Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 17 April 2006
Latest Update: Sunday, 23 April 2006 1:30 p.m.
Monday, 17
I took this picture of Malcolm a couple of
weeks ago and promptly forgot about it. I think Bob and I were in the
kitchen shooting pictures for the next PC book when I came out of the
kitchen to see Malcolm fully relaxed. He did not even look up or move
while I shot several pictures.
Al and dad relaxing on Frances and Al's deck yesterday afternoon after
dinner. Frances fixed a wonderful dinner.
Yesterday I also gave Frances the table runner and tea cup
designed and made by my best friend Marcia. Frances, of
course, loved it. If I remember correctly, I think I helped pick out
some of the material on our various shopping trips to fabric stores.
The middle and far left show the front side. The right side of the
picture shows one end flipped over so you can see what the back looks
We had a major front move through today bringing .24 inches of rain,
some thunder, and the threat of severe weather. We need more rain but
will take what we get. The temperature yesterday afternoon was 90
degrees. This evening it is 60 with lows tonight down in the low 50's.
Other than Wednesday, with a forecast high of 82, it is to stay in the
high 70's all week.
I finished up the Dana Stabenow and started another Hamish Macbeth, Death of a Prankster.
Tuesday, 18
April 2006
Thanks to Mother Nature dad and I had one of
the most perfect days ever to play golf. Temperatures in the mid
seventies, slight breeze, and clear blue skies. I actually played one
of my best rounds of golf hitting the ball as well as I ever have. Dad
played okay but, more importantly, we had a very good time. It takes
about four hours to play the course.
In case you did not read my page last week, the picture of momma robin
I posted yesterday was taken from my neighbor's side porch. She has
taken up residence on our back gutter downspout. Speaking of birds and
nests. For the last month Bob and I have been cleaning out dead leaves
and junk in our mailbox which attached to our house by the front door.
Lately the "trash" has been getting worse and worse. Yesterday Bob took
the box off the wall and dumped it out. This evening I looked in and
found an entire nest built about halfway across the inside of the box
and along the bottom. I showed it to our neighbor. She thinks it may be
a wren trying to build her nest. I dumped the nest out before she tries
to get back in and lay her eggs. We do not a place for the mailman to
deliver the mail while we wait for a new generation of wrens to come
and go. She must be lifting up the lid and flying in and out. It is the
only way she can get in.
I got back home from playing golf and dropping dad off back home around
5pm. Stephanie, her girls and her dad and Mimi and Shane were all
outside in Mimi's backyard. We took the dogs over for a short visit and
to get a chance to have some playtime.
Wednesday, 19 April 2006
No update.
Thursday, 20
April 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
Yesterday was busy from dawn to dusk. I went
straight to the library from work to help set up the books for this
weekend's Friends book sale. I left there around 6:15 to come home,
make a quick change, and pick up Bob to head out to dinner and the FAS
meeting which ran until 9. By the time we got home, gave the dogs some
play time, and walked them it was 10 before I finally made it to bed. I
did finish reading the Hamish Macbeth.
We were supposed to get rain yesterday but it went south of us. We have
rain and storms supposedly moving in tonight and tomorrow. Today was
very warm. I met Jackie for lunch at South Coast Wings.
Otherwise not much else going on. Work is steady but not overly busy
with requests or deliveries right now. I have almost wrapped up the
destruction project and have started another project. In the meantime
Steve and I both working with our new staff member doing training.
Friday, 21 April 2006
No update.
Saturday, 22
April 2006
[Saturday] [Sunday]
It was a very busy day at work yesterday
making me very happy when 5 o'clock rolled around and it being a
Friday. I came home, fixed dinner, and we walked the dogs. I came back
to check my mail and the weekend forecast. Sunday was not looking as
promising as it had earlier in the week so I decided to fire up the
mower. The grass was pretty high anyway. After I mowed I used the
electric blower to clean up the thousand helicopters lying all over the
driveway and sidewalk.
I would have been finished around 8pm but between the mowing and the
blowing I stopped for about a 30 minute chat with the neighbors.
Stephenie and Mimi brought their little ones over to see momma bird on
her nest. We stood around at the end of the driveway letting the kids
and dogs run around while we talked. I finally had to break things up
so I could get the driveway cleaned and stuff put away as dark was fast
Today was a red letter day at our house. Bob actually went
shopping...at Costco. Yep, he did. Frances, Al, mom, and dad were all
going today and asked me to come along in case I wanted to do some
shopping. Bob has talked about joining for a while so I asked him if he
would like to come along and check things out. I did the weekly
house cleaning first thing this morning before getting cleaned up to
meet them at 11 at the store.
All things being equal it is not that much further to drive over to
Costco then it is to drive out to Wal-Mart. We spent about two hours
shopping plus taking a lunch break and getting our membership. Bob and
I both liked it well enough to join. While they do not have some things
I will still need to purchase at Wal-Mart or the drugstore what they do
sell had definite price benefits. We bought enough toilet paper,
napkins, and paper towels to last us at least six months to a year. We
stocked up on some food items plus purchased some of their frozen food
chicken and steak sandwich type stuff that mom and dad have tried and
liked. I will now start a list of those type items that I can purchase
in large quantities for our Costco run such as dishwasher detergent,
soaps, etc. Some items in the snack food and regular food areas I will
purchase next because I did not need to stock up on those right now.
It was well after 1 by the time we got home. This morning just before
daybreak we had a pretty decent thunderstorm. Frances said their side
of town got nailed pretty bad with wind. Trees are down, roads blocked,
etc. We've had over half an inch of rain so far with more possibly this
I am reading the next Kate Shugak mystery Dead in the Water. Bob does not
like these as well as Stabenow's Liam Campbell series but so far I am
enjoying them. I like Kate's character. In this book Kate is trying to
solve the murder of two men killed on a crab fishing boat, of course,
set in Alaska. I am learning a lot about how those large boats fish for
the crab but not some much in detail it detracts from the storyline.
Sunday, 23
April 2006
[Sunday] [Next
No golf today. Our regular course is tied up
with a tournament. We had planned to play the little executive course.
But with the storms and rain that went thorough that side of town
yesterday morning we were afraid it would be too wet along with the
possibility of limbs and storm debris.
Instead I spend the morning doing little things outside in the yard I
never have time to do or am too tired after the regular mowing,
trimming, etc. I pulled weeds, fertilized the azaleas and other acid
loving bushes, and dug up an almost dead butterfly bush that I did not
like its location of anyway. I reseeded the that spot along with some
of the dead areas up by the deck. I used bagged lawn soil, seed, and
10-10-10 to hopefully give the seeds a chance to grow before it gets
too hot.
I had the dogs out with me for most of the day which they really
enjoyed. Both are sacked out on the floor after a hards days work
listening along with me to some Celtic, Irish, and classical stuff in
the CD player. The skies have clouded over but so far no additional
rain. This afternoon I will catch up on computer stuff and other paper
work on my desk then retire to the sofa to relax and read the remainder
of the afternoon.
I finished the Kate Shugak last night and started another Anne Perry, Rutland Place.
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