Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 9 January 2006
Latest Update: Sunday, 15 January 2006 3:40 p.m.
very busy day at work. It looks like things will be this way for quite
some time. Jackie and I have several projects going plus the attorneys
seem to be back in full swing with the new year needing files pulled in
from off site.
I finally finished the Sally Wright Pursuit
and Persuasion. Her books are excellently written with wonderful
characters and plot lines. But, they are not fast reading by any means.
She published one more after this one in 2003 but the library does not
have it. I will see if I can pick up at one of the used book stores at
some point. If not, I will certainly purchase it at the bookstore if I
can find it or on line.
Next up, the newest Peter Tremayne, The
Leper's Bell, starring Sister Fidelma set in 7th century
Cashel. In the last book her child's nurse has been murdered and her
son kidnapped.
60 degrees today. Way too warm for January.
January 2006
We are still slammed at work. The weather
remains unseasonably warm with at least a chance of rain tonight or
And in the words of wisdom department: if you have someone near and
dear to you take a few minutes to tell them how special they are or how
much you love them, or whatever works for you. Today at work one of our
very long time, popular secretaries' husband dropped dead of a massive
heart attack while out of town on business. I am guessing his age at
somewhere around late 50's or early 60's. No previous medical problems
11 January 2006
12 January 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
It has been another hectic week at work.
Bob said at dinner tonight it sounded like we need another
person in our department. Not really. As with a lot jobs, ours comes in
fits and starts. We can be swamped for weeks and all of sudden hit a
lull. Right now, we just have a lot going on with our daily work plus
some extra projects that are needing our attention.
Last night was grocery store night. This afternoon I had Friends
meeting after which I picked up Bob for dinner out at the Chinese
restaurant. The weather remains unseasonably warm. We did get some rain
yesterday and overnight last night which we really need.
I do have a funny dog story. Last night after I was in bed reading and
the dogs were settled down for the night I called out to ask Bob to
gather up the library books for me. We always put them in a tote bag
right by the steps to downstairs so I don't forget them the next
This morning as I was getting out of the shower I heard Malcolm bark
his ferocious "I see or hear something" bark. This went on while I was
drying my hair and getting my robe on, etc. It turns out Malcolm turned
the corner to go down the hall from our bedroom and saw the book bag
lying on the floor. Knowing it was not there last night and not sure
what it was, he was warning Bob something was in the hall and to be
careful. Bob said he eventually went up the hall and very bravely
approached the bag to check it out. Malcolm takes his guard duties very
seriously as you can see.
13 January 2006
No update.
January 2006
[Saturday] [Sunday]
We have a very strong front moving through
today bringing up very high wind gusts. As I was watching out the den
window I was just about to say to Bob that it looked like one of the
pine trees in our neighbor's yard behind was about to blow over when it
did just that. Fortunately it blew toward our yard and not their house.
It missed both our large pine and my small red bud tree. Other than a
few small bushes along the property lines on both our sides I doubt it
did much in the way of damage.
I can hear the wind whipping around the corner of the house as I sit
here in my office. The winds are sustained at 25 to 30 mph with some
gusts up to 50.
Yesterday through midnight last night we had 1.18 inches of much needed
rain. Today the mountains are getting snow. We have a chance of rain
tonight with maybe a few flakes mixed in but nothing in the way of
At lunch yesterday I finished up the Peter Tremayne. I really enjoyed
it. This series just keeps getting better and better. He always solves
the mystery but leaves the plot line for Sister Fidelma hanging for the
next book as to what will happen in her life next.
This morning I was off to the gym for spin class. Then, much needed
house cleaning. I did not vacuum last week but instead took a week off
after all the cleaning I have been doing. Today, I realized why I hate
to let it go longer than a week. Dog hair and dirt tracked in from
outside all over the place. YUK! Things are now back to my liking with
the exception of Bob's office and his work room. We are tackling those
Better run get my shower. We are driving out to a sporting clay
shooting place this afternoon with Paul and Mary. They are interested
in learning to shoot shotguns, which I have never shot either. I have
fired hand guns but not a rifle or shot gun. Should be interesting.
January 2006
[Sunday] [Next
Bob's work room and office are now cleaned up for another year. He
moved some stuff downstairs to the basement and threw some away in
order to rearrange the work room and so I could clean in there. He
removed the pile of stuff on his office floor, again, so I could clean.
We also cleaned the inside of the window and the blinds. At least now I
can get the vacuum in there on a weekly basis...for awhile anyway.
It has taken most of the day to get that done plus the laundry. We
shall relax for the rest of the day.
It has warmed up considerably from yesterday. While the winds are still
gusting some they are not as bad as they were yesterday and last night.
Between working on Bob's rooms I cleared my desk, did some filing and
bit more cleaning up in my office. The upstairs part of the house looks
pretty good now. I still need to do some minor work in the apartment
area downstairs plus clear out the trash and boxes we stowed in the
garage area from us here.
We had a lot of fun at the shooting clays range yesterday. I did very
well, hitting a fair number of clays. The place looks like an old
cattle farm that was turned into a clay shooting course. In addition to
the stands near the front part of the place they have a 14 stand course
you can drive out to in golf carts. Each stand has various types of
clays that fire in different directions to mimic flights of birds,
ground animals, etc. We rode around the course but did not shoot at any
of those. It was very cold and windy out on the shooting platform.
Afterward we stopped for dinner before Paul and Mary dropped us back
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