Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 26 December 2005
Latest Update: Sunday, 1 January 2006 11:00
27 December
We had a lot of fun yesterday opening gifts, telling stories behind the
purchases, and eating some good food. I arrived at Frances and
Al's shortly after 9am. After getting some breakfast we started handing
out the gifts one at a time. During the day we took breaks to grab some
of the great food Frances and Al and mom prepared: cookies, cheese
balls, dates, cinnamon rolls, etc. It was almost 2 by the time we
finished up with the gift opening. As usual, everyone had something
special and/or unique in their pile of gifts.
Bob arrived around 3:15. He opened his gifts then mom, Frances and I
began dinner preparations. We had been cooking the pork roast while
doing the gifts. While the meat rested we did the broccoli, wild rice,
and rolls. Frances had made deviled eggs earlier. At one point the salt
and pepper shakers went missing that mom and Frances were using at the
stove and counter for cooking. I laughingly told Frances to look in the
refrigerator...yep you guessed it...there they sat on the top shelf. We
had a good laugh over that as we had all day over various funny things
we said or stories we told.
After dinner and more homemade desserts Bob and I left around 7:00 to
come back home. We fed the dogs and watched a movie before heading off
to bed to read.
Below are a few pictures from my new camera. The first one is of one
of my Santa's on the mantle I took using my new long lens for the
digital I got for Christmas. The others are at Frances and Al's using
the wide angle. Frances' tree and all the gifts before we got started.
A very nice gift from Al that goes with Frances' teapot collection and
Victorian theme.
One of Frances holding up a shopping bag holder that Marcia made and one
of dad opening a small tea pot.

This morning I was off at 9 to get a haircut and right back home. I
have swept the weekly accumulation of dog hair from the floor and
cleaned the bathrooms. Now, I am working on small projects such as
cleaning out drawers, etc. Next up, take everything out of the fridge
and clean the shelves and wipe down the insides.
27 December 2005
Thanks to everyone who mailed me about the
broken links from the pictures I posted yesterday. My web master has
been so busy working on the book he has not had time to fix them.
The first day back to work after a four day weekend was not too bad. I
had a few minor issues to deal with but otherwise the day went pretty
much according to plan.
I am still reading the Sally Wright, Pride
and Predator. Between the holidays and us watching some movies
at night I have not had a lot of reading time. I have also cut down my
lunch time reading to give me more time to walk.
We are having warm weather again, highs in the 50's though the nights
are still very chilly.
28 December 2005
No Update.
29 December 2005
[Thursday] [Friday]
Greetings. Not really much in the way of
news. I made the grocery store run last night and back to the gym again
We did get some rain last night but no thunder storms.
I am reading the most recent Inspector Banks, Strange Affair, with Banks off to
London to investigate the disappearance of his estranged brother. At
the same time a young women is found murdered in her car not far from
where Banks lives. In her pocket is Banks' name and address.
Still recovering from his injuries suffered in the burning down
of his house, Banks becomes absorbed in looking for his brother to help
him recover both mentally and physically.
30 December
No update.
31 December 2005
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Happy New Year's Eve. Gosh it's hard to
believe another year has come to an end. It has been a good year at the
Thompson Techno Grotto. Bob continues to work hard on the books while I
still enjoy my work at the law firm. We are both in good health as is
our two wonderful dogs Duncan and Malcolm. My folks continue to be in
fairly good health for their ages and Frances and Al appear to be doing
well also.
Yesterday I actually had a pretty hectic day spending a good deal of it
tracking down some files for an attorney. I picked Bob up after work
for a trip to the library and dinner at the Chinese restaurant.
This morning the Christmas tree and decorations came down for another
year. By noon everything was pretty much packed away and moved
downstairs. This afternoon I spent some time working on things here at
my desk. Other than a quick vacuuming of the tree needles I will hold
off cleaning the living and dinning rooms until tomorrow.
We shall spend a quiet evening at home watching a movie. I doubt very
much I will be up and/or awake at midnight though once the fire works
being set off by the neighborhood kids start that will change. Duncan
will levitate onto the bed and Malcolm will bark.
Good cheer to all. See you next year.
[Sunday] [Next
Happy New Year! Yes Virginia, we do not
have 32 days in December. As my regular readers know Bob likes to start
the first week of the year on Monday's date whatever that happens to
be. It makes it easier for the index pages, etc.
We did stay up last night until midnight watching an Upstairs/Downstairs marathon. I
went to bed around 11:40 to read until midnight. Sure enough at the
stroke of twelve the fireworks and bottle rockets exploded. Duncan sat
up, came over to me, and started shivering uncontrollably. Malcolm was
still in his crate. He ignored the fireworks but hates the bottle
rockets. As soon as they went off he started barking. Bob let him out
of the crate so he could pace while I consoled Duncan. It was all over
by 12:30. Duncan stayed up on the bed snuggled up against my back for a
long time after I turned off the light.
We slept in this morning until almost nine, very late for us. I am
working on the living room and dinning room cleaning, vacuuming, and
dusting nick knacks. Around midday we shall take a break. I need to
drop off something at my folks house and wish them a Happy New Year.
Then we will do a drop in at a friends party.
I worked with Bill for years at the library and was a part of his and
Carol's New Year's Day party for many, many years helping with the food
table, etc. The often had anywhere from 100 to 200 people come through
from 1 to 5. I went a couple times over the later years after Bob and I
were married but they stopped having it several years ago. This year
they have revived the party. I doubt very seriously it will be the
lavish, large event it was many years ago. I do want to drop in to say
hello. I knew a lot of their friends and hope to catch up on the lives
of some of those people.
This afternoon I will continue working on the cleaning projects which
will most likely spill over into tomorrow.
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