Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 31 October 2005
Latest Update: Sunday 6, November 2005 6:15 p.m.
31 October
with my friends was canceled but that's okay. We spent the evening
watching season 2 of the Vicar of
Our neighbors Steve and
Mimi who own Emma and Oscar finally lost Emma to cancer yesterday. She
had not been acting like she felt very well the last few weeks. It was
almost two years since she had part of her foot removed in her second
major treatment for cancer. This time, it appears it had spread to
various parts of her body. Steve and Mimi took her to the emergency vet
to have her put to sleep. It is very sad but they did not wish for her
to suffer.
We have a war between gyms going on here in Winston-Salem. A new chain,
Peak Fitness, has opened a very large, 24 hour-a-day facility just a
few miles from the Golds. Peak recruited several instructors from Golds
who in turn recruited about half or more of the members to luring them
with deep discount memberships. I have talked to several different
folks and it seems like Peak is trying for either a hostile
takeover/buyout or to put Jon out of business. At any rate, I will stay
loyal to Golds as long as his doors remain open. I don't have a problem
with the instructors going where they wish to teach but poaching
members seems a bit unethical.
I am reading the newest Laurien Berenson Raining Cats and Dogs. I read the
entire series earlier this year or last year, I can't remember. Anyway,
Melanie Travis, poodle owner and teacher at a private academy will be
solving her latest murder committed in a nursing home. Mel has
enrolled her retired show dog Faith in obedience classes as something
different for her and Faith to take on. The class itself seems to be
made up of some rather interesting characters who do not get along very
well. Mel is encouraged by the instructor to bring Faith to the Sunday
afternoon visiting sessions at the nursing home with the other dogs and
While Mel works on solving the murder with the help of her Aunt Peg,
she must also deal with her new neighbor who allows her cats to run
loose creating havoc for the now five poodles living in her house due
to her marriage to Sam who brought his three to join her two. With the
demands of a new husband, her eight year old son, and trying to locate
a house for their expanded family, there will be plenty of laughs for
the reader along the way as she overcomes one crises after another.
1 November 2005
Hi, just a brief post. Other than making it
to the gym there is not much in the way of news. The weather has warmed
back up again. No rain in sight which is not good since things are
getting very dry again.
We watched the last season of Vicar last night.
2 November 2005
No update.
3 November 2005
[Thursday] [Friday]
Last night after work I had to stop at the
phone store to get my new phone card then go on to the grocery store.
By the time we had dinner, cleaned up, and walked the dogs it was
already getting late into the evening.
Today was very busy at work but I still managed to make it to the gym
for a light to moderate 45 minute workout.
Bob posted a link on his page today
showing a picture of my early birthday present. I still enjoy using my
35mm camera but, as you know, film is going the way of 45 records and 8
tracks. This past weekend Bob was trying to shoot some pictures for an
article he was doing showing the inside of my computer. The digital we
have now works great for some stuff but not for a lot of the shots he
needs for the books. We decided to go ahead and order the camera so Bob
would have a chance to play with it as well as having it on hand to
shoot pictures as needed. I will play with it some this weekend. It is
very lightweight and a zoom lens which is what I need for trips. I will
continue to take my film camera just because I never go on a trip
without a backup camera on hand.
I am reading the latest Peter Lovesay, The Circle. Peter has taken a
supporting character from an earlier book and given her star billing in
this recent novel. Inspector Henrietta Mallin becomes connected with a
serial murder case involving the Chichester Writers' Circle. Soon after
Bob Naylor decides to join the group the chair and founder is arrested
for the murder of a publisher who gave a talk at one of the meetings
making promised to publish several members manuscripts. Naylor and
other members of the group are determined to clear the chairs name
while at the same time try to keep from becoming the next victim.
4 November
Thank goodness for Friday's. It was very
hectic at work today between record center stuff and the Firm
activities for the United Way. We hold a chili cook off along with a
silent and oral auction. The silent auction runs from 9 - 3:30. The
chili contest is for anyone who makes chili and brings it in to be
judged. We had 27 participants this year. After the judging the chili
sells for $3 a bowl and desserts for $1 for UW. Between work projects
we took small breaks to run upstairs and see how the bidding was going
on the silent stuff. I had a couple of bids in to watch after. Right
around 3:15 we went upstairs to see if we had been outbid on our
selections. I ended up getting a couple of good deals plus it is a lot
of fun.
I met my folks for dinner at their neighbor's church for a BBQ supper
then picked up Bob takeout on the way home. We shall spend the
remaining part of the evening resting and reading.
5 November 2005
[Saturday] [Sunday]
The usual Saturday chores are out of the way.
Between house cleaning this morning and yard cleaning this afternoon we
spent close to an hour and half outside. First I took the dogs down to
visit with Oscar while Mimi and I caught up on news. A little later on
Stephanie brought the kids outside to play so we went over to their
Bob brought the new camera down for me to play with. I will post some
on my page Monday. The weather could not be any better. Clear
blue skies, temperatures close to 80's degrees with a slight breeze.
The leaves have finally turned and are now starting to fall at a fairly
heavy rate.
6 November
[Sunday] [Next
Another nice day weather wise. Dad and I
played golf this morning. The predicted winds picked up around
mid-morning blowing leaves down like snow. When I got back home after
lunch the yard was covered twice as much as it was yesterday before I
vacuumed as well as the gutters Bob had blown clean.
I spent the afternoon watching golf and racing while relaxing with more
of the same on tap for tonight. Hope you had a great weekend.
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Thompson. All Rights Reserved.