Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 7 August 2006
Latest Update: Sunday, 13 August 2006 2:00
Monday, 7
hot, muggy's continue. I walked to the post office at lunch time and
about melted. The temperature was only 88 degrees but with the humidity
it was 96. Yuck! I stood on the corner for about five minutes across
the street from where they were demolishing one of the old downtown
buildings to make room for expensive condominiums. Those buildings they
are tearing down have stood empty for a long time with no interest for
developers as they are. When I was a little girl, before malls, we
shopped in all those stores they are now tearing down. Oh well.
I started another Kate Shugak last night, The Singing of the Dead. Stabenow
made this one rather interesting by linking a current crime with an
event that actually happened in Fairbanks in the early 1900's. Speaking
of Alaska. Susan
Butcher, four time winner of the Iditarod, died on Saturday. She
was born 24 days after I was in 1954.
This past weekend was "tax free" weekend here in North Carolina.
Consequently I stayed as far away from retail outlets as possible
choosing instead to run my errands tonight after work. I grabbed a
quick bite to eat on the way to the first stop making two more before
getting home by eight. Wal-Mart was crowded but not as bad as it would
have been had I gone over the weekend. Our state is not a tax free
state on home and clothing items like many states are.
Tuesday, 8 August 2006
No update.
Wednesday, 9
August 2006
You may have noticed an absence of walking
with Stephanie in my posts. Last week it was way too hot and humid to
even think of walking. Plus I was busy two nights mowing, store, etc.
I have missed walking. As anyone who does regular exercise will tell
you, the less you do the more tired it makes you. I am more tired
mentally than physically but I think the lack of walking and less
frequent trips to the gym have added to that factor. Between work and
book deadline Bob and I are stretching things to the absolute limit.
Thankfully the end is in sight.
I did make it to the gym last night but did not feel much like putting
up a post. Tonight I mowed. Stephanie and I are going to walk in about
ten minutes so I need to keep this short. The temperatures today are
low to mid 80's with some humidity but much better than last week.
Thursday, 10 August 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday, 11
August 2006
It has been a long and tiring week. I worked
through lunch yesterday to leave at 4 pm for Friends meeting then did
the usual grocery store run afterwards. By the time I got home, fixed
dinner, walked the dogs, and checked my mail it was already after 8. I
watered the flowers in the front yard after I walked the dogs. With the
hot, dry weather last week and this week things are starting to dry out
again. The hit and mis thunderstorms have missed us so far.
Although I usually have a list of things we need that are out of the
ordinary I do not write down the usual weekly items I purchase such as
milk, juice, Coke/Pepsi for Bob, etc. I was so tired last night I
forgot to buy juice, something I would never do ordinarily.
I did finished reading the Kate Shugak and started the latest Carolyn
Hart, Death on Demand mystery. In
Dead Days of Summer, Annie Laurance's husband Max gets kidnapped
at the very beginning of the book but the motive has left the readers
in the dark. To avoid all the media hype Annie has gone undercover to
look for him at the same time all her Broward's Rock Island friends
have organized search parties.
Today I worked through lunch again to leave early to get my car
inspected. I picked up a Domino's pizza on the way home for something
different. We are watching an old series Bob and I first saw about two
years after we were married back in the early 80's. The Irish R.M.
features one of our favorite actors, Peter Bowles. I highly recommend
this series if you like Irish music and comedy.
Saturday, 12
August 2006
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Much needed rest. Bob got up with the dogs at
7 to let me sleep in. I woke up around 8 and heard it raining then went
back to sleep. I finally got up at 9. Other than the usual house
cleaning chores I completed later in the morning I plan to take the day
off to rest and relax. I've had the dogs outside for a brief playtime.
The rain stopped around midday. We had close to half an inch of nice
soft soaking rain overnight and this morning. It is currently a cool 68
degrees with the high possibly making it to 74. Very nice change from
the hot, muggy 90's.
Sunday, 13
August 2006
[Sunday] [Next
Bob has
already posted the story of the day on his page. After sleeping in
until 7:30 I read the paper and did work Friends work on my computer. I
went down to the basement to flatten another load of cardboard to take
by the recycling dump on the way over to my folks house for lunch. Not
golf today. Dad pulled his hamstring muscle a week or so ago and it was
not well enough for his to play today.
I decided before I left to go over to their house I would go ahead and
pick up sticks and pull weeds in the backyard. As I bent over to pull
some weeds I must have stepped on the yellow jacket nest. Next thing I
knew they were swarming up my shorts and all over me. I was wearing a
pair of cut off sweat pants. Had I been wearing my spandex gyms shorts
they would have just gotten me on the legs and arms. They stung both
the insides of my thighs and and the back of my leg pretty good. I have
one good bite on the outside lower part of my thigh and one on my let
at the sock line. I think one got me on the other side of the head from
the one that stung me last week/
I ran yelling in the downstairs finished area pulling clothing off as I
ran. I stripped naked shacking bees out of my clothing as I dropped
them. Of course the ones not me followed the others into the basement
area. I came upstairs to put on a fresh set of clothing while Bob went
downstairs to spray the ones that got in the house. I walked over to
spray the area in the yard as well. We will wait until the sun goes
down and then go out and spray the hole. Bob says gas down the hole
will not do any good.
I had planned to come back home and trim the forsythia hedge and mow.
Now I will not be able to do either because several of the stings are
very large swollen welts. Plus, I don't want to be down in the back
area at all. I have been doing yard work since I as about 10 years old.
Other than an occasional sting I have never had this happen to me. I
think I got stung once a couple of years ago and now twice in one week.
Since I could not work in the yard I came back upstairs, took a shower,
and put fresh clothing. I started to go down the the inside basement
stairs to the garage and just froze. Bob had to go down and get the car
for me and drive it up around to the front of the house.
I have some more computer stuff to finish up. Paul and Mary are coming
over for dinner but we are doing take out pizza.
Last night I finished up the Carolyn Hart. Next up, another Hamish
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