Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 3 April 2006
Latest Update: Saturday, 9 April 2006 2:30 p.m.
Monday, 3
Bob took time today to sort the pictures we took last weekend up at
Fancy Gap. The first picture is of a flock of wild turkeys we surprised
as we came around the corner of the driveway up to the lodge. I stopped
the car as soon as I saw them and handed Bob the camera. We inched our
way forward while he took a couple of shots from the car before they
took off in flight. That is the first time I have ever seen a flock of
wild turkeys.
The next picture is of a rare breed known as the resting Bob lying on
the sofa at the lodge. That is our bedroom directly behind him. The
next two I shot during the snow storm on Friday evening.

My primroses were so pretty this year.
I have an entire row of the red ones in the bed along the front
of the house and a row of yellow ones by the driveway. The yellow ones
have not bloomed yet. I shot this Saturday morning.
Bob cleaned up and rearranged his office
last week. He moved the desk from the middle of the floor to the wall
creating a lot more floor space.

We had some major thunderstorms come through this morning between 2 and
4 am. Thankfully Duncan slept through them but Malcolm barked at the
thunder a couple of times. Then we had another one just before I left
to go to work. The thunder rattled the windows and shook the house. We
have been under severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings all day. The
temperatures have dropped from the mid to high 70's down to 60 since I
have been home.
Tonight I went to the gym directly from work. The gym has changed some
of the classes and times with a variety of new classes. I may switch up
my gym schedule to catch some of the new classes. Tonight I did
metabolic effect which is a 30 minute class of high intensity aerobic
activity combined with using some light hand weights going as hard as
you can for the 30 minutes. I did pretty good for my first class.
Depending on who is teaching there can be a lot of high impact moves
but I just adjust them to low impact to suit me. I got a darn good
workout in a very short period of time.
After dinner and walking the dogs I stayed out a few minutes longer
with Duncan. He has caught Malcolm's stomach bug from last weekend. Bob
thought he might need to go potty. While we were just hanging around
out front the little girl next door opened the door to say hello and
Duncan just walked right on in. We went in and had a short visit with
Stephanie and the girls which Duncan really enjoyed. He laid down on
the floor and let the girls pet him.
Darn, the night has gotten away from me as usual with the time change.
Guess I better run.
Tuesday, 4
April 2006
Not much in the way of news. I like going to
the gym on Monday night and having Tuesday night at home rather than
the Tuesday - Thursday run of nights out.
Tonight while walking the dogs after dinner we met another one of our
new young neighbors who have moved in just around the corner from us.
They have one three year old daughter, a three year old Aussie, and an
assortment of birds, turtles, and other animals.
The weather has turned cool again with highs in the 60's and lows down
into the 40's and 30's again for the next few nights. And, like it has
been all year, very windy.
We are in the middle of watching an early Brother Cadfael mystery by
Ellis Peters. I have not read the series but we have watched some of
the later episodes starring one of my favorite British actors, Derek
Wednesday, 5
April 2006
I forgot to change the header date yesterday
just in case you missed seeing my very short Tuesday post.
As much as I complain about DST messing up my body time clock I really
do enjoy spending the early part of the evenings outside visiting with
the neighbors. It reminds me so much of the way it was back when I was
growing up when all the neighbors stood around and gathered in circles
in lawn chairs sitting around talking while kids played, rode their
bikes, etc.
Once again I sat up until almost 11:30 in order to finish a book. I was
so into the Mary Daheim I just had to read to the end to find out how
it was going to end. Today at lunch I started the first book in Dana
Stabenow's other series with Kate Shugak which are also set in Alaska.
Kate is an ex DA investigator who walked off the job after being knifed
by a child molester caught in the act. In the first book, A Cold Day for Murder, a national
park ranger disappears as well as an investigator who went to look for
him. Since Kate lives in a remote section of the park she is called out
of retirement to help locate the missing ranger who happens to be the
son of a congressman. While this series seems to be very different from
her Liam Campbell the first chapter or two caught my attention. Her
description of the wilds of Alaska are breath taking.
Thursday, 6
April 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
Jackie met me for lunch today. It was great
to see her and catch up on all her news. She is loving her new job.
Tonight after dinner I put out the weed and feed on the lawn. This
stuff is such a pain to put out because it has to be wet yet can't get
wet for 24 hours after application. Heavy morning dew is best but I
that leaves a Saturday or Sunday morning. It is supposed to rain
tomorrow night so I decided to wet the lawn then put down the stuff. It
actually looked, at one time late this afternoon, like it might rain a
little. That would have been great but it only spit a few drops on the
car on the way home.
While I watered down the front and then put out the stuff Bob watered
down the back lawn for me. That helped to make things go a lot faster.
I finished up about 7:30, just before it got too dark to see what I was
doing. Hopefully it will rain tomorrow or night or Saturday as
predicted but who knows. You cannot depend on the weather except for
what is happening at the present time.
I tried like heck to sit up reading last night to finish the Kate
Shugak. I only have about 50 pages but I just could not keep my eyes
open after about 10:30. I shall most likely finish it tonight.
Friday, 7 April 2006
No update.
Saturday, 8
April 2006
[Saturday] [Sunday]
It has been a very busy day. We started off
at 8:30 this morning giving the dogs a bath in the downstairs shower.
They are pretty good about getting their bath but I do have to struggle
with them to stand still, stand up, etc. Holding onto 60 pounds of dog
while trying to give them a bath will definitely tax your resources.
After giving myself a bath I put in a small load of my special stuff to
wash before taking off for Wal-Mart. Back home, I put the shopping away
then did the weekly cleaning. By noon I felt like I had already
put in a full day of work.
Lunch break was followed by checking my mail before taking the guys
outside for some playtime. Malcolm kept pestering me for some action so
I took them out back where there was enough grass to keep them from
getting muddy and let him play some ball. I spent the remainder of the
early part of the afternoon catching up on mail and typing up the
minutes from the March Friends meeting. After that is was getting my
ironing basket empty again which included some of the pants and shirts
I washed this morning.
It is now almost time to fix dinner. I need to brush out the dogs now
that their fur has dried. They absolutely will not be dried with a hair
This morning we awoke to a thunderstorm. The forecast had been for
overnight severe weather but we missed that. Instead, after morning
showers, it actually cleared off this afternoon although the
temperatures went from 80's yesterday to 60's today. Dark skies have
moved back in again with more light rain. It has been a perfect type of
rain for watering in my weed and feed.
I did sit up last night to finish reading the next Hamish Macbeth,
Death of a Snob. Earlier in the evening Bob and I watched part one of
an episode of Rosemary and Thyme, a British mystery series. Tonight we
will watch part two. Not sure what I will pick up to read next.
Sunday, 9
April 2006
[Sunday] [Next
A cool but clear morning for golf. I was up
and out of the house by 6:50 to pick up dad. The temperature was about
43 degrees. On about the 4th hole the wind picked up making it a little
cool but tolerable. We were home by 11:15. While mom fixed lunch dad
watered and I spread his weed and feed.
Although I have some things I need to do instead I plan to spend the
remainder of the day reading, watching the race and the Masters while
resting. With another busy week coming up I need to at least start out
on Monday feeling rested.
Last night I picked up the next book in the Anne Perry Charlotte and
Thomas Pitt series, Resurrection Row.
Hope you had an enjoyable weekend.
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