Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 16 January 2006
Latest Update: Sunday, 22 January 2006 2:20 p.m.
16 January
on a beautiful day in the triad. 55 degrees today with the long range
forecast showing 50's and 60's through next weekend. I am certain we
will pay for this lovely weather come February and March.
Yes, the Firm is closed today thus another 3 day weekend. This morning
Duncan was off to the vets for his annual check up. He is in fine
health for an 11 year old BC. We will continue him on the Previcox. This medication has far
less side effects than Rimadyl and actually works better, at least on
After I dropped him back off at home I headed over to the folks to
continue with dad's yard project. I raked leaves from the back shrub
bed then dug up a wheel barrow full of liriope to transplant on the
hill where I dug out the ground cover last week. I worked for about an
hour before mom called me in for lunch. After lunch I started
transplanting and digging up some more of the stumps from the stuff
that was on the bank. We quit around 2. I was getting tired and I did
not want dad trying to do too much.
Here is a picture of the top of Ray's pine tree that now resides in
our backyard. As you can see it was a pretty good sized pine.
This will be a very busy week for me. Wednesday I have my first
colonoscopy now that I have reached that magical decade of the 50's.
Starting tonight I will be on a pure liquid diet until the procedure on
Wednesday at 10:30. I can drink tea, water, and Gatorade. I am not much
for jello or broth so I will just stick with the liquids. Fortunately,
Jackie and I will be working at our off site storage facility tomorrow.
If I am up and about working I will not think about food nearly as much
as I would if I were sitting at my desk. Tomorrow night I start a
cleansing regime that includes drinking 64 ounces of Gatorade mixed
with a prescription powder which I must drink over the course of 2
hours. Sounds like fun doesn't it.
I will miss work on Wednesday but should be back to full power by
Thursday. Jackie and I will be back off site again Thursday and Friday.
Consequently, you may not see a post until Thursday depending on how I
feel Wednesday.
January 2006
No update.
18 January 2006
No update
19 January 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
All is well. My colonoscopy report came back
good. Going all day without food was not a problem but drinking that 64
ounces of Gatorade mixed with the "cleanser" was rough going. The
procedure itself it very painless. Thankfully I do not have to have
another one for 10 years. The doctor said I had mild diverticulitis but
that is very common in a lot of Americans and it runs in our family.
I was back at work today as usual and off to the gym tonight. Jackie
and I were off site Tuesday as well as today and will be there again
tomorrow. We are working on our annual destruction project which takes
a long time. We will be going to our off site storage facility several
days a week over the course of the next month until we finish.
Basically we have a list of files approved by the attorney's for
destruction. The company pulls the file boxes from a list we provide
and stage them on pallets in an area of the warehouse. We go through
the boxes pulling individual files or entire boxes to be destroyed. One
of us checks the list while the other pulls boxes from the pallets. We
then have to record client/matter numbers, boxes pulled for
destruction, etc. on various forms. It takes roughly two hours to make
it through one pallet of 30 to 40 boxes per pallet. It is tedious and
dirty work. Next week Steve is out of the office but starting the
following week we will be going off site two or three days each week
until we finish.
Bob and I have started reading a new author, Marianne MacDonald. The
first book in the series, Death's
Autograph, I am currently reading which Bob read first. There
are 7 books in the series of which the library had 4. Bob ordered the
second and third book in the series via ABE books. The newest book,
published last year I have not checked on yet to see if the library
owns a copy.
The weather continues to be unseasonably warm. We have a cold day then
it warms back up again. Tuesday and Wednesday we had high winds again
but fortunately no more trees came down.
20 January 2006
No update.
January 2006
[Saturday] [Sunday]
It is a wet and dreary day. We awoke to the
sound of rain on the windows. It was off to the gym for spin class this
morning before coming back home to get the weekly house cleaning done
before lunch.
After lunch I caught up on some ironing then took the hall bathroom
shower curtains down to be washed while I cleaned up the basement area.
Bob gets so many cartons and boxes of stuff I can hardly keep it under
control. Every other week I flatten a load of boxes to haul off to the
recycling bin at the fire station. I pour the packing peanuts and
bubble wrap into large plastic bags. I save a bag for us and take the
other to the UPS mailing center for recycling. Large foam and other
stuff I can't crush for the trash can I put in Gerald's construction
trailer to haul off to the dump.
Last night Bob and I watched the first three episodes of Duchess of
Duke street. More rain in store for tonight and tomorrow.
With the sloppy weather the dogs cannot get their outside playing in
today. We can play while I watch the Bob Hope Desert Classic golf
January 2006
[Sunday] [Next
The rain held off until this afternoon but it
was too cold to play golf anyway. The temperatures have fallen back
down into the low 40's with 10 to 15 mph winds. Way too cold for dad to
be out playing golf. Instead I went over to their house for lunch.
On the way over I stopped at Lowe's Home Center on the way to pick up
one of those lawn mats that prevent erosion. I have a terrible wash
problem one side of the yard. Hopefully this mat will hold the dirt and
seed until I can get a good stand of grass going.
After sowing some seed I spread the mat and hammered in some large
headed plastic nails to hold it down in the wind until it gets wet.
After picking up the downed limbs I called it a day just as the light
sprinkle became a little harder. The forecast is for rain tonight and
tomorrow with predictions of half to an inch.
Time to pay some bills and do some other assorted tasks.
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