Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 7 November 2005
Latest Update: Sunday 13 November 2005 2:30 p.m.
7 November
Happy Monday to all. Below are some of the promised pictures from this
past Saturday morning visit with the neighbors taken with my new
digital. As you can see kids, dogs, and adults were all having a great
It was a very busy, hectic day at work. I did go to the gym for a short
workout tonight. With tomorrow being election day I will have to stop
on my way home to vote which will make it later than I like for leaving
for the gym.
I finished up The Circle by
Lovesay last night before walking the dogs for last time out and
started the new Laurie R. King for my bedtime reading. I am only a few
chapters into the book but it seems to be starting off as good as her
previous works.
Yes, it is still warm, with the forecast to be even warmer tomorrow and
Wednesday, possibly setting record highs.
8 November 2005
No update.
9 November 2005
I had a brutally busy day at work yesterday.
Around 4:30 I called Bob to see he would like for me to pick him up on
the way home to go with me to vote then on to the Chinese place for
dinner. He had already voted in the morning. I was just too tired to
even think about cooking dinner.
We watched the taped of the live show of West Wing from Sunday night.
As Bob said, had Alan Alda and Jimmy Smits been the real Bush and Kerry
they could not have the smarts to pull off the type of live debate
shown on the show. While Smits did okay, Alda clearly showed he is the
smarter of the two actors. I like both of them so if the show continues
I don't care which one "wins". However, I just can't see Alda taking a
weekly TV series at this point in his career. It was a very interesting
show since the "television candidates" discussed a number of issues
going on currently in the United States in real life.
As Bob mentioned on his page, the tree guys showed up this morning
around 7:00. They called yesterday to let me know they were coming. We
got up 20 minutes early to give me time to shower and get dressed for
work and Bob to move the car. After briefly going over what we had
discussed when he came for the estimate, I came back inside to finish
reading the paper and to have my breakfast before taking off for work.
They did a great job trimming up the big trees out front and in back
plus taking out all the dead stuff from those trees plus the pine that
has suffered horribly during the last couple of ice storms.
We now have only the two large maples left in the front, one on each
side of the yard. The tree guy suggested we take the weeping cherry
down since it was showing signs of disease. That did not bother me in
the least, I have hated that tree since we moved in. The other little
dogwood was dead and needed to come out when I took the other one out
this spring but had not gotten around to it.
They left the large pieces of the weeping cherry for us to burn, hauled
off all the brush and the trunk from the dogwood plus ground up the
Bob helped me carry the wood down back to the wood pile when I got
home. It was sitting on the grass which would have killed it had we
waited until Saturday to remove them. It only took three barrel loads
plus carrying down a few by hand. The big ones will need split with an
ax once they sit for awhile.
I feel much better being out in the yard now that all the dead stuff is
down from the trees especially on a windy day or should we get any bad
ice/snow storms this winter.
10 November 2005
[Thursday] [Friday]
The Firm held their annual Thanksgiving lunch
for us today. In addition to the catered ham, green beans, turkey,
dressing, and mashed potatoes we had lots of good homemade dishes
including wonderful desserts. Those like me, who did not have time or
inclination to make anything, paid $5 to cover the cost.
We are slammed with projects in the record center at the moment. My
supervisor was at our Greenville office two days this week and will be
there all next week getting file rooms, etc ready for the move to a new
office. Jackie will be going down three days at the end of next week to
help as well leaving me here to take care of the home front. We also
have some research files being moved here to one of our other buildings
and 500 plus boxes of closed files being shipped to us directly to our
off site storage facility. This is in addition to our regular daily
projects. Once the entire shipment of files is completed to our off
site storage facility I will have to go over to label all the boxes
with our tracking numbers then put them in our database.
This afternoon was my monthly Friends of the Library meeting. We have a
lot going on there as well. I picked up take out on the way home.
Bob and I are in the middle of watching Danger UXB, an older British
series about the young officers who had to defuse the bombs which
landed in London during war that did not explode upon impact with once
they landed on the ground, in buildings, etc. It originally ran in the
late 70's before Bob and I met. I remember watching it but do not
remember much about the individual episodes.
11 November
No update.
12 November 2005
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Last night, by the time I stopped at the
store on the way home, unloaded the groceries, and fixed a quick dinner
I was too tired to even check my mail and put up a post. We read during
dinner then started a three hour Agatha Christie movie. We got about
half way through before stopping for the night to walk the dogs and go
to bed to read for awhile. I finished up the Locked Rooms by King and started
another Peter Robinson, Cold is the
While we were unloading the groceries yesterday evening I noticed a
pulley like disk on the garage floor which looked like a piece from the
garage door tracks. Since I had wrecked my door a few weeks ago I
assumed it was from my door. However, since it was still operational we
put it aside thinking it was not critical to the opening and closing
the door.
This morning while I was in the basement working around I saw the
broken cable laying under Bob's door. It was his door that broke, I
guess when he came home from voting on Tuesday. I guess fixing the
garage doors will be the next thing on the list to take care of.
I started off the morning doing a small load of special laundry items
while dismantling card board boxes for the recycling bin. I also tidied
up some other stuff, etc. before taking off on some errands. Back home,
I fixed an early lunch before getting started in the yard.
Three and half hours later I finally finished up. Today makes having my
lawn vacuum well worth every penny it cost. Both front and back yards
were covered. Fortunately most of the leaves are down in front with the
exception of a few remaining on the maple out by the road. Part of what
took so long in the front was stopping to pick up small sticks and
other debris buried under the leaves from the tree work we had done and
what had blown down during the week.
Once I got to the back I did most of the yard with the vacuum but
ending up blowing the areas where the pine needles were so thick. They
kept clogging up my vacuum.
Tonight is the last public observation for FAS at Pilot Mountain. We
had not really planning to attend because I knew I would be too tired.
Now, we can't since I doubt we could get Bob's garage door up until it
gets fixed.
13 November
[Sunday] [Next
Good afternoon. It has been a very strange
day with the weather. Dad and I played golf this morning under partly
cloudy skies, 45 to 50 degrees, and breezy. At one point it looked like
it could rain anytime. Now the sun is out, it has warmed up into the
mid 60's and little or no wind. The forecast promises rain/thunder
storms starting tonight off and on through Wednesday. We could really
use some rain.
I did a quick house clean vacuuming the floors of hair and dirt, quick
dusting, and the bathrooms. As many of you know it is getting close to
the end of the year and my deep cleaning project for winter. Once I get
the outside cleaned and ready for winter I can start on the inside.
Until then, all I can get done is the quick run through.
The NASCAR race comes from Phoenix starting sometime around 3 or 3:30.
I shall settle down with todays newspaper while relaxing and enjoying
the race.
Yesterday Bob helped me bring the little shelf sized stereo and
speakers that was Lenore's back upstairs to my office. It was in here
before we moved it downstairs. I decided I wanted back in my office but
in a different location. That entailed more or less wrecking my office
shelves and floor area which I have yet to put back to order. I just
shoved everything in one corner for another day. I do need to take care
of the usual weekly accumulation of detritus on my desk at some point.
Hope you had a good weekend.
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