to pick her up. We will grab a bite to eat out somewhere
before I take them back home.
I will catch up with you again on Saturday. Have a great weekend.
29 July 2005
No update.
30 July 2005
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Dad's eye continues to improve although it is
still too blurry for him to do any driving. Frances met us for dinner
last night T. K. Tripps. We had an excellent meal. My grilled shrimp
pasta dish with a very light cream sauce was excellent. I saved some to
bring home to Bob since I knew he would have had sandwiches for dinner.
Frances took mom and dad back home while I headed on around the corner
to the bookstore. I needed to return one of the books I bought for dad
for his birthday because he had already read it. After wandering around
for awhile I finally found something as a replacement then headed on
It rained most if not all of yesterday in varying degrees of light to
heavy depending where you were in the city. From the time I picked up
mom to take her to the beauty shop and back to dad's it rained pretty.
Yet, we had very little rain here in our rain gauge beyond the 1' we to
during the storm Thursday night.
Today is project day. I left home around 9 this morning to run some
errands getting back around 11am. Back home I started the oven doing
its self clean, the downstairs freezer defrosting, and a couple of
small loads of laundry doing of my special stuff. I also tidied up the
basement and flattened some card board boxes.
This afternoon the dogs get brushed, I need to revamp/clean up the
closet floor in my office, and sort through the weekly debris that
accumulates on my desk in addition to reading mail, etc.
It is another cloudy day but welcome temperatures in the mid 70's.
31 July 2005
[Sunday] [Next
I cleaned house this morning. No golf of
course, until dad goes back to the doctor and finds out when he can
play again. I doubt we would have played this morning anyway. It was
overcast and looked very much like rain. I had intended to mow again
this afternoon but the overnight rains and cloudy skies have kept the
grass pretty wet.
Last night Frances called just as we had finished dinner. She said it
had rained almost all day on their side of town. We had partly sunny to
cloudy skies with no rain all day. About that time I looked outside and
it was pouring down. Bob and I cleared up the kitchen first but it was
still coming down pretty good. We decided to go ahead and walk them not
knowing how long it would last. Good thing we did. About the time we
got back in we had a real frog chocker for about an hour dumping
another inch on the already soaked ground.
We watched another four episodes of Upstairs Downstairs last night. It
had stopped raining by 9:30 when we took the dogs out for last night
but as wet as it was this morning we must had had more overnight.
I ended up going out after lunch to edge and pick up sticks/limbs blown
down from the last couple of storms. I also pulled some weeds, good
time for that as wet as it is. Then I cleaned the gas edger up,
removing the outside protection plate, putting on a new blade and wire
brushing it real good before putting the plate back.
No race today but the senior open golf final is today and the regular
tour for me to enjoy while resting and relaxing. I need to finish up Alpine Fury so I can read the
third Nancy Martin. The fourth one and newest one came in this week
from the library. Bob can read it first while I get the third one out
of the way.
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