Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 31 July 2006
Latest Update: Sunday 6, August 2006 3:20 p.m.
Monday, 31
end of another month. As usual time just flys by. Yesterday I was
checking the date on an e-mail from a friend that I thought was just a
couple of weeks ago. We had been trying to get together for lunch or
dinner. Turns out we exchanged e-mails as the end of June!
Hot, hot, hot. Yep, temperatures are back to the normal dog days of
summer with the first of August. Highs in the mid to upper 90's with
humidity making a combined total of up over the 100 degree mark. No
rain in sight until later this week.
Tonight I went to the gym straight from work. Stephanie is doing some
indoor painting which will preclude walking. Also, with the street tore
up it will make it hard for her to stroll the girls. But, it is way to
hot to walk anyway.
I finished the Hamish Macbeth at lunch today. Too hot to walk at lunch
dressed in long pants and nice shirt. Next up, another Anne Perry, Cardington Crescent.
Last night Bob recorded Inspector
Lewis, a follow up two hour drama to the Inspector Morse series.
Of course, John Thaw died in real life so they had to kill off his
character on the show. Lewis, his partner suffers not only the loss of
Morse but also his beloved wife. We are about half an hour or into the
movie before taking a break to feed and walk the dogs but it appears to
be as good as the Morse series. Perhaps they will do another one in the
Tuesday, 1
August 2006
Despite the heat index of around 100 I had to
mow the lawn when I came home. The heat did not bother me but the damn
yellow jacket that stung me on the top of the head sure did. I was
almost finished when I felt something in my hair. Thinking it was a bug
or some kind, something that fell out of the tree, or bird poop, I
reached up to knock it away. I guess when I smacked him he stung me.
Now tangled up in my sweaty hair, which as you know is short anyway, I
finally managed to pull his dead body out.
Of course I finished the yard. I had Bob look to make sure the stinger
was not still in my head. I took an antihistamine and put some ice on
it. It still stings like heck.
Work is busy as usual. Lots of projects plus gearing up for the year
2006 destruction. We are watching the last of the Ballykissangel
Wednesday, 2
August 2006
Let's see. Last night's post started
out...Despite the heat index of around 100 I had to mow the lawn.
Well, I repeated that activity night at my dad's house when I got
off from work. I had planned on going to the gym and the grocery store
so I had stuff in the car to change into.
My folks met me uptown for lunch today. We ate in the restaurant that
is in my building then I took them downstairs to meet my boss and
co-worker. Afterward, I walked with them back up to the parking deck.
Both my folks worked downtown a long time ago. It has been awhile since
they were down the 4th street, the main drag, to see all the changes
that are taking place. I pointed out things as we walked back up the
street, dropped them off at the parking deck, and walked on back to
While we were eating lunch I asked dad if he mowed on Sunday. He said
he had pulled his hamstring muscle again and couldn't mow. He asked our
neighbor, who has a riding mower, but he was not interested. While I
was mowing I got to thinking how dangerous it is getting for dad to be
mowing those hills. One fall would be all it would take for a disaster
to happen.
When I got home I called the neighbor down the street who has a mowing
business. He has aerated my yard a couple of times. He said he had an
opening if my dad was interested. I told him to go ahead and call him
to set up time for him to go over and meet dad and see the yard. I will
feel much better knowing someone else is doing the yard.
Thursday, 3 August 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday, 4 August 2006
On the way home last night I made the
usual stops at the library, pet store, and grocery store. After
another long day at work as well, I was too tired to put up a post last
night or to shoot pictures for the next system. The heat wave
continues. We had promised of cooler temperatures today but instead
they were back up into the high 90's again.
A small thunderstorm has erupted right over our house again. It started
while we were eating dinner. We quickly took the dogs out before it
started to rain. Tomorrow's highs are to be in the low 80's. If that
forecast holds true we are bound to get some pretty fierce storms
tonight with that drastic a drop in temperatures in 24 hours.
The bee sting on my head feels much better today. It was still
bothering me some yesterday. Oh well, I am very glad the weekend has
arrived. It has been hectic at work all week.
Saturday, 5
August 2006
[Saturday] [Sunday]
A busy Saturday as usual. We are in the
final push to get the book finished which means I need to be on call as
Bob needs me both today and tomorrow. I spend an hour or so this
morning tiding up the house, putting a weeks worth of stuff away, etc.
While I was working on that I had a load of my work pants and shirts
going in the laundry and the downstairs freezer defrosting.
We spend an hour or so shooting pictures until Bob ran out of room on
the card. I switched out my load of laundry to the dryer and put in a
load of sheets and rugs. The freezer was finished defrosting so I put
what little food was left back in and brought up some for the upstairs
stock. By defrosting often and with very little opening and closing of
the door I can get that job done quickly and with very little in the
way of mess. I put two plastic tubs in the bottom to catch the water
along with a long bath towel.
After another session of pictures I tackled the outside chores. After
mowing I edged the walk and swept up, weeded the front beds, and did
some general cleaning up. I had the dogs outside on the rope while I
did the cleaning up. Today dawned a cool 76 degrees. By 11 it was only
81 with low humidity and a very nice breeze. At one point it clouded up
like some rain might move in but they blew on past letting the sun come
back out. Right now, at 3:30 it is a comfortable 85 degrees. After the
little storm moved through last night we never did get any more rain
though I did hear thunder again about 10:30.
After I finished up in the yard I fixed a snack lunch and came back to
check my mail. After another round of pictures I did the vacuuming then
took my shower. We just finished up our third and last picture session
of the day.
With the hot weather last week and my busy schedule at night we ate
sandwiches every night. Tonight I am grilling steaks and chicken to go
along with peas and garlic bread. I plan on also cooking something for
dinner tomorrow night as well. One of the reason for defrosting the
freezer was to get ready for a new Southern Foods order which I placed
Thursday night. We are pretty much out of everything anyway.
Last night we watched the British version of Cracker. The USA producers
tried to duplicate the series with American actors and plot but after
Bob and I watched one episode back when it was on TV we quit. It was
horrible. However, the British version starring Robbie Coltrane of
Harry Potter movie fame, is much better. Afterwards I sat up reading
until I finished my Anne Perry. This was one of her best ones so far.
Guess that about wraps it up for today.
Sunday, 6
August 2006
[Sunday] [Next
Today was pretty much like yesterday. I did chores this
morning...cleaning bathrooms, ironing, etc in between shooting
pictures. This afternoon, between shoots I have been working at my desk
clearing it off, cleaning out my mail box, typing up the minutes from
the last Friends meeting, and doing some online stuff. We just finished
up the the shooting pictures for the second PC of the weekend and, I
think, the last one for the book.
Last night we watched the Barchester Chronicles
adapted from the books by Anthony Trollope by the BBC in 1982. An
excellent series with an excellent cast. What is interesting to us is
seeing a lot of British stars twenty years ago. Neither of us had seen
the series and I don't think I have read the books although I do have a
set somewhere. I think we have one disc of episodes to watch tonight.
It was supposed to be a lot cooler and less humid today but I was just
out with the dogs and it is not. 89 feels like 92. So far, a few clouds
off and on but no rain. With last weeks hot, dry weather I will have to
water the plants if we don't get some rain soon. I am guessing if we do
get any it will a downpour as opposed to just a nice steady rain. The
NASCAR race is actually on a station we get this afternoon.
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