Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 10 April 2006
Latest Update: Saturday, 16 April 2006 2:30 p.m.
Monday, 10
Monday. I have a lot going on this week but will try to keep you
updated as I have time. I think I have something going on every day
this week after work between meetings, vet appointments, and lawn care.
After a chilly start to the morning it turned into what I would call an
almost perfect day. I had walking errands at lunch to the post office,
drug store, and bank. Temperatures were in the high 60's no wind, and a
perfectly clear blue sky. It was hard to go back inside but I forced
We have a potential new robin family moving in on the gutter connector
just under the roof on the right side of the house. I can get some good
shots of the nest from my neighbors back porch which I will try to do
later this week or weekend.
Bob wants to watch another Rosemary and Thyme episode so I guess I will
wrap this up for today.
Tuesday, 11
April 2006
Another beautiful spring day. I mowed the lawn first thing when I got
home while Bob put dinner in the oven. After dinner we had a short
visit with Oscar to get in some play time.
Today at work we had our staff appreciation lunch. They actually
schedule them over several days to get everybody a chance at going. The
attorneys and administrative staff do the honors of carrying trays and
seating us. It is a very nice gesture on the part of the Firm.
We are watching a couple more episodes of Rosemary and Thyme.
Wednesday, 12
April 2006
I worked through lunch today in order to
leave at 4:00 to take Duncan to the vet. Last weekend while giving him
a bath I found a growth on his tail. With all that fur on his tail I
have no idea how long it has been there. It looked pretty nasty on
Sunday but by this afternoon it did not look nearly as bad. However,
Dr. Taylor recommended giving him a local and removing it to be sent
off to the lab just to make sure. I will take him back in Friday. He
wants to keep him for awhile after the procedure just to make sure it
does not bleed a lot. It is located about 2/3 of the way down toward
the skinniest part of his tail which the vet said will make it hard to
work with since there is not a lot of skin.
After a quick dinner I took off for the gym and the grocery store.
Work is very busy as I am trying to wrap up this destruction project.
There does seem to be a very faint light at the end of the tunnel.
The weather continues to be very nice with moderate temperatures and
clear skies. Although I did not get a lunch today I did get to walk
over to one of the our other buildings to pick up a box that needs
returned to off site storage. It was nice to be able to get outside for
some fresh air and to clear my mind for a few minutes at least.
Thursday, 13 April 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday, 14
April 2006
If you had the day off for Good Friday, lucky
for you. It was just another work day for me although a very slow one.
I spent the entire day filing forms in our notebooks. I took a walk at
lunch to get some fresh air. With our off site storage company closed
and a great many of the paralegals and secretaries off, it made for a
light day in terms of boxes and deliveries.
Speaking of which, we have a new guy starting Monday to replace Jackie.
He will actually be replacing me in my job now that I have moved into
where Jackie's desk was and am doing her job. It will good get someone
in and trained to take off some of the extra load I have had to carry.
I had Friends meeting yesterday afternoon.
Duncan has his little tail surgery today. Bob called around 1 pm to let
me know the vet called and said he could come home. They used a local
to remove the growth. His tail is wrapped about a third of the way down
with tape and pretty red vet wrap. He seems to be doing fine.
I am reading the third book in the Liam Campbell series by Stabenow, Nothing Gold Can Stay. Liam and his
romantic interest Wy are looking for whoever murdered the local
postmistress of one of the nearby small villages she flies the mail
Saturday, 15
April 2006
[Saturday] [Sunday]
After a somewhat frustrating start to the day
I ended up getting right much done. I was up at 7:30 and ready to start
my big outdoor project for the day when I discovered dad has my long
pole loppers. Okay, I decided since I had to make a trip out I might as
well flatten the pile of cardboard boxes in the basement to drop off at
the recycling bins when I go by the fire station.
The bins were too full to add my pile of cardboard so I left it in the
car and drove on over to pick up my loppers. They had already left
early this morning to run errands. On the way home I remembered another
fire station was near my return route. I was able to drop off the
cardboard at that station.
While I was getting my loppers from dad's shed I also borrowed his
short handle ones because they are better than mine. Back home I
started major pruning of the red tip bushes that run along the back
left of my property. They had gotten real tall but leggy and sparsely
filled in toward the
middle. Hopefully now that we have had the maple trimmed back they will
get more sun and grow back from the middle. I guess the tallest
branches had reached about 8 to ten feet and where growing over toward
my neighbors yard and over their forsythia hedge.
I was almost finished with the second bush when Jim from next
door came out to help along with his wife and their daughter down
visiting from Pennsylvania. I have five bushes planted but one of them
looked like it was dead/dying. While Jim dug it out from the roots I
pruned down the other two.
After hauling the limbs and dead bush out to the street I did a few
other outdoor chores before taking a break for lunch. After lunch I
mowed, edged, swept up by which time I had run out of gas. By 1:30 it
was almost 90 degrees outside. Way too hot for this time of year.
Just before calling it a day I was finally able to get some pictures of
momma bird on her nest. Bob will download a couple for me to post on my
page for Monday.
Last night we started watching As
Time Goes By starring Judi Dench and Geoffrey Palmer. I love
both of them especially together. I am not sure why Bob and I did not
watch this series when it first came out. We watched her other series A Fine Romance which is also
excellent. We watched three episodes of Time last night and laughed
during most of them. The writers are excellent with Dench and Palmer
just perfect for pulling of the sarcastic lines.
I have computer stuff to do this afternoon and perhaps watch some of
the golf tournament.
Sunday, 16
April 2006
[Sunday] [Next
Happy Easter. We did not play golf today but
not because of it being Easter Sunday. Instead I performed the usual
weekly cleaning chores. The dogs and I paid a short visit with Mimi,
Oscar, and Trudy before coming in to fix a bite of lunch. The reason we
did not play today is because we will be playing Tuesday out at
Tanglewood on the Championship Course. More on that later in the week.
This afternoon has been spent here at my PC paying bills, balancing the
checkbook, writing up Friends minutes, etc.
We will leave around 3:30 to go over to Frances and Al's for dinner
with them and the folks. The menu will include ham, deviled eggs,
macaroni salad, rolls, and some type of dessert.
It has been another warm day. Late yesterday afternoon I sat outside on
the porch reading with each dog's retractable leash wrapped around a
leg of the chair. I was relaxing while waiting on Paul and Mary to pick
us up at 6:30 to go out for dinner.
Duncan loves to lay outside but will not stay out for very long if I
come inside. I took a short break a few minutes ago to sit outside
putting Duncan on his long line and tying Malcolm to my chair. Malcolm
and I came back leaving Duncan out but he only stayed out long enough
to realize I was not coming back out and barked to be let in.
I removed the bandage from Duncan's tail yesterday. It looks fine.
There is a small round area where they removed the growth. However,
they shaved his tail from nearly the top which had long, black hair
just down to where his large white tail tip feather out. He looks like
he is waving a white flag with his thin rope tail and then that big
white plum of tail feathers sticking out.
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Thompson. All Rights Reserved.