Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 19 December 2005
Latest Update: Saturday 24 December 2005 1:00 p.m.
19 December
went straight to the gym from work tonight for the 5:30 spin class. It
was a bit of a rush to get there, grab a bike, and get changed by 5:30
but I made it. I was home around 6:30. We had a quick dinner, cleaned
up the kitchen, and walked the dogs which put me at my desk around 7:30
to check mail, etc. It comes to about the same time frame when I come
home first, change, eat, and then go to the gym.
On nights when I am not doing a
class I can continue to come home
first as it rushes me either way in trying to make a 5:30 or a 6:30
Things were pretty slow at work today. I imagine it will be that way
most of the week. I have plenty of projects to keep me busy.
I am reading another Inspector Banks mystery by Peter Robinson, Playing With Fire.
Banks and Annie
are working on several arson cases, first two barge boats then a
caravan, in which the deaths of the occupants may or may not be
related. Banks has a tremendous fear of fire as discussed in several of
the earlier books. This is a 2004 copyright and the next to latest in
the series. I checked his web site discovering a new one in the series
for this year as a follow up to this one. Banks does come close to
loosing his life from a fire but I have not read far enough along to
find out what happens.
It has turned cold with the
forecast for the week remaining in the
low 20's at night and the 40's during the day.
20 December 2005
No update
21 December 2005
Last night I has to stop at the library on
the way home to pick up reserve books. Tonight I did the usual grocery
store run. We are busier at work this week then I thought we would be
with file requests and closed boxes to pick up.
I did finish reading the Peter Robinson. I am now reading the next book
in the Sally Wright series, Pride
and Predator. Ben Reese, the Ohio archivist travels to Scotland
to appraise an estate. While there, he becomes involved in solving the
mystery of a local Parson, Jon MacLean, whose untimely death becomes
the suspicion of murder.
It has been very cold the last couple of nights with lows down to 20
and highs during the day only in the low 40's. By tomorrow it is to
warm up into the 50's with mild weather predicted for the Christmas
weekend although it may be a wet one.
22 December 2005
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
23 December
I still have some vacation hours remaining so
I took today off giving me a very nice four day holiday. We will be
closed Monday. Next week I will be the only one in the record center
thus no days off for me for the rest of the year. What I don't use they
will pay me for.
This morning I finished sorting some stuff in my office and cleaned out
a couple of file cabinet drawers. Around 11:30 Bob and I went next door
to give Stephanie's girls their Christmas presents, books for each of
After lunch the frost had finally dried off allowing me to give the
lawn one last vacuuming for the year. It took about an hour and a half.
There was a lot of small leaves and stuff plus all the little twigs and
limbs down from last weeks ice storm. I also had to haul four very
large branches to the street from the pine that took another beating
from the ice storm.
I then washed last weeks round of salt and brine from my car before
calling it a day. If the weather holds out for tonight we may actually
get to go observing. It was warm enough today for me to be outside in
shirt sleeves, around 55 degrees. The nights have been pretty cold with
the morning lows when we get up right at 20. Tonight is not to be as
cold with lows in the 30's.
Guess I better give the guys some playtime for awhile.
24 December 2005
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Merry Christmas Eve.
I took off this morning for Wal-Mart around 9 to pick up some things in
the grocery portion I could not find at my usual haunts. Surely it
would not be crowded that early on Christmas Eve morning. WRONG! The
place was covered in shoppers both on the grocery store side and the
merchandise side. I dodged mad dashing shoppers and carts managing to
come out alive about 45 minutes later. I had to make a stop at the drug
store drive though on the way back home to pick up a prescription.
I still had a couple of projects to do in the yard. Between the
sunshine and 45 degree temperatures I was working in shirt sleeves and
sweating by the time I transplanted a couple of bushes from the back to
front. I also had some of those 3 foot straight scalloped edged paving
blocks I wanted to put along the front curb to replace the landscape
timbers. They have been stacked up in back by the garage door since
this summer when I pulled them up from an area in the back.
When I went to move them three of them were still frozen together. I
brought them all up in the wheel barrow leaving it sitting in the sun
until after lunch. After getting those in place I moved the timbers to
the back and finished up in the yard.
Now it was dog bath time. After wrestling two 60 plus pound dogs in the
shower I am now ready to sit for a chance to sit and rest for awhile.
Some of my other indoor projects may get done today or Monday, not sure
We did go out last night but we only got about an hour of observing in
before some low clouds started drifting in the Sky Clock did not pick
up. They were actually very pretty coming in like long fingers but it
sure messed up our evening of observing. We did a couple of objects at
least one of which from my hard to find Caldwell list. After sitting
around talking with Steve, who had also come up, we packed up and came
home at 8:30. It also got colder than predicted over night. It was
already 33 when we got back to Winston. This morning we had another
hard freeze. It was 25 at our house when we got up at 8 o'clock.
Bob and I will exchange our gifts to each other this evening.
Tomorrow I spend the day at my sisters with Al and the folks. I doubt I
will put up another post until Monday perhaps with some pictures.
Have a safe and happy Christmas where ever you may be.
25 December
[Sunday] [Next
Merry Christmas.
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