Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 6 February 2006
Latest Update: Friday , 12 February 2006 1:40 p.m.
rather hectic day at work trying to get caught up on things after being
out of the office most of last week. After completing some routine
chores I started on the data base entry/clean up for the boxes we
worked on last week. As usual, I ran into some problems matching
our records with the data bases.
I have started reading the latest Maddy Hunter, Hula Done It? Emily Andrew and her
senior citizens have taken off for Hawaii on their next adventure. This
time Emily does not find a dead body but instead becomes involved in
solving the crime of one of the guest speakers on the cruise ship
tossed over board on the way to the islands.
Hunter's books are light and funny making a good break from some of the
heavier or serious mystery authors.
While it has finally turned colder with lows in the 20's and highs in
the 40's we will apparently miss the promised snow forecast for
tonight. The moisture looks as though it will stay well to the south.
Yep, I did stay up last night to watch the entire football game. With
the first half so close I thought I might as well see how the game
turned out. I was very disappointed in Mick Jagger and company's
performance at halftime. However, the "reverse hand off, pass by the
wide receiver to another wide receiver down the field" was the play of
the game. I actually read off and on during the game making it not a
complete waste of time.
7 February 2006
Greetings. Not much in the way of news. I
finished up the Maddy Hunter mystery and will be passing it along to my
sister. Next up, another Dido Hoare mystery by Marianne Macdonald, Smoke Screen.
It has turned cold but nothing in the way of frozen precipitation in
the immediate forecast.
I have sort of revived my interest in college basketball again after
watching some of the Duke games last year while up at the lodge at
Fancy Gap with Paul and Mary. Tonight Duke plays North Carolina. I
think it will be on one of the local stations, if so I may try to stay
up and watch the game.
8 February 2006
Jackie and I are back at the off site storage facility today through
Friday. We met my folks for lunch today at a neat little Italian place
out past the golf course where dad and I play. It is only about ten
minutes from where we are and about the same for them from home.
Bob called me around lunch time on my cell to let me know the guys had
finally come to take the fallen tree away. The guys working on it asked
Bob if they could drive their little fork lift down our driveway,
through the yard, to get to the brush to haul it away. Bob told me his
exact words to him were "my wife will hunt you down". In other words,
Bob knew I would not like for my lawn to be chewed up by a large piece
of machinery. They ended up parking it at the end of the driveway,
which was not all that far from the debris, loading the stuff there and
hauling it back up the drive to their truck.
I did stay up to watch the entire basketball game last night. Duke did
win but not by much after blowing a 16 point lead. It was over a little
after 11 making it not too much later than my normal bedtime.
Tomorrow afternoon I have Friends meeting and grocery shopping so I
doubt I will be back here before Friday.
9 February 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
We had our first snowfall last night. Just enough to barely cover the
ground but it stuck to the trees and bushes really pretty. The roads
were clear of snow but had a lot of slick spots with black ice.
10 February 2006
Three days in a row of reviewing boxes,
writing down numbers, and pulling files had Jackie and I both just
about done in by this afternoon. Fortunately, we have finished up the
review process for all the boxes on our pull list. Once I get all the
data processed in the four different data bases we will have to pull in
one more group of boxes for clean up. It will take me at least a week
or more to get all the data sorted, problems solved, etc.
We finished up around 4:30 which gave me time to get home and put out
my grab grass preventer/fertilizer before dark. With rain and/or snow
forecast for tonight through tomorrow I wanted to get it out this
evening if at all possible.
Last night I sat up reading until I finished the Marianne Macdonald. I
think I will grab something from my TBR shelf for the weekend.
Bob and I just got back in from taking the dogs for their after dinner
walk. On our return trip back up the street from the corner we met
Paula walking Max. We stopped to talk with her for a few minutes when
Kim came out with Missy. We wondered over in her yard for a nice chat.
Then Steve brought the puppy Trudy over to say hello to everyone. It
was so enjoyable to be outside chatting with the neighbors and letting
the dogs visit. The temperatures right now are fairly nice at 47
degrees. The incoming weather will depend a lot on how the cold and
moisture all come together.
Tonight is the kickoff for the Winter Olympics which I love to watch.
Now I shall go out and relax for the evening and watch the opening
Have a great weekend.
11 February 2006
[Saturday] [Sunday]
So far today all we have had in the way of
wet weather has been .39 inches of rain/snow showers. Nothing is
sticking at this point. The temperature this morning when we got up was
41, it has now fallen to 39.
I hit the gym this morning for the 9am spin class. Afterwards I made a
trip out to Lowe's Home Center to pick up some new knobs for the range
top. Ours have slowly been deteriorating with one of them no longer
working at all. Lowe's sold a generic knob with plastic fittings for
adapting to many brands. From Lowe's it was on to Wal-Mart for a few
After a quick lunch I headed over to my folks house to check on them
and see if they needed anything.
Guess I'll go watch some more of the Olympics and switch over to the
golf match to see how it is progressing.
12 February 2006
[Sunday] [Next
The flurries continued last night but
accumulation amounted to just barely covering the grass. By this
morning it had all melted except in some shady spots. We have had
flurries flying off and on this morning but nothing hitting the ground.
However, it is cold with temperatures in the low 30's and 20 -30 mph
winds. I see on the weather channel website our little storm moved up
the coast to become a blizzard. Guess our friends in Bowie, MD, the Bilbrey's, are snowed
under by now.
Otherwise, it has been a quiet day. No golf of course. After the weekly
house cleaning chores were completed I fixed some lunch before settling
in at the computer to do some assorted work while listening to some
We are having dinner with Paul and Mary as the Chinese place.
Last night I sat up watching the Olympics until 11 enjoying the
skating, luge, and speed skating. We took our first Gold in the speed
skating. More this afternoon as well as switching back and forth to the
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