Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 30 January 2006
Latest Update: Sunday 5 February 2006 2:20 p.m.
Greetings on another warm winter day. We had pea soup fog this
morning for the drive to work.
Last night I finished up the Karsten Heuer walk book I discussed in
great detail on Saturday.
Very, very good reading. I felt at times I was right on the trail with
him. And of course, Webster shines throughout the entire trip. I highly
recommend this read. I am going to order his newest book detailing his
next walk.
Back to mystery's with Rhys Bowen's latest Evan Evans, Evan Blessed.
HA! Don't be fooled by Bob's lie
about the personality test. By contrast here is how I scored.
You Are Sunshine
Soothing and calm
You are often held up by others as the ideal
But too much of you, and they'll get burned
You are best known for: your warmth
Your dominant state: connecting |
Of course that explains why he is a very successful author/business
man and I am a librarian.
January 2006
Well another month has come and gone. I just
cannot believe today is the last day of January already.
We are having the craziest weather I think I have seen in a long time.
I have seen warm winters, cold winters, and/or a mix of both but not
like this January has been. It will be warm and breezy for four or five
days followed by one day of 20 to 30 mph winds followed by temperatures
dropping for one night into the 20's followed by another spell of warm
weather. I can't wait to see what February will bring.
Off to the gym tonight for spin class. Time to go play some ball with
the fellas.
1 February 2006
Busy, busy. Jackie and I are at the Firm's
off site storage location again starting today through Friday culling
more files and boxes for destruction.
After work I met the incoming president of the Friends of the Library
for dinner. I will be taking over the secretary job. Mary Jane had some
questions about how and when to do things since she has only been on
the board for a couple of years.
I then stopped in next door at Harris Teeter to pick up a few things
for the weekly shopping. Once again it is almost 8 before I get a
chance to sit and unwind on the couch before bedtime and play some ball
with the fellas.
I finished up the Evan Evans last night. As usual, Rhys Bowen did a
fine job. The week before Evan is to finally wed school teacher Bonwen
he becomes involved in a case searching for a missing girl on Mt.
Snowdon, which is by the way a real mountain range in Wales. While
searching for the girl police stumble upon a bunker which appears to
have been built for someone to use as a kidnap/hiding place. The
kidnapper sends clues to Evan using musical notes. As Evan gradually
unravels the clues he finds the kidnapper to be playing games with both
his professional and personal life.
Next up, the second book in the Marianne MacDonald series featuring
Hoare, English bookseller, Ghost Walk.
2 February 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
This week is starting to take a toll on me
both physically and mentally. Being late getting home three nights in a
row plus being off site has just about done me in. The off site work is
grueling both physically and mentally. Also, the air in the building is
not all that great with very little in the way of ventilation where we
are working. They finally brought us a big fan this afternoon to help
with the heat.
Thus, I decided to forgo the gym tonight in favor of a quiet night at
home since we have another day off site tomorrow. And, the dogs go into
a little set to this morning around 3:30. By the time we got everyone
calmed down it was going on 4:30 by the time I finally fell back to
If you enjoy mysteries set in London with antique, book shop, or other
related characters I highly recommend the Dido Hoare books Bob and I
are reading. The second book has so far been equal to her first one.
Marianne MacDonald writes exceptionally well. Dido and her retired
academic father are delightful characters.
We have rain moving in tonight and tomorrow. Still very mild
temperatures though we have been promised by the weather gods that will
soon be changing.
3 February 2006
By 5:00 this afternoon Jackie and I had gone
through roughly 800 boxes over the last three days for review. that
leaves us about 1400 to go. If we stay on track we should be finished
in two weeks with this main group. There will then be another small
group of boxes needed to be reviewed we discovered along the way or
from an attorney who has waited until now to turn his review form into
Back at the office I will be processing the files and boxes we have
pulled for destruction in three different data bases. This process will
take several weeks after we finish up the final physical review of the
boxes off site.
I tried to stay up last night to finish the last 80 pages in my book
but I was just too tired. I shall finish it up tonight for sure.
4 February 2006
[Saturday] [Sunday]
The weekly house cleaning chores were
completed this afternoon. This morning I was up and out for the 9am
spin class. After I got back home Bob and I walked down to Steve and
Mimi's to see their new puppy the brought home from the breeder last
night. Like Oscar, she is another Spinone but her coloring has large
dark brown spots with light gray fur. She is really, really cute. Oscar
stands about 26" at the shoulder where she will stand about 22" and go
about 60 pounds. Trudy will be a good playmate for Oscar. I will take
our guys down to meet her next week after she gets used to her new
Just after lunch we had a pretty decent little thunder storm role
through created by the cold front that is too move through this
afternoon causing temperatures to drop down to more normal levels for
If the skies clear as predicted we may go over to the soccer field
later this evening to get in some urban observing. With the moon up it
may be hard to see some of the deep sky stuff but I also need to work
on lunar objects as well. Bob bought we a great new moon map I want to
try out.
5 February 2006
[Sunday] [Next
Dad and I did get in nine holes of golf this
morning. The temperatures were not all that bad at 8am when we teed off
at right around 38 degrees. With the sun up and no clouds things were
fairly pleasant the first six holes. Then the winds picked up as
promised making things a little chillier. Dad's hands get too cold in
those kind of conditions so we packed in after nine. But, despite the
fact we had not played in well over two months we both could at least
hit the ball in the right direction most of the time. It was fun just
getting out.
We ate an early lunch then I came on home. Rest and relaxing is about
all I have planned for this afternoon since I am certain of another
tiring week at work.
Golf is on this afternoon. I may watch the first half of the Super Bowl
game, having not watched it in years. I want to see Mick Jagger do his
halftime show then I will most likely go to bed. The games themselves
are usually blow outs by one team anyway.
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