Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 24 July 2006
Latest Update: Saturday, 30 July 2006 1:00 p.m.
Monday, 24
Hi took the pictures of Duncan and Malcolm relaxing one day last week
while Bob and I were in the kitchen shooting pictures for the book. Bob
took the one behind the baby gate Saturday morning while I was cleaning
house. I start by penning them up in the foyer until I get the den and
kitchen finished then move down the hall to start the back of the house
and work back forward towards Bob's office, the bathroom and foyer. I
move the guys into the den and put the baby gate between the table and
hearth. As you can tell they are not real happy about being penned up.
It makes it easier for me to clean when they are not underfoot.

I stopped at the gym on the way home. Now, I shall head out and mow
the lawn. With all this rain it is growing really fast. Since Bob needs
to shoot pictures tomorrow night I may as well get the mowing out of
the way.
Over the weekend I finished up the Robin Paige and started the next
Dana Stabenow. I had to find out what happened after the ending of her
previous book, Hunter's Moon.
In Midnight Come Again Stabenow
picks up the story six months later. Kate has gone into hiding to get
away from friends after everything that happened to her in the last
book. Jim, the state trooper, has gone undercover to nail some Russian
criminals and runs into Kate by accident.
Tuesday, 25
July 2006
Happy 84th Birthday Dad! As I mentioned on
last Sunday we took dad out for an early birthday celebration brunch. I
called this morning when I got to work to wish him a happy birthday. I
think Frances was going out to dinner with them.
I had to run by the phone store on the way home to pick up another 90
phone card. After dinner Bob and I started shooting pictures for the
next PC which will eventually become my new machine. Stephanie called
about 8 to see if I wanted to walk. I ask Bob if we could take a break
for the evening so I could walk.
When I got back we watched another episode of Wonderfalls while I
cooled down. Off to bed to read for awhile.
Wednesday, 26 July 2006
No update.
Thursday, 27
July 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
I picked up KFC on the way home. As soon as
we ate and walked the dogs we started shooting pictures again. We
worked until after 8pm when the little camera Bob was using for the
close ups all of sudden died. He tried changing the batteries but it
showed no signs of life. After taking a break he checked the camera
which had come back to life but we had not. We called it quits for the
evening to watch another Wonderfalls. I sat up reading until about
10:45 to finish the Kate Shugak. Another really good book with another
cliff hanger ending.
I worked through lunch today to leave at 4 for our Friends of the
Library meeting after which I made a stop at the grocery store. Bob was
too tired to shoot and I really did not feel like doing all that
standing, holding, and concentrating. Instead, I took the dogs out for
their after dinner walk then Stephanie and I did our usual 2 miler
around the neighborhood.
Friday, 28
July 2006
Oh what a day! Or should I say, oh what a
night! As you know we start Malcolm off in his crate when I go to bed
at night to read. It helps him to settle down better. Bob lets him out
when he comes back to bed to read. Last night he just would not settle
down even after Bob turned off his light. For two hours I listened to
him roam around, up and down the hall, etc. Finally, around 1am I got
up to see what was going on. He had gone potty in several places on the
den floor. I cleaned up the mess then let him out to make sure he was
finished. Back inside, I put him back in his crate to settle him back
down, letting him out about 30 minutes later because of his thrashing
around. Same thing, he roaming around, etc. We went out again. He went
again. Two hours later, same thing. When we came back in I gave him an
Imodium. Ten minutes later he finally went to sleep which was about
4:45. Needless to say I did not get much sleep. He also had another
accident between then and when I got up. Where was Bob? He slept
through the whole thing.
Then to top things off we had a very hectic morning at work. Bob called
mid-morning to tell me Duncan had swollen place on his elbow. Last
night while giving Malcolm a tummy rub I found a lump on his lower
tummy area near his right leg. I called the vet to see if they could
see us today and made an appointment for 4 pm. I took half an hour for
lunch to run to the bank and grab something for lunch then worked the
other half hour. I left at 3:30, picked up Bob and the dogs and took
off for the vets, which is just around the corner.
Malcolm is fine. We decided to schedule minor surgery after the book
deadline to have the lump removed plus take off a little growth behind
his right ear and have his teeth cleaned. The vet called the swelling
on Duncan's elbow something I cannot remember but he said he basically
leaves them alone. They are prime targets for bacteria if you start
poking around in them. He did tell me what to do if he bumps it and it
breaks open until I can get him back to the vet. Otherwise, we just
leave it alone.
We raced back home so I could I mow the lawn, AGAIN. Usually by this
time of year my grass is mostly brown and dead. With all this rain and
the summer fertilizer I put out it looks nice and green just like it
does in the spring. I have some bad areas in the back from the heavy
rains I need to fix this fall but front yard looks really nice. This
afternoon the forecast was 50% chance of thunderstorms so I wanted to
get it mowed before they moved in. We had a forecast heat index and
temperature today of 100 to 103 but I have no idea if we got that high.
They are finally tearing up our street to repave. It has needed
repaving for several years. Today they took up the top layer of
asphalt. I think Bob has a picture of the truck. They will be back to
pave sometime next week or the one after.
I started another Hamish Macbeth by M.C. Beaton last night. Nice, light
reading after a very hectic week. Thankfully Bob has called off
tonights PC building session. I am totally whacked after no sleep and a
long week.
Tomorrow morning I am up at 5:45 for a quick shower before taking off
to pick up Frances, Mom, and Dad. We are taking a day bus trip to
Asheville for a music and crafts festival. Back around 9pm. I'll tell
you all it about on Sunday.
Saturday, 29 July 2006
[Saturday] [Sunday]
No update.
Sunday, 30
July 2006
[Sunday] [Next
We had a great time at the Bele Chere Festival in
Asheville yesterday. When we arrived, around 11:00 it was sprinkling
rain. Armed with ponchos and umbrellas we took off undaunted toward the
main area of downtown. The festival booths and activities line both
sides of College street then branch off onto side streets. The main
street looked very much like a county fair concourse with food booths.
Other booths included local animal and human agencies,
telecommunications services, commercial vendors, and lots of arts and
Around 2pm after doing a lot of walking and looking we took a major
eating break at one of the restaurants to give mom and dad at least an
hour of sitting down time. We ate at an outside table enjoying a
nice lunch while watching all the people.
Once Al parked the motor coach out at the mall after letting us off, he
shuttled back downtown and joined us. He and Frances took off on their
own while I kept up with mom and dad. There was not really anywhere sit
out where the street events were taking place. Finally, about
mid-afternoon the rain went away, the sun came out, and the people
starting pouring in. It was getting really crowded by late afternoon.
It was a lot of fun. We got back home about 8:45. After I dropped
everyone back off at their houses I was home about 9:30.
No golf today. Being gone all day yesterday I had to stay home this
morning to get the house cleaning done and help Bob shoots the photos
for the gaming PC so we can finish it up today. I have the usual messy
desk to contend with and mail to catch up on.
Friday night we had one hell of a storm. I had gone to bed about 8:45
to read turning off the light around 9:30 since I got very little sleep
the night before. When Bob came back to bed I was sound asleep. The
thunder woke me up about 11:00. Bob said it had been thundering for
about an hour. The power blinked on and off a couple of times but never
did go off. The dogs and I finally went back to sleep sometime after
midnight. Around 2 am Malcolm had another potty run. By then it was
raining lightly. Needless to say it was another long night again with
me having to get up at 5:45.
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