Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 14 November 2005
Latest Update: Sunday, 20 November 2005 3:30
Monday, 14 November
was an unusually busy Monday for us at work today. Between delivering
two loads of boxes from storage and picking up two pick loads of closed
files I was working hard to get a project finished by tomorrow
morning's deadline.
It has turned very warm again with our chances for rain diminishing
from earlier forecasts.
I am still reading Cold is the Grave
by Robinson. Otherwise not much in the way of news to report for
Tuesday, 15 November 2005
No update.
Wednesday, 16
November 2005
As I mentioned earlier this week I am holding
down the fort starting today while Steve and Jackie are in one of our
other offices the rest of the week. In addition to "on demand" requests
for files or pickup of boxes I am desperately trying to get as much of
my backlog of work done by Friday since I am taking all of next week
off. We are, of course, closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving. I
managed to get three projects completed today and hopefully at least
one more big one.
The temperatures this afternoon made it into the mid seventies before
the cold front came through dropping them back down into the mid 50's.
It is supposed to turn colder tonight and tomorrow night. At least we
got some much needed rain. It was pouring buckets driving home from
work. By the time I stopped at the library it had slacked off and had
almost stopped when I came out of the grocery store.
I had to work through lunch today to make up for being gone yesterday.
I took a late lunch at 1:15 to pick up dad to take him for a
stress/cardio test. It was 3:45 by the time I dropped them off and made
it back to work. I only have half an hour left to make up during
tomorrow's lunch. This evening while we were walking the dogs one of
our "dog" walked by with the new addition to their family. They lost
their greyhound several months ago finally adopting a mix from AARF.
Malcolm and I stood outside and talked with her for about 20 minutes. I
enjoyed being outside getting some fresh air since I was indoors all
Guess that's about it. I am still reading Cold is the Grave by Robinson. It
is very good.
17 November 2005
[Thursday] [Friday]
I'm getting old! Today at lunch I bumped into
an old friend of ours that I have not seen for six months or more. When
he told me his daughter was 18 years old I was astonished. When we met
them she was 3. Time does indeed fly as we get older.
Otherwise, I am heads down hard at work with one day left before my
vacation. Whew!
It has turned cold again with tonights low down into the mid 20's. The
gas log folks came by today to clean out a pipe or something. It
happens every year, the gas logs either don't start or they burn for 20
to 30 minutes then shut off. The guy showed Bob how to do it in case it
happens again.
18 November
No update.
19 November 2005
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Greetings on this lovely Saturday. I was too
tired last night to check my mail or put up a post. I stayed about 20
minutes late at work to get some loose ends tied up, etc since I will
be on vacation this week. I spend all day processing 40 boxes of closed
files of a 47 box set. They were easy to do but after moving them three
times; once to put them on the cart to roll them behind me in my cube
to work on, once to put them on my desk to index the contents, back on
the cart and then on the holding shelves. I took my lunch break and a
short break to delivery one file and pick up 16 new boxes from upstairs
but otherwise stuck with it until 5:00. I was beat by the time I got
We spent the evening watching Upstairs Downstairs before an early
bedtime to read. I am reading the latest Leslie Meier Lucy Stone
mystery, New Year's Eve Murder. Lucy
and her oldest daughter are in New York for Christmas and New Year at
winners of a fashion magazine makeover. There are four other
mother/daughter teams competing for the prize of $10,000. Lucy and
husband Bill need the money to pay for Elizabeth spring tuition after
the college reduced her student loan or she will not be able to return.
Meier is one of the light weight writers in the cozy mystery genre but
I enjoy her books. This one seems to be dragging a bit. I am well into
the book at around 60 pages or so and still no murder. I can tell she
is setting things up for one with the back bitting going on within the
magazine staff and between the contestants but she could move the plot
along a little faster in this one.
This morning I left home around 8:30 to my folks and Frances at the
coliseum education building for the annual Brenner's Children Festival
of Trees. Major companies in Winston sponsor the decoration of six foot
sized artificial trees of various themes. The money goes toward the
Brenner's, a major children's hospital in this area at Baptist
Hospital. They had vendor booths and smaller trees and wreaths, also
decorated, which people could buy. My law Firm purchased a tree, which
was very nicely decorated. From there I went out Wal-Mart for some
major shopping of dog treats, personal items, drinks, etc.
This afternoon I need to haul a load of stuff off to the Goodwill
trailer and stop at the drug store. I have some cleaning up to do in
the downstairs area and of course the usual up stairs house cleaning. I
will leave the yard work for tomorrow afternoon.
The long range forecast for next weeks looks like rain, rain, and rain.
I had hoped to get in some golf with my friend but it is no looking too
promising at this point. After tomorrow it is to turn cold again. We
had a hard freeze last night but it has warmed up nicely into the 50's
and will not be as cold tonight.
Sunday, 20
[Sunday] [Next
Other than about an hour this afternoon the
sun has been hidden behind the clouds most of the day. Dad and I had a
cool but dry morning for golf. The sun tried to peak out occasionally.
This afternoon Bob blew out the gutters before I started on the lawn I
vacuumed then set the mower down one notch and mowed. It may or may not
be the last mowing for the year but it was not the last vacuuming. All
the leaves are down on our trees in the front but the next door
neighbors are not. I still have a few on the back maple that should
fall with all the rain predicted to start sometime tonight.
I am looking forward to my week off to relax and get some rest.
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