Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 1 August 2005
Latest Update: Sunday, 7 August 2005 4:00 p.m.
1 August
am not much a shopper. Most of my clothing comes from mail order as in
Lands End. I hate to go to the mall, usually because I can never find
anything. Saturday I went out to Catherine's which is a sister store to
Lane Bryant. Frances shops there so I gave them a try and sure enough
found two pairs of pants and shirt.
Since I had an after work hair cut appointment I decided I might as
well cruise the mall to see what new stores have opened and to check
out the Lane Bryant. Sometimes I do get lucky when I have a discount
coupon and sure enough, I did find another neat pair of pants in a
different style than my current chinos and stretch cotton pants. And of
course, finding three pairs of new pants means I can now toss out three
pairs of my rattier looking chinos. I will most likely convert one pair
or two pairs to golf pants for fall and winter.
Guess I better go. The dogs need some ball playing time.
2 August 2005
With our first clear night in awhile I was hoping we could get in a
little observing tonight even though it is a work night. But, Bob was
over optimistic that it would be worth a trip up to Bullington on a
work night so we decided against going.
I mowed the lawn when I came home. While the temperatures are once
again back up into the high 80's and low 90's it was actually not too
bad. There was slight breeze along with fairly decent humidity levels.
Today at lunch I sat outside and read for about 20 minutes and it was
nice and breezy and not real hot in the shade.
Last night I did start the third Nancy Martin Blackbird Sister's
mystery, Some Like It Lethal. While
covering a society hunt breakfast, Nora discovers one of her sisters,
Emma, out cold in a horse stall, covered in blood. Nearby, lies the
husband of a wealthy dog food company heiress dead after being struck
by a blunt object. Nora is now faced with having to prove her sister is
not guilty of murder while her continuing romance with a man who is
known in the community for being in a family associated with the mob.
3 August 2005
Well, I had one of THOSE DAYS! You know how
they go! Things were busy as soon as I walked in the door
this morning. With Jackie on vacation this week I have a lot of extra
things to take care of. By noon I felt like I had already put in an
hour day.
At 1:20 dad called. He has been having a few problems with the vision
in his eye including some really bad floaters. They told him he better
come on in to have it looked at rather than wait until his post
surgical appoinment Friday. Steve said I could go ahead so I just
dropped what I was doing, locked my PC, and took off. I figured I would
be back by 3 or 3:30 at the latest.
A resident examined his eye and could not really tell much about what
was going on due to the swelling and recovery going on after the
surgery behind the eye. They decided to so a scan on the eye so we
moved to another room. I watched them do the scan, it was pretty cool.
Back in the exam room, the resident said things behind the eye looked
okay in terms of any major problems. As with all residents, we then had
to wait on the supervising Dr. to come in and take a look and sign off
on his evaluation. We waited about 20 minutes when a nurse came in and
said Dr. Walters, who did the surgery, wanted to take a look. That
meant having to wait another fifteen minutes or so until he was free.
Dr. Walter said the transplant looked good but was not happy about the
thickness of the lens nor how it was not attaching itself to the retina
like it should.
They injected a bubble on the day of the surgery to press the lens into
the retina but it did not seem to be adhering as it should. So, I
got to watch Dr. Walter inject another bubble in his eye. They numb it
of course and then use some type of syringe to put the bubble in. Then
he had to lay flat for about ten minutes before I could take him back
home. I made it back to work by 4:15 so I could finish up the
fourteen things I had going at one time when I left.
Needless to say I was glad when 5pm rolled around. I made the grocery
store run on the way home.
Right now, Bob and I are in the middle of watching The Girl With the Pearl Earing, one
of our movies that arrived today in
the mail. We watched part while eating dinner and will finish watching
the remainder as soon as I finish checking e-mail, etc.
4 August 2005
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
5 August 2005
Well, it is finally the end of a long day at
the end of a long week. I just never got around to posting last
night after I got back from the gym.
While I was walking the dogs on their post dinner walk Mimi flagged me
down and asked if I would like to bring the dogs down to play. About
ten minutes later Stephanie from next door came out with the girls. We
gradually migrated over to their backyard where the swing and sandbox
is located and continued having a nice chat. It is still very warm but
the humidity was not awful although the temperature is still in the mid
80's. I can sweat just standing still so it really does not matter what
the temperatures are. Anyway, it was fun to chat and the dogs had a
chance to get in some good play time.
Last night I finished up the Nancy Martin and started one of the B
& B mysteries by Daheim.
6 August 2005
[Saturday] [Sunday]
As usual, it has been a busy Saturday so far.
I was up and out the door by 8:30 for my 9am spin class. Afterward, I
had couple of stops to make on the way home one of which included
picking up another 90 day phone card for my cell. Unfortunately they do
not upon until 11 so I came on back home.
Now, the never say never story. A year or so ago one of the techs at
work came in on a Monday with his hair almost shaved on the sides and
back. Although he is young he is already going bald on top. His
wife had decided to start cutting his hair but upon her first try had
cut his hair too close, thus having to give him the "short" haircut. I
have recounted the story many times saying I had never done that to Bob
even on the first try.
Until this morning. During the interim between coming back home and
going back out after 11 Bob wanted me to cut his hair. As I was getting
things prepare I was telling him a funny story Mary had recounted to me
at the gym this morning concerning her and Paul's recent camping trip.
Not paying full attention to what I was doing I turned on the buzzer
and started in my usual place along the back of his hair line up.
OOPS! Yep, I forgot to put the plastic hair length adapter on and
was cutting directly with blade. Bob now had a stripe up the back of
his head cut to micro length. I ended up having to cut the entire back
to that short length then cuttin the top and sides very short to make
it look halfway decent. In all the years of cutting his hair I have
never really botched it up until today. I felt horrible about it. But,
Bob being Bob, does not get upset over things like that and made
several jokes about it along the lines of reverse Mohawks and Kojak and
After that debacle I left the house to head down to the phone store and
over to the pet store before returning home. After a snack lunch I
launched into the weekly house cleaning. Bob needed before and after
cleaning shots of his den PC so we did that between me getting the
front and back part of the house vacuumed.
With the house cleaning finished I will spend the remainder of the
afternoon sorting through the weekly accumulated pile of junk on my
desk. I am grilling out steaks and chicken for dinner to along with
salads and bread.
Last night and early evening we had two rounds of thunder but never did
get any rain out of either one of those storms at our house. I am sure
it rained somewhere.
7 August 2005
[Sunday] [Next
All done in! I spent about four hours
over at mom and dad's trying to get a handle on the yard. Dad cannot
keep up with the weeds in all the flower beds nor can he do the edging.
His neighbor Gilbert has been mowing the lawn for him. I started about
10am pulling up the old tomato plants in one bed in front of the shed
and subsequently weeding the remaining part of the bed that runs along
the other side and front. It is not very large. The hill where the
other side of the shed was five high in weeds and grass. I pulled the
lower part of that area then cranked up the edger to get the lawn plus
the high stuff that had taken over the front bed along the front of the
house. After a break for lunch I mowed the lawn then finished up the
sweeping and other assorted small tasks. All in all I managed to get
through about half of what needs done. I did not get the bed at the top
of the hill or the side beds along the steps. I used the edger to just
mow down the high stuff on the bank for now. I need to get over there
next weekend and try to get the other beds done plus spray weed killer
along the edges of the beds I cleaned today.
I arrived home around 2:45 and decided I might as well mow my lawn
while I was completely nasty and sweaty. I just about enough gas, in
me, to get that done before declaring myself done for the day.
Thankfully the temperatures were in the high 70's and low 80's with
actually a lot of cloud cover this morning. By this afternoon the sun
had come out.
Last night we watched the complete three disk set of The Nine Tailors starring Ian
Carmichael as Lord Peter Whimsey. This series was filmed back in the
mid 70's. Bob and I had watched some of them many years ago on Mystery
or Masterpiece Theater but did not remember a whole lot. We really
enjoyed the series. We finished up the last of the four part episode
around 10 o'clock, walked the dogs, and headed off to bed. I read a
couple of chapters in my B & B mystery before turning off the light.
© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by Barbara
Thompson. All Rights Reserved.